Ok, so I lied (a bit)
Last week I posted that work was getting busy and the blog would likely go dark.
Well, that was a bit of a white lie. In fact, the blog went dark because the kids and I went east to attend a surprise birthday party for my Father's 70th birthday.
Unfortunately, since he sometimes reads my blog, I had to lie to keep the surprise :).
It was a lot of fun (if very short), most of the family was there, it was great seeing everyone again.
Anyway, sorry for that, I'm back now (and wading through the 400 email messages in my inbox). Hopefully I'll get out from under it and get more technical content out for tomorrow.
- Anonymous
October 05, 2004
My inexpert opinion suggests you have character encoding issues going on (posting UTF-8 when the server's expecting and is serving Windows-1252, or similar?) - Anonymous
October 05, 2004
@#$@$ Stupid newsgator/.text issue. I'll fix it asap, sorry about that.