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Fantastico: Blog editor con Infopath

veramente splendido! da migliorare un pelo l'interfaccia, ma se avete un server blog con .Text,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/19/2005

Maniera di pensare il Knowledge Management::online il draft v3

fossi in voi ci darei un occhio visto che poi, come al solito, la versione finale sarà una frazione...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/19/2005

Lotus Notes::Benchè questo video sia datato 2003…mi sembra ancora molto molto attuale

video fatto da HP e Microsoft nel 2003 per i clienti Lotus Notes ;-) enjoy it. ps: questo il mio...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/19/2005

Knowledge Box 2005 - Draft PPT - v 3!! new!! puoi esserci o non esserci. ma non puoi non esserci PPT DRAFT v 3 - Dal...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/18/2005

Executive Webcast::Il portale: nuovo paradigma per l’integrazione applicativa

Giovedì 17 novembre 2005, ore 16.30Speaker: Davide Colombo, Technology Advisor, Microsoft...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/15/2005

New Tool Delivers Instant Migration of Lotus Notes Documents into Microsoft SharePoint Lists


Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/12/2005

LiveMeeting enjoy J

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/09/2005

Visit more info and documents on

WWW.RoberDan.COM more news, more documents, more sample, more useful...and...our network ;-) bye,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/08/2005

Enterprise Windows SharePoint Services Deployments

The resources contained on this Web page are aimed to help you plan and deploy Microsoft Windows...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 11/03/2005

To read from Jakob Nielsen: Weblog usability: the top ten design mistakes

Summary: Weblogs are often too internally focused and ignore key usability issues, making it hard...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 10/22/2005

New Microsoft Collaboration Web Site

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 10/19/2005

Knowledge Box 2005 - Milano 23 Novembre 2005 - Social Enterprise Architecture in anteprima

mercoledì 23 novembre 2005 Segrate (MI)Knowledge Box - Autumn 2005 - MILANO Tecnologie, Esperienze e...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 10/18/2005

MBA Opportunities at Microsoft

"Before I get started I should point out that I am not an MBA and I don’t play one on TV. The...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/29/2005

My organizational model

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/29/2005

Business Scorecard Manager 2005

Seminar online

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/29/2005

Office System sp2 (include sps/wss)

Alcune novità introdotte dal service pack 2, in corsivo le segnalazioni per alcuni miei clienti....

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/28/2005

AAA...Cercasi specialista di soluzioni di collaborazione e portali su ROMA

AAA...Cercasi specialista di soluzioni di collaborazione e ROMA. Divertimento...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/27/2005

What do managers do and how big should my team be?

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.Butcher, in Shakespeare's King Henry VI The first...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/25/2005

Lotus Notes webcast & integration update

Lotus Notes non risponde più alle tue esigenze? Stai pensando a come far evolvere il tuo sistema di...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/25/2005

Solution Showcase for the Microsoft Office System

The Solution Showcase highlights how leading companies are solving critical business problems using...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/21/2005

Identity Management with Microsoft Identity Integration Server (also for Lotus Notes)

Have you ever developed a custom data feed that populates employee information in one of your...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/19/2005

Fatti Non Portali in progress

but you can have a look here: it's still...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/18/2005

Yet on Small World Networks

Everyone is familiar with the "small world" phenomena, in which every person on earth is connected...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/18/2005

Windows Workflow Foundation

Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) is an extensible programming model and runtime components for...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/17/2005

Using VB.NET and XML to Integrate with Lotus Notes

Abstract: .NET is about integration, Microsoft tells us. How does that actually pan out in the real...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/17/2005

Roberdan's blog new visual style!

pls enjoy the new max-based theme on ps:...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/15/2005


Thx to Romeo

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/13/2005

Microsys Cerca Ragazzi/Ragazze per nuovi progetti su SharePoint

Microsys, uno dei nostri migliori partner ( sta cercando persone già skillate su...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/13/2005

Corporate Performance Management: Outlook Soft and Microsoft

OutlookSoft Corporate Performance Management: A unified, Microsoft-based CPM solutionHundreds of...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/11/2005

Blogs: is it free or there is a cost?

Let me make a simple computation: typepad blog montly fee: 14.95 USD AudioBlog montly fee: 4,95 USD...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/11/2005

Senza computer il paziente muore - da Panorama

Mio suocero mi segnala che su Panorama ci sono tutta una serie di articoli che evidenziano l'ormai...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/11/2005

Social Enterprise Architecture

Goal: align future Peer2Peer networking models to business needs and goals, using an innovative...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/11/2005

Lotus Notes non risponde più alle tue esigenze? Stai pensando a come far evolvere il tuo sistema di posta elettronica?

Mercoledì 14 settembre 2005, ore 16.30 Speaker: Roberto D'Angelo, Senior Technology Advisor,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/10/2005

Ashes and Snow - the itinerant museum

Photo credit: artist Gregory Colbert

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/10/2005

Dissertazione sul Peer 2 Peer

seguendo l’attuale modello economico e mappandolo su un altro asse è fuor di dubbio che il Peer2Peer...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/06/2005

What IBM doesn't want IT to see in study saying Linux is cheaper than Windows

Thx to Vincos IBM, in conjunction with analyst firm Robert Frances Group (RFG), released a study...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/05/2005

Mi vien da fare una puntualizzazione sul Social Networking

ormai se ne parla; ormai ci sono un sacco di siti; ormai...bisogna fare delle puntualizzazioni. A me...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/01/2005

Romeo Pruno was in Copenhagen last week to attend the EGOV05 forum and to present University of...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/01/2005

Gartner's Hype Cycle on Corporate Blogging

Gartner ha rilasciato il 23 agosto scorso le sua analisi sul mondo del blog. Sicuramente una lettura...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 09/01/2005

NEW YORK (Reuters)—As Corporate America wades into the burgeoning world of Internet Weblogs,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/31/2005

Microsoft Acquires Teleo, Innovative VoIP Technology Company

Deal expected to augment Microsoft’s investments in voice over Internet protocol technology, opens...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/31/2005

Primo incontro il 27 Settembre 2005

il 27 Settembre 2005 ci sarà nella sede di Microsoft a Milano il primo incontro dedicato allo...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/31/2005 beta is going live

Slide is a free Windows application (Mac version coming soon!) for finding, playing, and instantly...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/29/2005

Social LEGOs

LEGO is starting a new program called LEGO Factory, in which LEGO fans are designing their own kits...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/29/2005

Start using Technorati

Technorati Profile

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/28/2005

My 2 post for today: front newspaper around the world and OneNote try-out link

Hi, here are my 2 links: Today's front page (personally I think it's a great idea)...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/27/2005

More Bad News For Lotus Notes

NEW YORK - The past few years have been rough for IBM’s Lotus Notes e-mail and collaboration...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/26/2005

Infopath viewer list

  1. InfoJet Service 2. .NETXPERT InfoScope 3....

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/25/2005

Sintery provide audit capabilities for sharepoint portal server

Need granular audit capabilities not provided by standard SharePoint logging Want to easily generate...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 08/25/2005

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