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Roger's Security Blog

As Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft EMEA - lets share interesting security information

Live from the TechEd EMEA Keynote

I did this already last year and will do it again just now: I am sitting in the keynote of TechEd...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/03/2008

Cyber Advice for the Next President

As we all know, next week the new President of the United States will be elected. Behind the scenes...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/02/2008

Hacker arrested for Video Giving Tips for ATM Skimmers

It will be interesting how you see it. When I blogged on Suspended Jail for Hacking Tutorial in...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/31/2008

Getting Ready for TechED EMEA

It is as so often, autumn is the time when all the big events are happening in EMEA. This week was...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/29/2008

H1 OS Desktop Vulnerability Report – Get It Now

You might know Jeff Jones' work on the different vulnerability reports comparing different products...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/27/2008

More Details on the MS08-067 Vulnerability

Our security team just published an excellent post with a lot more details on the vulnerability we...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/23/2008

MS08-067 Out of Band Released

This is just to inform you that we just released the announced out of band security update MS08-067....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/23/2008

Out of Band Security Update to be Released

I guess you have seen this already but wanted to make sure that we are reaching you: We are planning...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/23/2008

“Stacked against hacks” in World Finance

I recently had the pleasure to be part of an article in World Finance called Stacked against hacks...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/20/2008

Microsoft Security Assessment Tool v4.0 available

I already blogged a few times on MSAT (the Microsoft Security Assessment Tool). We just released a...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/17/2008

Two Important Changes Today to Our Bulletin Process

Today is the day! At Blackhat in August we announced two significant changes to our bulletin release...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/14/2008

Windows 7 is called Windows 7

Cool title, isn't it? And you really read this post? Well then: We announced yesterday at PDC that...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/14/2008

Deploying IPsec Server and Domain Isolation using Windows Server 2008 Group Policy

As you know (at least I hope that you do) we introduced Network Access Protection with Windows...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/14/2008

User Account Control and What We Learned

It is still something, people love to blog about: User Account Control. It is one of the most...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/12/2008

Network Access Protection Design Guide

If you are looking into deploying Network Access Protection, have a look at the recently published...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/10/2008

Challenging the 10 Immutable Laws of Security

You probably know them: The 10 Immutable Laws of Security, we published I think around 2000 and they...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/10/2008

SAFECode released „Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development”

SAFECode just released a new paper called Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/08/2008

Version 3 of Windows Common Criteria Documentation Available

This is completely new but end of September we published the version 3 of the documentation on the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/08/2008

Some Thoughts on UAC

I blogged several times already on UAC as this has been (and partly still is) a very disputed...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/06/2008

Why I do not like e-voting (part 3)

It goes on and on and on: Read this one Judge Suppresses Report on Voting Machine Security Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/05/2008

Armored truck robber uses Craigslist to make getaway

This is really clever (sounds like Hollywood but it seems to be real): In a move that could be right...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/05/2008

Why you should move to IPv6 – NOW!

Honestly, if you are not living in China it might not be that urgent but read yourself: China...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/26/2008

Information Accountability

I just read a pretty interesting paper; you should have a look at. The interesting thing is – from...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/24/2008

Suspended Jail for Hacking Tutorial in France

This is pretty remarkable from my point of view: In 2005 our Forensic team together with our...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/22/2008

Rent a Botnet on eBay (Part 2)

You might have seen my recent blogpost on the botnet on eBay. They have seen it (we briefly touched...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/12/2008

Renting a Botnet on eBay

It is getting better over time: Now you can rent a Botnet on eBay to increase your hitrate on...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/11/2008

Why I do not like e-Voting (Part 2)

As you might know, I blogged on e-Voting recently (Why I do not like e-Voting) and got quite some...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/09/2008

This is about processes: Google Chrome Vulnerable to Carpet Bombing

This is the kind of stuff I hate to see – definitely within Microsoft but to a similar extent within...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/03/2008

„Scareware“ on the Raise

We have regular ConfCalls with our security support to exchange trends and issues we see. During the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/31/2008

Servers still not patched

I just read an article this morning on Linux servers under the Phalanx gun: A problem with people,...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/29/2008

IE8 – a new Set of Privacy Features

As you (hopefully) know, the release of Internet Explorer 8 is coming closer. One thing we always...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/26/2008

Your PIN on the Internet

Yes, it is true: There is somebody who publically put known PINs on the Internet. I bet yours is...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/20/2008

Insights into Windows 7 Engineering

Are you interested to learn how Windows 7 (next version of Windows) is engineered? Are you willing...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/18/2008

Secure Development: More than „just“ code!

I just read an interesting post by Michael Howard (Security is bigger than finding and fixing bugs)....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/18/2008

The Global Network of Crime

We all know that crime is global and that they are doing their best to leverage the legal...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/13/2008

Announcing the Exploitability Index

At Blackhat we announced an important change to our Security Bulletins becoming effective during the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/06/2008

Security through Collaboration

If you ever heard me keynote an event you know that one of the key messages I have is, that...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/06/2008

Announcement of the MSRC Ecosystem Strategy Team Blog

Our teams around the Microsoft Security Response Center recently launched a new blog called MSRC...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/06/2008

Microsoft sponsors Privacy Enhancing Technology Awards

It is not really news anymore as it broke during my vacation. However, it is important from my point...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/05/2008

How to react on the DNS attacks

Yes, I am back. I was on vacation and therefore did not take the time to blog. Just briefly: IBM...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/05/2008

Some Thoughts on Today’s Bulletins

As always: It is the second Tuesday of the months and we released the Security Updates. However,...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/08/2008

Launching Office Subscription

Yes, I know: It is US-only at the moment but it might nevertheless pretty interesting for you: We...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/03/2008

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 – New Features

We announced yesterday some additional features in Internet Explorer 8, which will be part of Beta...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/03/2008

Videos of Bill’s Goodbye

In the meantime I think everybody knows that Bill Gates left Microsoft. It is not uncommon at...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/02/2008

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