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Live from PDC

photoWe were here late last night getting all the Surface units setup around the conference center and ensuring A/V stuff will be good for our session.  This morning, we skipped the keynote and took the time to do one last run through of the presentation - we're feeling really good about it and looking forward to sharing a bunch of new info/demos with people in just a couple hours from now.

The "Big Room" just opened and people are already pouring in to go through our 3 Hands on Labs, and pick up a card to participate in the "Scavenger Hunt" game which requries you to find and use all the tables around the conference center.  While doing that exploration, people are also taking time to play with all the demo apps our partners have brought in and the feedback so far is very positive.

Scott Hanselman came by last night to show us his "Baby Smash" game that he's ported to Surface.  We loaded this on to a bunch of demo machines as well.  I've overheard many people play with it and say how much their children would love it.  If you want to learn more about how it was built/ported, Scott said that he'll be covering this as part of his session later today:

TL49 Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies

Mon 10/27 | 5:15 PM-6:30 PM | 411

Presenter: Scott Hanselman

That's all for now! We're going to grab some lunch and get setup for our session. See you there!


-Robert (and Doug)