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My Comment Policy

Having had some time to browse a few of the other blogs on, I think it only appropriate to be clear and up-front about a few

The first is that this weblog is mine. If you click on the
"Home" link in the upper left-hand corner of this web page and scroll
all the way to the bottom, the last thing you'll see is "Copyright (c)
Rick Schaut". That means I’m responsible for the contents of this weblog.
General First Amendment issues simply don’t apply.

Since this is my blog space, I rule it. This isn’t a
democracy. It’s a pure, unabashed dictatorship. Fortunately, I’m mostly a
benevolent dictator.

Secondly, while the primary purpose of this weblog is to
provide a space where I can discuss topics I find interesting, I’m also
interested in fostering at least some dialog on these topics. So, I’ve enabled
comments. Nevertheless, there are some ground rules:

  1. Be nice. The shrill voice
    that passes for public discourse these days is, to my sensitive ears, far
    more offensive than the content. I believe it’s possible to say anything
    you want to say, including providing critical feedback, without being a
    jerk. Name-calling, personal attacks and obscenities aren’t necessary for
    well-reasoned public discourse.
  2. Stay on topic. Comments are
    not a forum by which you can express your opinions independent of the
    issues being discussed relative to a particular post. If you want a forum
    for expressing your own opinions, then start your own weblog.
  3. Be concise. Comments are not
    the place for lengthy treatises. If you want to respond to a number of
    points that I raise in a particular article or post, then the right thing
    to do is set up your own weblog, and compose a response with the
    appropriate links.
  4. Have fun. If reading my
    weblog leaves your blood boiling, if you don’t learn anything, if what I
    have to say doesn’t get you to think at all, then you should probably
    unsubscribe. Life is too short to not spend our time toward
    constructively positive ends.

Any comments that violate these rules are subject to
deletion. It almost goes without saying that sexist, racist and/or homophobic
remarks, indeed anything that smacks of any form of derision toward any class of
human being, violates at least rule 1 and quite likely rule 2 as well. Save us
both the time, and just don’t go there.

Individuals who consistently violate these rules may well
find themselves unable to post comments. If a particular post spawns a number
of comments that violate these rules, not only will the comments be deleted,
but I’ll also turn off comments with respect to that post.

Lastly, if managing comments gets to be too much work, I’ll
simply do the Dave Winer thing and disallow comments altogether. I’m hoping I
don’t have to be that drastic, but I do have more important things to do than
police other people’s behavior.




  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2004
    Rick, if you include your posts on the Weblogs@Asp.Net home page it's no longer your own private playground. You no longer own the copyright (unless you excplicitly include it in the post text). If you want to keep your blog entries your own just don't post them [on the home page].
  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2004

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2004
    actually = + non-ms bloggers, right? at least, that's what i got from the posts that were made around the time was made public.
  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2004
    I just checked, and, yes, if you type, you get to essentially the same home page. Going through either address, however, gives the same copyright notice. It would seem, then, that vs. is a non-issue where copyright questions are concerned. Have I missed something?
  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2004
    No, that's right, wasn't making a copyright statement :) Was only a reply to yours about where you post to.

    You have all right for a comment policy.

    It might be a good thing to put it on the sides of the blog in a Link, cos over time, this post will be waaaaay at the bottom.
  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2004
    David, thanks for the suggestion. I've implemented it as of my latest post.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Dear David,
    You are right, I have incorporated my Policy on Simiar Lines :)
  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2004
    used car!!