Vista & Office Events
28 November 2006, Edinburgh: Windows Vista Security Titbits and Data Security
This security-focused TechNet event will have two distinct parts, the first covering security. Find out how to prevent attacks while still giving your organisation the agility it demands. Come along for an interactive afternoon.
31 January 2007, London: Windows Vista System Integrity Technologies
Historically, operating systems have lived in their own little bubbles of trust. Every part of an operating system assumed that every other part was exactly what it claimed to be and performed only what it claimed it could do. Recent attacks, though, have shown that such implicit trust is no longer suitable for computers that connect to hostile environments. In this session, Steve Lamb introduces the security features in Windows Vista and shows how they help to prevent these environments taking over your computer.
29 November 2006, Reading: Groove 2007 - A Technical Overview
Have you heard of Groove? It's a new tool in the Microsoft Office 2007 suite that enables teams to work together dynamically and effectively using collaborative workspaces - anywhere, any time, with anyone. That's Groove! Come along and find out how it can work for you.