Google stories ?
I blogged before about Google reading peoples documents, but one of my colleagues in the US shared this with the world this morning
From: Ryan Pollock []
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 11:30 AM
Subject: Please do not attend the Google @ Work seminarHello.
You previously registered for a Google @ Work seminar. Because you work for a competitor, we politely ask you not to attend. These seminars are intended for prospective customers.
Thank you.
Ryan Pollock
Product Marketing, Google Enterprise
(6xx) 2x3-xxx2
Now it throws up some interesting questions because there are very few customers out there who buy everything from one vendor. I've blogged about "Coopertition" before, and it's in our customers interests that we understand the other stuff in their environment. We just wouldn't ban a competitor from our sessions. When Melville worked here he was welcome at the Oracle user group, Steve goes to Linux events. This brought another story out of the woodwork
Subject: RE: Please do not attend the Google @ Work seminar
I had the same story almost a year ago I did some booth work at the European Open Source Convention in Brussels.
We had a booth with Port25 next to the Google booth. I was handing out a lot of t-shirts and I asked the google guys if they wanted one.
"We are not allowed to wear any t-shirts from a competitor" :) very amusing, I asked a google t-shirt just for fun :)
So share your stories of Google secrecy and control freakery, that's what comments are for.
January 01, 2003
Redhat provided every delegate to LUGRadioLive with either a track suit top or t-shirt hence many peopleAnonymous
January 01, 2003
I've managed to get a lot of my concerns about privacy down to a simple statement. "Databases of everything"Anonymous
January 01, 2003
I think it's ok for Google to ask me (a Microsoft employee) not to attend. This would be especially true if they are discussing a product or service that isn't public knowledge yet. I'm actually surprised more companies don't do this.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
James O'Neil shared a Microsofties experience of trying to attend one of their Google @ Work events .Anonymous
January 01, 2003
"...but not if you're a competitor!" An interesting e-mail discussion thread was generated early thisAnonymous
May 15, 2007
Keith, but surely these aren't NDA events. This seems a very narrow-minded view of the world.. and I'm guessing not Google's corporate view but rather that of a particular individual. Our biggest competitors often tend to be our biggest partners as well.Anonymous
May 15, 2007
I just attended one today, it was a fairly basic overview done by their Sales Director.. hard to see what a competitor could have found out ...Anonymous
May 16, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 27, 2007
The comment has been removed