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Pizza and coffee

I love the CustomerThink web site which is full of customer-centric blogs, white papers, and news. Here is what greeted me in today's e-mail:

I'll never forget the meetings I attended when I worked for an East Coast company. It was 8 a.m. our time and everyone on the other end of the line was munching on pizza. On the Western end of teleconference, we would roll our eyes at each other over our coffees (no one ever shipped us doughnuts) and feel just that much more cut off from our colleagues. That, on a small scale, illustrates the disconnect a global organization can have when managers fail to appreciate employees, partners and customers outside of headquarters. Too often, writes guru Liz Roche in this week's lead article, companies focus only on making the software universal.

Guru Silvana Buljan turns her attention to the difference between CRM and key management in industrial B2B. And Mike Couture looks at how a Southeast Asian telecom company approached customer retention in a market with high penetration.

Gwynne Young
Managing Editor, CustomerThink

Sometimes it's the little things in life. Having been a manager on a number of teams at Microsoft (for over eight years) I can tell you that for every team, it's always something different that makes a team happy.
