Transcript for IE Expert Zone Chat
The transcript from the May 11th chat is now available online. The Chat was fun as usual and we had a blast. People seemed very excited with IE7 Beta 2 and were curious about what to expect in Beta 3.
You can find out when the next chat will be at . We typically hold the IE chats on the second Thursday of every month.
May 17, 2006
IE 7 is awesome.
Is there a way to make folders for my feeds after I subscribe to them? Kind of like how I can do with my favorites.Anonymous
May 17, 2006
Hi, I am having some issues with the beta 2 version. I am experiencing problems with my school's remote access e-mail (It is run with Microsoft Outlook Web Access). Whenever I am logged in and want to open a message window, the message window freezes up and after a few minutes says that an error occurred. I was wondering what the problem was. Also, whenever I am on, there are lots of layout issues. Lists start going diagonally and links don't match up with the pictures. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks!Anonymous
May 17, 2006
Uche (Expert):
Q: I might have deleted my browsing history. but how do I get them back ?
A: well if u visit the sites you went to then they will come back.
LOL! :)Anonymous
May 17, 2006
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May 17, 2006
The promised blog entry about CSS 2.1 and the "correct" parsing of rgb() elements is located here:
I didn't actually get to it until the next morning.Anonymous
May 17, 2006
this might be unrelated but still...i hate the new menu and address location in ie7.
And classic look isn't classic at all.It just moves the menus to where they were supposed to be but the address bar is still on top.
Which is just way evil because it's not as accessible as it used to be when u're clicking on page links...
the tab selection look needs a lot more work(right now it just screams out BETA BETA BETA).
So i hope there's going to be a choise to put the menus and the address bar to where it was in ie6(here u can't even drag them up and down anymore).
That's it...crying over =)Anonymous
May 17, 2006
>Is there a way to make folders for my feeds after I subscribe to them? Kind of like how I can do with my favorites.
Yes, folders can be created by right-clicking on a feed and selecting "Create New Folder". The "New Folder" can then be renamed and then feeds can be dragged into it.Anonymous
May 17, 2006
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May 17, 2006
Ok... Sorry I missed the chat! I do have one question though... I'd like to know why after installing IE 7 Beta 2 i can no longer access my hotmail account from Outlook, yet if I uninstall IE 7, Hotmail access is restored? From what I gather abot all the new security built into IE 7, is this telling me that the login process for hotmail is not secure? What else could it be? And will it be corrected anytime soon? OK... don't have a cow! It was more than one question, but you know how it goes.....Anonymous
May 17, 2006
@Serious Sam
Got a few examples of the slow scrolling pages in IE7 that do scroll fine in IE6 ?
Also someone have an example of extremly large pictures that gave performance troubles in IE6 whilst other browsers just rendered the visible part en showed that visible part fine.
I also would like a bit more consistency in the opening of dialog screens (like options).Anonymous
May 17, 2006
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May 17, 2006
IE team, I really wish someone would come out and tell me why pngs dont support alpha in IE6. I, like everyone else, have a million critisisms regarding IE, but this one just feels so ... blatantly achievable that I dont know why you havent done it. I feel like you are trying to make things difficult for a reason.
PNG specification for use in internet browsers has been around since 1996. IE has taken a lot of heat for not supporting PNGs .
So why I ask havent you just tossed an intern at a terminal, said "make pngs render right" and released an update to the world. Could it really take more than 5 hours to get working?
Seriously- it boggles my mind. I dont understand any advantage to not doing it, except to promote IE7.
Code it. Get it done. Release it. You would make a lot of people happy. Please just spend 5 less minutes eChatting and do something logical.
And I know this comment will be deleted post haste- but boy would I love it if someone would just come out and give me an excuse.Anonymous
May 17, 2006
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May 17, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 17, 2006
Sorry, I've just got one last point to my previous post. I have a laptop, so when I say scrolling, I tend to use that funny touch sensitive thingy, which allows for continuous scrolling down the page. Not sure if that changes anything, but may as well mention it, just in case it does.
