Troubleshooting Favicons in IE7
I posted a short FAQ on troubleshooting Favicons in IE7 on my blog. The post has been fairly popular since the initial posting, and these questions come up a lot, so we thought we’d bring it to the attention of the larger IE community. If you have further questions, I will be happy to answer them.
–Jeff Davis, SDE
March 06, 2007
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March 06, 2007
So, thats all great, but what about the bugs with favicons in IE7? 1.) GIF transparency issues when viewed in IE7 in a Remote Desktop or VMWare viewer. 2.) Constant flickering/reloading when mousing over anything on a page that has Javascript functions event handlers! (Not a reload of the page, or DOM... just a CSS change) 3.) Icon gets stretched (vertically distorted) in the properties dialog for a Bookmark when you change tabs (in the properties dialog) Just to name a few.Anonymous
March 06, 2007
I have to problems/questions, and I don't know who to direct them to. First, some of my rss feeds keep finding "new" items that are actually very old, and have been shown before. I'd like to have a way to clear them out, if possible, short of deleting and importing. Is this possible? Second, I can't sort my feeds. I know you're supposed to be able to, and I can drag them, but they go back to their alphabetical position once I drop them. I know I could probably hook into the RSS APIs via .NET and maybe do some of this myself, but I'm hoping it's in IE somewhere, and I just haven't found it. Thanks!Anonymous
March 06, 2007
this ie7 always hang during browsing. why this things happen. always.Anonymous
March 06, 2007
- I'm not certain I understand. We only support .ico's. If you have an example page, I would take a look.
- I'm not aware of this issue either, but I'll take a look if you point me at a page where the issue is reproducable.
- This is a known issue. Most favicons are 16x16, but properties pages and other parts of the shell like to show things at 32x32 (or larger). Hopefully we'll see bug fixes in some future version.
March 06, 2007
Question about Zone setting. Is there some kind of bug adding websites ending with in the trusted zone? I can add a website but it is not recognized, i.e., the green tick at the bottom of the page does appear. However when I add a website that ends with .com, like, it works just fine. Example: I tried adding the url, It worked! Green tick and everything else works. Then i tried to add, the url appears at the list of trusted sites in Internet Options, but the green tick at the bottom of the window doesn't appear and the javascript, activex, etc, doens't work. Thanks!Anonymous
March 06, 2007
I have one icon that is missing. IE 7 installed with Windows Update after rebooting the system the IE Icon on top of my start page is gone. The shortcut is still ther but there is no icon......Anonymous
March 07, 2007
@Jaihan You've installed a bad add-on such as google toolbar. Use this cleaner: Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> Reset buttonAnonymous
March 07, 2007
Hey folks, Not an issue with icons per se, but do graphics count?! .PNG graphics (only) simply do not show up-all I get is the infamous red "x" where the graphic is supposed to be. Yes, yes, I tried ad nauseum, but no joy. There is but one page that even tries to address the matter, but as I said, no luck. Anyone else having problems? RegardsAnonymous
March 07, 2007
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with the look of the Fonts when upgraded to IE 7? I have had 3 times now that when I upgraded to IE7 some of the fonts became kind of irridecent and I had to go back to IE 6 to get the font back where it belonged. This often affected my e-mails also.Anonymous
March 07, 2007
LOL, cancel my .png issue. I just installed XP64 SP2 Beta and IE7 is happy all of a sudden again ;) My apologies for stepping on the thread.Anonymous
March 08, 2007
Now that I have IE7, When I open into the web, I always get the small screen. I stretch it to the larger screen, then close, but it comes back small screen. I can get the full view screen and close it as full screen, but it also comes back as small screen. Is there an option that I am missing?Anonymous
March 08, 2007
@ jeffdav I think I have a repro of jack's #2 on our community site at Just mouse over the toolbar buttons and watch the icon in IE's tab. EricAnonymous
March 08, 2007
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March 09, 2007
Eric den Doop: I see the behavior, but I do not believe this is a bug in IE. I wasn't able to untangle the jscript on that site, but I suspect the page is doing something on the mouseOver event that causes IE to think it needs to show the loading icon. Perhaps an XMLHttpRequest? I wasn't able to see anything with Fiddler, but there is nothing in IE's favicon code that would cause this to happen.Anonymous
