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DrupalCamp Connecticut 2010

DrupalCamp CT

Thanks to Peter Dowling, Nancy Flowers-Mangs, Dr. Mark Friedman, and Tom Sullivan, the organizers of the first Drupal Camp Connecticut for putting on a fantastic event at Yale University.  This was my first significant interaction with the Drupal community, and it’s clear by the attendance (on one of the best days of the summer at that!) that it’s a thriving one.

I enjoyed getting to learn a bit more about Drupal via a few session as well as meeting some new folks from the New Haven area, New Jersey, Boston, and upstate New York.  And the bonus of course, is that I can now add “guest lecturer at Yale University” to my CV!!  For those who were there and didn’t get a chance to attend my Microsoft & Drupal, Are You Kidding? presentation, check it out below!