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Sara Ford's Weblog

My adventures embracing open source on CodePlex and at Microsoft

Did you know... You can view an error's help documentation directly from the Error List? - #182

If you right-click on an error in the error list, you’ll see a context menu pop up with Show Error...

Author: saraford Date: 03/28/2008

Did you know... You can use Ctrl+Shift+F12 to view the next Error listed in the error list - #181

In the General Development Settings, the keyboard binding is Ctrl+Shift+F12, so your mileage may...

Author: saraford Date: 03/27/2008

Did you know... How to customize your Error List view? - #180

This was one of my least favorite designs in the VS environment.  When the Error List was split...

Author: saraford Date: 03/26/2008

Did you know… you can create keyboard shortcuts to navigate among the various Task List categories? (View.NextTask and View.PreviousTask) - #179

Visual Studio comes with two commands for navigating among the various things in the task...

Author: saraford Date: 03/25/2008

Did you know... You can create Shortcuts in your Task List - #178

This is another one of those features i didn’t know about until someone showed me.  You can...

Author: saraford Date: 03/24/2008

Did you know... You can show a full file path in the Task List? - #177

Today's tip only applies to Comments, as User Tasks are not saved with a file. This blog post has...

Author: saraford Date: 03/21/2008

Did you know... You can show Hack, Undone, and custom Tokens in the Task List? - #176

Todo’s are not the only thing you can display under "Comments" in the Task List.  If...

Author: saraford Date: 03/20/2008

Did you know... How to create and view Todo's in the Task List? - #175

Let’s focus now on the other aspect of the Task List – the Comments left in the code.  You need...

Author: saraford Date: 03/19/2008

Did you know... Sara turns 30 today, so I need another "Go Sara Go", and how to use /safemode? - #174

Yep, today is the Sara Birthday Edition v3.0. Sara’s First Tip She Ever Learned When i started on...

Author: saraford Date: 03/18/2008

Did you know... How to disable the prompt for deleting Task List User Tasks? - #173

So after yesterday’s tip, you’ve probably created a few tasks and deleted them, and noticed that...

Author: saraford Date: 03/17/2008

Sometimes, you just don't want to know how short you are

Marty, this blog post is for you.  =) I flew down to San Fran last night with Alan.  It...

Author: saraford Date: 03/14/2008

Did you know... You can assign a priority to your Task List User Tasks? - #172

Now that you’ve created a user task, you can now assign a priority.  I call this out as a...

Author: saraford Date: 03/14/2008

Did you know... You can use the Task List to create User Tasks that are separate from your code? - #171

Welcome to the Task List series! The Task List is for user tasks and todos, whereas the Error List...

Author: saraford Date: 03/13/2008

Did you know... You can Right-drag code to do a Move or a Copy? - #170

Today’s tip was submitted by a blog reader.  I had no clue that you could do this.  Select...

Author: saraford Date: 03/12/2008

Did you know... You can have VS automatically do a rename within the entire project when you do a file rename in Solution Explorer? - #169

Let’s say you create a new class file called Class1.  If you try to rename "Class1"...

Author: saraford Date: 03/11/2008

Two Talks at TechEd 2008: CodePlex and Visual Studio Tip of the Day

It’s funny that I’ve never actually given a formal talk at a conference before, and at this year’s...

Author: saraford Date: 03/10/2008

Did you know... How to stop the output window from showing itself during a build? - #168

At some point, you’ll experience that build window sliding out from its auto-hiding place during a...

Author: saraford Date: 03/10/2008

Did you know... How to stop the Toolbox from auto-populating with items found in the solution? - #167

Another co-authored tip with a tip of the day reader.  I admit i didn’t know how to do this...

Author: saraford Date: 03/07/2008

Did you know... How to hide or show the "Project location is not trusted" message box? - #166

When you attempt to open a project hosted on a UNC share (e.g. \server\folder) you’ll get the...

Author: saraford Date: 03/06/2008

今日のワンポイント : 便利なインクリメンタル検索 - #001

日本語のVisual Studio 2008 ワンポイントは、新しい場所からご利用いただけます。

Author: saraford Date: 03/06/2008

Did you know... How to pretend the configuration manager doesn't exist, besides closing your eyes and saying i don't see you? - #165

Yeah, that’s my attempt at humor for explaining "simplified build configurations." ...

Author: saraford Date: 03/05/2008

Did you know... How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog? - #164

Today’s tip was co-authored with a tip of the day reader.  The idea is you just want to press...

Author: saraford Date: 03/04/2008

Did you know... You can press Ctrl+/ to reach the Visual Studio command line? - #163

I had to do a little research to remember what this feature is called.  It’s the "command...

Author: saraford Date: 03/03/2008

Did you know... A lot of tips go back to Visual C++ 2.0? - #162

For leap year, we’re going to leap all the way back to Visual C++ 2.0. When I started collecting...

Author: saraford Date: 02/29/2008

Did you know... How to have the Solution Explorer always show (or not show) the file currently opened in the Editor? - #161

Since the default is to have the Track Active Item in Solution Explorer enabled in the General...