March 09, 2007
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March 09, 2007
@jeffdav Re: #3, nope, the issue is in the dialog. 16x16 scales to 32x32 just fine. Try this: 1.) Bookmark this blog. 2.) Open the properties dialog, for the Bookmark. 3.) Toggle back and forth between the General and Web Document Tabs. 4.) Notice how on the Web Document tab, the icon gets stretched vertically.Anonymous
March 09, 2007
@Mary Jo Dey Turn off the Clear Type setting. This is what causes the "rainbow" text you are refering to. Still can't believe IE7 shipped with this on by default.Anonymous
March 09, 2007
I love favicons but sadly I don't think IE7 (and IE6 when I was using that version) doesn't hanlde them well. I'd said after a week or so, IE7 stops displaying the favicons on sites or in the Address Bar drop-down menu and all I get is the generic IE7 icon.Anonymous
March 09, 2007
@jeffdav No, the flashing icon has nothing to do with an XMLHttpRequest. you can see this behavior on lots of sites, that are not making a server request.Anonymous
March 10, 2007
@Mary: See for help on your font issue.Anonymous
March 10, 2007
I have one icon that is missing. IE 7 installed with Windows Update after rebooting the system the IE Icon on top of my start page is gone. The shortcut is still ther but there is no iconAnonymous
March 11, 2007
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March 12, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 12, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 12, 2007
@Frank It is nice to receive the verdict, that I am not sane via this blog, and from somebody, who has never gotten to know me in person to boot. Yes, I like Clear Type, and from now on, I will humbly live on, knowing that I am insane. Still, I wont turn Clear Type off, just to redeem myself in your eyes, and to embrace the brotherhood of sane people like you and yourslike. I will continue to thank MS for this technology, that makes for better reading on MY monitors. One more thing I will continue to do: I will continue to live, knowing, that I have NOT called somebody insane, just because he or she was of a different opinion than myself. Cheers HarryAnonymous
March 12, 2007
@Monica: You shouldn't need to put a site in the trusted zone to enable script, unless you've set your security settings that way to start with. The reason that you see "Unknown zone (mixed)" rather than "Trusted" when you visit that page is that there are frames from other domains that are not on your trusted list, so the overall security zone of the page is "mixed" rather than "trusted".Anonymous
March 12, 2007
@EricLaw: Sorry, didn't made myself clear. Sorry for my poor English too. I don't see the "mixed zone" I see "Internet" and the red circle (privacy). The url's tested doesn't have frames. All domains put in the trusted zone used to work fine with IE6 (green tick appears at the bottom). The problem occurs only after upgrade to IE7. The reason I need to configure it this way, is because, only websites added to trusted zones should be able to use scripts, java, activex, etc. I need to restrict it. Is there a way for me to edit Windows registry and fix it? Talked to some friends and they have the same problem. Domains ended with aren't recognized as trusted. Thank you! System info: Windows XP Home SP2, IE7. All updates installed.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
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March 13, 2007
Has there been any word regarding the extension contest that ended in the middle of February? It's been almost a month and I haven't seen anything posted on the contest page or the IEBlog. Mix '07 is coming up soon and one of the prizes was attending. ThanksAnonymous
March 13, 2007
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March 13, 2007
@Steve_web :- Cleartype is good. Cleartype is cool. I like it and so does everyone else I've shown it to. It makes fonts so much more readable, on a variety of LCD and CRTs. Deal with it.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar does not run on Windows Vista x64. It installs and shows an icon on IE toolbar, but clicking on this icon has no effect.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
