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James O'Neill's blog

Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.

Sony rookit on 1/4 million PCs, MSRT removes a malware somewhere every 3 seconds and other statistics.

I've been reading a paper about the Malicious-Software Removal Tool (MSRT, and I hyphenate it to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/30/2006

Camera lens rules

Because my daughter has been on school holidays this week I have been spending time at home and...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/29/2006

Hello Scotland !

We had a very well attended roadshow event in Edinburgh earlier in the year, but the truth is we...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/27/2006

Good and not so good use of RSS.

Every morning my postman puts 3 or 4 catalogues through the door. My wife's late father had a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/26/2006

Taking a walk on the Virtual side

I mentioned in my last post that I'd been working on Videos for Virtual Tech-ed - they're calling...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/26/2006

Hello Girls !

I remember, four years or so ago commenting that a colleague had a new, and better hairstyle. She...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/26/2006

Apple's real problems shipping a virus

Apple have had to post the following on their website We recently discovered that a small number -...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/18/2006

Virtual PC 2007 - Beta available.

Last week I was talking to Andy Malone who has been running some great sessions for us up in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/17/2006

Why Vista was delayed ...

I've mentioned previously that I'm coveting the new Pentax K10D - sadly Pentax have pushed the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/16/2006

Follow up to my post on power outages

I had this from a friend a few moments ago: I thought it was priceless From: David {Details...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/13/2006

Reliability... I wish.

One thing that people who don't live in Britain find hard to understand is how we can have such...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/13/2006

Windows 2003 Datacenter with unlimited virtualization rights

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we were making Windows 2003 Datacenter server available outside of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/10/2006

Vista RC2 now on TechNet and MSDN subscriber sites.

If you have a subscription to MSDN or to Technet , you'll be pleased to know that RC2 was made...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/10/2006

IE 7 is coming. Are you ready ?

Back in July, we announced that that IE 7 for Windows XP will be pushed out using Windows update....

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/09/2006

Get Safe On-line

Steve is off working on Get Safe On-line this week. The BBC reports a government sponsored survey...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/09/2006

Virtualization event in Reading

I saw an event entitled Virtual Server: The Tip of the Iceberg appear on the list of forthcoming...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/09/2006

Vista Admin event in Manchester

Not everyone can make it to Microsoft's office in Reading for Technet events, so we're taking What's...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/09/2006

Vista RC-2 availability

We have put RC-2 on the Vista download site. It has not yet appeared on the MSDN and Technet member...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/08/2006

Tech-ed IT Forum: It's a sell out.

I remember the first time I saw the comedian Eddie Izzard perform live, he walked onto the stage in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/06/2006

Vista RC-2 heading into view

It looks like someone has been giving Paul Thurrott some internal emails again. We have the build...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/05/2006

On blogging

I'm was in more philosophical mood than normal this morning. I've heard Tom Reynolds on Radio 4...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/28/2006

Patch for IE 6 VML vulnerability

We have been getting some bad press over a bug which affects the Vector Markup Language in IE 5 and...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/27/2006

Compatibility includes how you work ...

One of the blogs that I've found a lot of people seem to be linking to is the "Shell blog". One of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/26/2006

On Compatibility

Pentax have just released a fantastic new DSLR. Before anyone jumps to the usual conclusions about...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/25/2006

Vista update. RC1 is so passé

There's a post "Interim Windows Vista Build 5728 Released Today" over on the Vista team blog. I've...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/23/2006

From the "Thank heavens for that" file. WE DO LISTEN about things you don't want to hear.

Before I went on holiday I wrote something for Technet newsletter saying that we planning to make...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/23/2006

Get Safe On-Line, Richard Hammond, and Paypal

We're getting ready to re-run the Get Safe Online campaign. I worked on it last year in my old role,...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/21/2006

The first rule of Politics. Microsoft and the EU

Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay know a fair bit about politics, which was how they came to write the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/20/2006

Phew ... I can come up for air now.

I have finally got my outlook unread messages down to zero. There are 1229 Messages in my deleted...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/18/2006

Windows Vista Step by step guides for IT professionals

I've been away with the Microsoft Dive Club for 10 days and boy do I have some catching up to do. We...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/16/2006

Vista RC-1 is ready ...

Go here. The information I had was that we built 5584 on Monday, which was intended to be the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/01/2006

On Communication...

We should be able to laugh at some stuff. I guess Microsoft suffers more than most organizations...

Author: James ONeill Date: 09/01/2006

Virtual server 2005 R2 SP1 Beta2 goes live - so does Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1.

I had a mail this morning which I think is worth sharing. And not to poke fun at the unwieldy names...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/31/2006

Builds of Vista. And all I can say (for now) about RC-1

Here is some Vista build information Build 5456 was the June CTP (community technology preview)...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/30/2006

Virtual PC round-up

Three bits of news that I should mention although if you monitor the Virtual PC home page, you'll...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/30/2006

Windows Marketplace now open ...

I found a reference to this on Ed Bott's blog according to what he say a couple of days ago the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/28/2006

DRM: is there a lesson in cricket's PR disaster ?

I think the world of the people I'm working with at the moment, and of my previous manager too. But...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/28/2006

Zune news. No FM transmitter (yet) it seems.

I'm going to stick my neck out and be (I think) the first Microsoft blogger to tell you where to get...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/26/2006

Blog spam

I've had enough. There are so many robot created spam posts to the comments to this blog - I've just...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/25/2006

Vista - we're getting closer and closer.

Around the office loads of people have been saying the pretty much same thing... and before the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/25/2006

In lieu of a cartoon of my own ...

I'm prone to "writer's block" -or as I call it the "tyranny of the blank sheet of paper". Starting a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/25/2006

Microsoft and open source. IE and Firefox

Here's Something I bet most people most people thought they'd never see. (Thanks to Information...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/22/2006

Putting Vista's index to work.

You can go straight to the blogcast if you don't want to read the text ... Last weekend I went with...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/22/2006

Feeling stupid Part II

I like the advice given by the conductor Sir Thomas Beacham about "Try everything once, except...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/21/2006

Would Apple sue Scoble's new company ?* . Don't Google for Podcasts. And other stuff from my weekend reading.

Before I was working for Microsoft, I read Douglas Coupland's book "Microserfs". I visited Redmond...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/20/2006

Feeling Stupid (part 1)

Two quotes for the day I am the final silenceThe last electrician alive And they called me the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/18/2006

Interview with the MD

There are days I jump in with both feet. One of those was the day that Gordon Frazer was announced...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/14/2006

X-box 360 and the "You tube of games"

Yes, the BBC got my attention with that headline too. Here's the official press release. This is the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/14/2006

Windows Live Writer

Several of my recent blog posts have been made with a new Microsoft tool. Writer is branded as part...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/14/2006

Vista Power plans - get exactly what you want

Back when beta 2 came out I read Scot Finnie's article on ComputerWorld "20 things you won't like...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/11/2006

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