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My Vista RC1 experience: first week

As I noted previously, I moved our home desktop PCs to Vista. More accurately, to dual boot on two of three PCs - I am still holding off the migration of the kid's PC (lots of legacy games installed there), family laptops and Media Center (due to a known driver imcompatibility).

I found that my experience with Vista RC1 over the last week at home and at the office has mirrored a number of reviews I read last week, including...

Overall, I have found that many problems I ran into in builds at the office are gone, and stability is up dramatically. Seems that all of my peripherals work -- scanner, MFC printer, cameras. So far so good with the software I've installed, including Nero 7 Ultra Edition when installed from the CD.

One change I really like: User Account Control (UAC) is far less annoying and much more user friendly. In the past, it seemed that I had to deal with UAC and approve every move I made, and even worried me the first time I encountered it: I thought something had gone wrong with my power or that my video card wasn't Vista compatible. This is no longer the case. I can even turn off UAC when on the system as an administrator. Now, this will have to be documented clearly for consumer users (perhaps even set as a default). In a home setting with Vista Home Basic and perhaps even Premium (more details on the Windows Vista site), this would be more appropriate default, IMHO.

Next, I'll work more with Movie Maker (and authoring a DVD) and Media Center. So far my experience has been positive with MM, as covered on the Windows Vista team blog posting on Movie Maker and in Paul Thurrott's review of MM where he concluded that MM on Vista "is certainly a capable enough solution that can handle any home user's needs. This is an excellent tool that many Windows users should enjoy using."

Tags: Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows, Vista, Vista upgrade, Movie Maker.


  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2006
    What I do like in Vista (all the new features)

    What I don’t like in Vista:
    - Much slower than xp, the performance improvements are over beta 2, but it is still slow.
    - All the applications we build using windows forms and .net look so ugly, they just need to be rewritten.
    - Installing things like is so slow, installing some applications is very slow.
  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2006
    likewise, I'm moving most of my home machines bar my MCE machine to RC1. I've had some issues with my Sony PCGK215Z taking any Vista build so far (hangs on initial instal screens) but I'm going to give that a shot tonight. Totally agree on the diminishing impact of UAC. Next parents PC!
  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2006
    I was asked via email this week a couple of times for myopinion on whether consumers should upgrade their