Author: saraford Date: 02/28/2008

Did you know... Visual Studio 2008 Supports multi-targeting of the .NET Framework? - #160

Since today is the launch, I had to pick something huge about Visual Studio 2008. Scott Guthrie has...

Author: saraford Date: 02/27/2008

Did you know... How to show or prevent the Error List from appearing after a failed build? - #159

In the General Development Settings, the Error List will be shown (whether it is auto-hiding or just...

Author: saraford Date: 02/26/2008

Did you know... You can create temp or "throw away" projects - #158

If you need to create small projects to try things out, or not sure how you want to setup things...

Author: saraford Date: 02/25/2008

Did you know... You can use Solution Folders to hide projects? - #157

In the solution explorer, you can group projects inside of solution folders to improve the...

Author: saraford Date: 02/22/2008

Did you know... How to hide or show the solution in solution explorer? - #156

Sometimes, you might find yourself in a state where the solution is not shown.  For example,...

Author: saraford Date: 02/21/2008

Matt, "my dev," on DotNetRocks!

Back in my power toy days, Matt Manela was a developer intern on our team, which you might remember...

Author: saraford Date: 02/20/2008

Did you know... You can toggle between small icons and large icons in the New Project Dialog? - #155

It is amazing how many times I’ve pulled up on the New Project Dialog in my lifetime and never...

Author: saraford Date: 02/20/2008

ANSWER: POP QUIZ: Why can you click beyond the text of a checkbox and still click the checkbox?

Thanks to all for playing the Pop Quiz.  I’ve approved all comments, so you can read through...

Author: saraford Date: 02/19/2008

Did you know... how to change the default new project location? - #154

In the new project dialog, you can change the default new project location. The option to do so...

Author: saraford Date: 02/19/2008

POP QUIZ: Why can you click beyond the text of a checkbox and still click the checkbox?

ust like last time we did a pop quiz, you can leave your answer as a comment, and i’ll approve all...

Author: saraford Date: 02/18/2008

Did you know... You can add a solution to a solution - #153

Today’s tip falls into the "you can do… what!?" category.  Open your primary solution...

Author: saraford Date: 02/18/2008

Did you know... the Solution Explorer supports type-ahead selection? - #152

I’ve been coming up with little songs to keep sane as I post a daily tip for Visual Studio. ...

Author: saraford Date: 02/15/2008

Did you know... Where Visual Studio saves auto-recovered files in the case of an unexpected shutdown? - #151

We used to tease the tester who owned testing this auto-recovery feature that every time there was a...

Author: saraford Date: 02/14/2008

Did you know... You can view numeric values in hexadecimal in your debug windows - #150

wow… 150 tips.  And just like the Energizer bunny, Tip of the Day keeps going and going and...

Author: saraford Date: 02/13/2008

Walking through the dojo door is the hardest part

That’s why our Sensei and many other high-ranking black belts said to me last night.  I torn my...

Author: saraford Date: 02/12/2008

Did you know... You can use the Watch Window to quickly change a variable's value - #149

And now for something a little different… Ever been debugging some code and wanted to quickly change...

Author: saraford Date: 02/12/2008

Did you know... You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output Window -#148

The output window has a drop down, as shown below, to move between various outputs views (or panes),...

Author: saraford Date: 02/11/2008

Did you know... How to use Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn toggle among all the tool windows in a tool window group? - #147

Whenever tools windows are "tabbed docked" together, they form a little group that you can...

Author: saraford Date: 02/08/2008

Did you know... You can use F6 to jump between split panes in the editor - #146

Hmm, interesting how I got myself onto a "F6" theme this week…  In what seriously...

Author: saraford Date: 02/07/2008

Did you know... You can use Alt+F6 and Alt+Shift+F6 to cycle through opened tool windows - #145

And in keeping with the theme of the week, if you don’t want the IDE Navigator to appear when you...

Author: saraford Date: 02/06/2008

South Mississippi Geek Dinner

Thanks to Keith Elder for doing the lion’s share of the work in putting together the Geek Dinner...

Author: saraford Date: 02/05/2008

Did you know... You can use Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+Shift+F6 to navigate among opened document windows? - #144

Happy Mardi Gras y’all from New Orleans!!  Laissez les bons temps rouler encore a Nouvelle...

Author: saraford Date: 02/05/2008

Did you know... You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor - #143

Yesterday’s tip re: closing a tool window via the keyboard made me triple-check my notes that I...

Author: saraford Date: 02/04/2008

Did you know... You can use Shift+ESC to close a tool window - #142

And as I’ve said time and time again on this blog, it’s really the simple things.  I keep...

Author: saraford Date: 02/01/2008

Did you know... You can use Alt+F7 and Shift+Alt+F7 to move to the next and previous opened tool windows - #141

The tool windows you open and visit are saved in a MRU (Most-Recently Used) list.  So, you can...

Author: saraford Date: 01/31/2008

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