May 18, 2006
If I install Windows Media Player 11 Beta will it affect the performance or features of Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2? I just want to know so that I know that my computer will be fine after installing WMP11.
I will be waiting for a reply:)Anonymous
May 18, 2006
@Serious Sam, I have a relatively fast PC and I can see a marginal difference between Firefox's speed and IE7's speed when scrolling that page.
When you scroll quickly using the mouse on the scrollbar, IE7's scrollbar handle lags behind the cursor, and the text on the page looks like it's trying to redraw as fast as it can but can't quite keep up. The effect is not at all painful, but there's definetly slower performance.
Firefox scrolls with absolutely no noticable slow down.
@Jean-Michel Rolland, I haven't noticed any troubles between the two programs.Anonymous
May 18, 2006
I have a question.
The IE Team constantly uses the statement "unfortunately we won't be able to fix so-and-so in this version...", there's a lot of known bugs and performance issues that won't be fixed in IE7 final.
Do you, IE Team, really think it's worthwile to release a clearly unfinished browser, only to release another version for the sole purpose of finishing off this version?
We're going to have at least three popular versions of the same browser floating around (6, 7 and 8), and each one will have wildly different CSS support. In my opinion this will inevitably creat web-chaos and we'll be back to javascript detection and workarounds etc, I don't like where the future of IE is headed.
If only IE7 could be delayed for another 6 or 12 months to get CSS support up to an acceptable level...Anonymous
May 18, 2006
"If only IE7 could be delayed for another 6 or 12 months to get CSS support up to an acceptable level"
You are wrong. Tell me when was IE6 released? You think they didn't have enough time?
They were just sleeping allthe time.
I think that IE7 should be released to the public as soon as possible. Because while MS is not listening to testers' feedback (unlike Office 2007 team), it will listen to CUSTOMERS' feedback (as if beta-testers weren't customers...).Anonymous
May 18, 2006
@ Ron
"What if" they changed their behavior and put out another feature update in two quarters?
They would likely focus on fixing issues and not introduce more features which potentially will have more new bugs... and thus keep replying the way they have.
If this is the case, then likely lots of pressure would be avoided (from us) to get this absolutely perfect.
If we're lucky, that's what they'll do. Any Microsoft IE PM want to touch on this?Anonymous
May 18, 2006
"Q: I've noticed that toolbars don't always play nice with IE7 (location changes or become hidden when opening new tabs or browser windows). How's this being addressed?
A: If you encounter any toolbars that behave in strange ways like this in a reproducible fashion, please tell us! Go to our connect site and file the bug..."
This is amusing since I logged a bug regarding a toolbar that I am developing (regarding IInputObject oddities) and the official response was:
"We recommend users to utilize IE7 without installing any toolbars to get the best performance from IE7. This tutorial you are following might not have been updated for IE7.
Filiz Kurban"
Is there a better developer support channel for things like this?Anonymous
May 18, 2006
After I use IE7, I can not update my photo in msn spaces. How come?Anonymous
May 18, 2006
If Microsoft is so committed to users being able to secure their browser, how come IE doesnt remember whether I dont want to run Active X on a particular site. When I set IE to "prompt" .. it always prompts on pages even pages that I wish to trust (there is no way to set it to remember that a site or page is OK).
This encourages people to a) always click "Yes" or b) disable prompting so that when they visit a malicious or suspicious URL they can get caught to a vulnerability.Anonymous
May 18, 2006
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May 18, 2006
Does Microsoft have any plans to distribute the ClearType fonts (Calibri etc) with IE7? This would be a great boon to web developers wanting to take advantage of them now!Anonymous
May 18, 2006
@Cory: At the moment, I don't think IE will be redistributing any additional fonts. I'll ask and get back to you if I'm mistaken.Anonymous
May 18, 2006
Page scrolling is very slow to impossible at "big" pages.
Try for instance
ALT-a used to bring up the Favorites menu. Now it brings up the history sidebar. Goes against all logic.
