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Roger's Security Blog

As Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft EMEA - lets share interesting security information

Once More: Only the Easiest Way is the Secure Way

Well, my credo is well known in the meantime: We have to make it easy for users to work in a secure...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/12/2007

A Retrospect on my Trip to Kenya

I asked for feedback from you and got quite some. Some privately and some publically – thank you all...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/07/2007

Update on our Piracy Strategy - Important Changes to WGA

From time to time people ask me about piracy and security. Let's start with piracy first. If you...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/04/2007

Windows Vista is protecting the environment

When we launched Windows Vista, one of the features which was pointed out to me was power management...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/01/2007


I am in the position of the Chief Security Advisor in Europe, Middle East and Africa since February...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/30/2007

IE and Firefox vulnerabilities

I am still convinced that there is limited value in comparing vulnerabilities between different...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/30/2007

Hackers using Playstations to crack Passwords

A reader of my blog actually pointed me to that (thank you Shoaib) and asked me for a comment. Here...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/29/2007

Security Threats in 2008

Well, slowly the year is coming to an end – 10% to go J. This is the time where everybody is looking...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/26/2007

Teach a Man to Fish

I just read a pretty good article that goes definitely into the direction I am trying to work with...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/26/2007

Are you ready for your users of the (near) future?

Yankee Group Study Actually near future might be wrong: I am convinced that the future (with regards...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/20/2007

Want to check your Up- and Download-Speed

I just stumbled across a pretty cool website allowing you to measure your up- and download speed...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/15/2007

More than 490’000 Database Server unprotected on the Web

David Litchfield ran a scan on the Internet for the typical SQL Server and Oracle ports. It is...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/14/2007

Be Careful Whom You Trust

When I talk to customers I sometimes ask them, whether they do background checks on whom they hire...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/13/2007

TechEd-IT Forum: The Keynote and Announcements

I told you that I will keep you posted. We had some pretty exciting announcement at the keynote at...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/12/2007

IT Forum is about to begin

It is always fascinating to see an event of this size! I actually arrived in Barcelona yesterday...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/12/2007

A fun reading on social engineering

I recently talked at different events on social engineering or at least touched the theme. You might...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/09/2007

WabiSabiLabi and their view on ethics

I commented on that already twice and I stated that WabiSabiLabi seems to have a different view on...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/08/2007

Mary Jo Foley: It’s payback time: If the Vista team could write ad copy …

Well, well: You know that I never ever would bash a competitor and I will not do so now. However, I...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/06/2007

Fight against Terror and how it can be abused

I am not completely clear how much a lot of the measures we see (like the fluid restrictions on...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/06/2007

The next step at home: Windows Home Server

One of the big challenges we face all the time is how to control one of these growing networks at...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/06/2007

Social Engineering - Live

I just found a pretty interesting article on "social engineering". It is one of these articles...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/05/2007

Pricelist for Cybercriminals

Remember Economy of Cybercrime? I hope so! There I made the statement that Cybercrime has to pay...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/02/2007

SAFECode: Writing Secure Code – learning from each other

During RSA Europe an industry forum called SAFECode (Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/02/2007

Spotlight – The coolest online event platform

You know about Silverlight, don't you? We built a new Online Event platform on it. Sorry? You did...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/01/2007

The Complexity of the “Spyware Landscape”

A pretty interesting article on Spyware (and a lot of other "beasts"): The Increasing Complexity of...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/31/2007

Defend the Flag Workshop at Deepsec

There is a cool workshop at Deepsec in Vienna mid of November, which is called "Defend the Flag"....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/30/2007

Microsoft has the shortest Security Update Development cycle

Have you had a look at Symantec's latest Threat Report? It can be found here:...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/26/2007

Are you ready for Unified Communications?

Today, Bill Gates sent out a mail to roughly 300'000 subscribers of the Executive Mail. This time he...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/17/2007

Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation

There is an interview on MSNBC with Bill where the readers could actually send the questions. It is...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/11/2007

Windows Cardspace – the sleeping beauty

One of the problems I often see with some of our products is that they actually have some great...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/03/2007


Wow! Ever thought that you are a phishing-expert? Ever tried to train your users? Carnegie Mellon...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/02/2007

Critical Infrastructure Protection - Live

Department of Homeland Security did a simulation what could happen if a hacker gains access to...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/29/2007

CSI Report 2007 published

You surely know the CSI-FBI Security report. FBI now pulled off and CSI did the study themselves. If...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/26/2007

Security Progress at Microsoft (Interview with Scott)

I just stumbled across this interview with Scott Charney (Corporate Vice President Trustworthy...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/21/2007

How to explain a Botnet

Have you ever struggled with the need to explain what a Bot and a Botnet is? There you go. The...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/20/2007

No, not security but ultimately cool

Well, I was thinking about whether I actually can post about this – it has nothing to do with...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/19/2007

Attacks on your Reputation

There is definitely some risk in reputation-based systems: The Threat of Reputation-Based Attacks on...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/19/2007

How likely is “Cyberterrorism”?

If I am honest: I am probably the wrong one to answer this question. I am a security guy and not a...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/19/2007

Our WGA Outage

There was a lot of press and blog posts about our recent WGA outage. If you are interested in the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/29/2007

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