How to stay connected, participate in, and follow all of the amazing Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 information
This week at Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 in Toronto, we will once again be sharing a virtual wealth of information with you, our valued Microsoft Partners from around the world through keynotes, sessions, social media, blog posts, press releases, and so much more. So how can you possibly keep on top of it and even join in on the conversations and excitement while at WPC16? Well, let me give you a few tips and pointers on making the most of your social WPC16 experience.
Stream the Vision Keynotes: We will be streaming the Vision Keynotes live online and you can WATCH THEM HERE
Twitter: There will be a LOT of information shared via Twitter at the conference, not only by Microsoft, but also by the Partners, so be sure to follow and participate in the Twitterverse through these channels:
- Follow these people/teams:
- @WPCUS – US WPC Team
- @MSPartner – Microsoft WW Partner Team
- @MSUSPartner – Microsoft US Partner Team
- @SatyaNadella – Satya Nadella
- @JudsonAlthoff – Judson Althoff
- @Gavriels1 – Gavriella Schuster
- @MSFTNews – Microsoft News
- @EricLigman – Yes, that’s me, and I will be sharing a lot with you, as always from WPC
- Speaking of sharing… Did you download your share of the Multi-Million FREE Microsoft eBook Giveaway I’m running?
- @DianeGo – Diane Golshan
- Follow and use these hashtags:
- #WPC16 – For WPC 16 info & topics
- #USATWPC – For US specific WPC topics
- #MSPartner – For all Microsoft Partners
- #MSUSPartner – For US Microsoft Partners
- #New2WPC - For topics pertaining to those new to WPC
WPC App:
- Download the WPC App from the links below:
Thank you again for being a reader of my Blog and I hope you found this information helpful.
Thank you and have a wonderful day,