Accesskey-support is overruled by shortcuts. When I've got an element on a page with accesskey="a", ALT-a should give focus to that element. Instead, it brings up the history sidebar (see above)Anonymous
May 19, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 19, 2006
Requesting a new OPEN blog post.
Subject: "What features/functionality currently missing in the latest IE7 Beta are you most concerned/interested in?"
This blog is the main forum where we get to discuss development issues with IE7, yet most of the technical questions do not get answered.
Additionally, the Feedback site set up (much kudos btw), is helpful for sure, and finally allows us to declare the bugs to the IE team, and track their progress, is good, but...
...There seems to be very little activity in terms of a.) recognizing and validating bugs, b.) providing a target build/version for the fix. c.) providing meaningful feedback as to why said bug will take a while, or will not be fixed ATM. d.) actually fixing the bugs!
I'll digress on the horrible search, paging, lack of user preferences (e.g. I want to view more than 4 bugs in my watch list at a time!!!!), and lack of bug linking (e.g. this bug, is related/dependant on bug:#12345.
Otherwise, keep up the good work. Remember, we would much rather wait till 2007 for a good version of IE7, than release it as it currently stands... there is lots of work to do!
May 19, 2006
Try this one:
After you accept to display non secure content... it displays nothingAnonymous
May 20, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 20, 2006
@Steve: I answer pretty much every technical question I've seen on IEBlog. What questions do you have?
As for the schedule: IE has a LOT of users, and the vast majority of the feedback we've received to date is very positive.
I'm intimately familiar with the bugs in IE6, and I want to see the major improvements done for IE7 widely available ASAP.
1> We're working on the scrolling performance issues.
2> Actually ALT+A brings up the Favorites center, which may be on the History tab if that's the function you've used most recently. You can hit Alt, A to get to the classic menu.
3> While I disagree (I don't think a page should be able to override browser chrome shortcuts; e.g. Wikipedia steals ALT+F) I believe we're considering a change to revert to past behavior here.
@Hector: I'll look into
Thanks, all!Anonymous
May 20, 2006
How about JPEG 2000 support for IE 7 (off topic but even better: Windows Vista)
I like what's it doing to my monsterous photo album and I'd like to use JPG 2000 on the web too.Anonymous
May 21, 2006
Thanks for your remarks, EricLaw. I'm particularly happy with the Alt, A-tip to get quick access to the classic menu, so I can access my recent CTRL-D-bookmarks immediately with the "arrow up" key.
I understand your comment about accesskeys. I do hope you'll revert to the old behaviour though. I'd have a hard time explaining my clients that some accesskeys in their CMS still work but others don't :)Anonymous
May 21, 2006
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May 21, 2006
@Hector: The problem with that site is related to CSS; it doesn't have anything to do with the blocked SSL content. Visit: to see what I mean. I've asked our compatibility folks to let them know. Thanks!
@Tony: IE7 on XP does not ship networking updates below WinINET (which sits on top of Winsock). On Vista, there are a number of architectural changes to the network stack to improve robustness.
I'm afraid I have no idea why Vista won't boot off an external device; you'll have to ask in a Vista-specific forum.Anonymous
May 21, 2006
Hey guys, got another link for you here: Was just wondering if there was any chance of you guys looking through some of the feedback/comments/questions found here, since there does seem to be quite a few, especially concerning IE 7's page rendering and possible problems in some pages - hopefully some of it will come in useful.Anonymous
May 22, 2006
just to check if comments workAnonymous
May 23, 2006
Vista and Office 2007 betas 2 released....
I still remember your mumbling: bla bla bla, BitTorrent is for taking load from servers. But our servers are fast and reliable. They always work and work fast. bla bla bla
How many hours it will take for .Net Passport oh, i forgot, LIVE! ID servers to be up again?Anonymous
May 23, 2006
hey, is IE going to incorporate support for IRC URLs?Anonymous
May 23, 2006
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May 23, 2006
ich will internet explore habenAnonymous
May 23, 2006
is IE going to incorporate support for web browsing?Anonymous
May 23, 2006
The pop up window that shows the Overview Videos for Office 2007 get cut off on the bottom of the page in IE7.Anonymous
May 23, 2006
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May 23, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 23, 2006
Our new blogfather needs to remove some posts above I guess. And this one to of course.Anonymous
May 23, 2006
I am not sure where to submit bugs.