@steve_web Guess you are right, that for some ClearType is NOT the cool feature I believe it to be. As Frank has shown us, its easy to switch off, and as for the matter of the default setting, in the end, I believe its a matter of personal taste and the matter of the type of monitor you use. There is only yes or no, and maybe, had the one person, that finally made the decision used another monitor, the decision might have been different. Possibly you would read a different set of complaints in this blog now, asking why it has to be turned ON, and is not the default setting. But that is beside the point I was trying to make, as is the fact, that I am also frustrated, that the feedback site is down. I was trying to make the point, that we should approach each other with a certain amount of respect, even if we dont agree on certain issues. I am not really sure, if I expected a reply from Frank, rephrasing his grief. But I think that the respect for people of different opinions should stop the use of words, that imply, that such are not sane. I further belive, that this blog would not only be much more readable, but it would also be taken more seriously by those, who should take it serious. Thus we might succed in areas, where commenters might not be taken for full because of their language. But maybe I am just a hopeless dreamer. HarryAnonymous
March 13, 2007
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March 13, 2007
March 13, 2007
The reason I need to configure it this way, is because, only websites added to trusted zones should be able to use scripts, java, activex, etc. I need to restrict it.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
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March 13, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 13, 2007
Hello, could anyone check if we've done this right at ? Since some of our Webprograms still not run on IE7, we're not going to change... Thanks for testing, MarkusAnonymous
March 14, 2007
@EricLaw regarding cleartype Yes, I ran the "configuration wizard", but each step was choosing between bad, and worse. I'm kind of curious though, since there are (and I am truly surprised by this) people that seem to like cleartype... I've got a few questions. On my screens/monitors, I can make out details down to the pixel from my view. This includes reading a monitor at 1600x1200. As a designer, it is important, and it helps me spot the slightest of errors. As a result, for me (personally), the rainbow effect that cleartype causes, drives me batty, because I can most definately see it. So, here's the questions: 1.) Who can clearly see the "stray" pixel fragments with clear type on? (e.g. beside what should be black text, on a white screen, can you see the red of a pixel to one side of black, and blue on the other? 2.) To those that see this, does it look to you (as it does to me) as if you are reading with those red/blue "3D" glasses on? 3.) To those that "like" cleartype, and have it turned on, do you have it turned on in Windows also? (e.g. I think there are a lot of people that have it turned on globally, and aren't aware of what the difference is) It is sort of like before your first pair of glasses... you think you are seeing fine, until.. Woah! I was missing all this? Thanks, steveAnonymous
March 14, 2007
Markus: Your favicon appears correctly for me in IE7.Anonymous
March 14, 2007
@steve_web I am one of those who actually love cleartype. At least this is the case for my monitor configuration (1600x1200). Within reading distance I do not see the red and blue dots any more and I have the subjective feeling that the text looks better and is easier to read. @IE team Thank you for bringing cleartype to IE and letting the user choose whether to use it or not.Anonymous
March 15, 2007
A discussion on Fonts for the Web, that again confirms the "Clear Type" == "Blurry Type" issue. marcAnonymous
March 15, 2007
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March 16, 2007
"the interweb"? Talk about credibility going out the window! It was just refreshing to see someone talking about the technical problems with ClearType. Vs. I hate, you like, I like, you hate, whose right? Microsoft thought it would be helpful, if javascript: based urls were blocked on a blank page in IE7. Just because Microsoft did it, doesn't mean that it is a good thing. Anyone want to discuss the number of versions of Vista? "Home" and "Professional" would have sufficed, but instead there is.. never mind, don't get me started.Anonymous
March 16, 2007
Jack: You're right. I see it now in the property sheet. This is a small bug in the dialog resource template. I'll see if we can't get that fixed in the next release. Rick: Okay. Whatever is causing it is something in the script that gets executed on mouseover that makes IE think it needs to display it's "loading..." animation. If it could be narrowed down, perhaps by commenting out different portions of the mouseover behavior, we could figure out if it is a bug or by design.Anonymous
March 20, 2007
I got IE7 when it first came out and ever since then when I use a desktop shortcut a blank IE6 window pops up and I have to end this task through task manager this is so annoying how can I get this to stop. Thank, Darlene