Anyway, There is a bug when retrieving IMarkupServices from an IHTMLDocument2 object. It always retuns NO_INTERFACE.Anonymous
May 24, 2006
See for details on how to submit bugs.
May 24, 2006
EricLaw: "While I disagree (I don't think a page should be able to override browser chrome shortcuts; e.g. Wikipedia steals ALT+F) I believe we're considering a change to revert to past behavior here."
I agree that pages should not be able to override browser chrome shortcuts but only and only when the browser actually allows you to remap or (selectively) disable those chrome shortcuts. The fact that chrome shortcuts differ for localized versions and that it seems that IE7 already occupies a lot of keys for chrome shortcuts makes it very hard for site- and webapplication builders to actually make good use of accesskeys.
It would also be nice if IE7 would follow the links of anchor-elements that have an accesskey defined instead of just focusing it.Anonymous
May 24, 2006
I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen, but I don't care. Basically nothing seems worth thinking about. I can't be bothered with anything recently.Anonymous
May 24, 2006
I've just got a bit of a question about the phishing filter. Now, I've put it onto the automatic setting, but my understanding of how it worked (from reading the previous blog posts here), was that it came with some come of an initial list of 'safe' sites, that wouldn't need to be checked if you visited them and after that it would only check sites, that hadn't previously visited. Now, I fully accept that I may have got the wrong end of the stick with that description but, if you go by that funny indictator thing at the bottom of the screen, the filter seems to check and re-check abosolutely every singly webpage you've ever visited, even within the same browser session, when using the 'back'/'foward'/'refresh' functions. Like I say, it's probably just my understanding that's the issue here, so I'd appreciate any clarification. Thanks.
P.S Rulz, not to sound unsympathetic here (and not sure if this'll get my comment deleted), but unless you couldn't tell by the previous posts here, this is a microsoft blog, dealing specifically with IE and therefore not a councilling service. If you are feeling lonely - and you clearly have some access to the internet - then maybe you should join and online dating service, or something.Anonymous
May 25, 2006
@Sam: The Phishing Filter runs on all pages & navigations, but that doesn't mean that the webservice is being contacted. On the latest builds, you can actually use Fiddler to watch when the webservice is contacted (Queries go to
May 27, 2006
retty much nothing seems worth thinking about. My life's been completely dull , not that it matters. I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen.Anonymous
May 28, 2006
retty much nothing seems worth thinking about. My life's been completely dull , not that it matters. I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen.Anonymous
May 28, 2006
Basically nothing noteworthy happening right now, but eh. Today was a complete loss. I haven't been up to much recently. I've pretty much been doing nothing worth mentioning.Anonymous
May 28, 2006
I haven't gotten anything done today. I feel like a fog, but what can I say? I've just been letting everything wash over me lately, not that it matters. Shrug.Anonymous
May 29, 2006
I've just been hanging out not getting anything done. What can I say? I've basically been doing nothing worth mentioning, but pfft. Not that it matters. Pretty much nothing exciting happening to speak of. I haven't been up to much these days.Anonymous
May 30, 2006
I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen. Whatever. Not much on my mind lately. I guess it doesn't bother me.Anonymous
December 31, 2007
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March 20, 2008
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May 19, 2008
The transcript from the May 11 th chat is now available online . The Chat was fun as usual and we had a blast. People seemed very excited with IE7 Beta 2 and were curious about what to expect in Beta 3. You can find out when the next chat will be at
May 30, 2008
The transcript from the May 11 th chat is now available online . The Chat was fun as usual and we had a blast. People seemed very excited with IE7 Beta 2 and were curious about what to expect in Beta 3. You can find out when the next chat will be at
June 05, 2008
The transcript from the May 11 th chat is now available online . The Chat was fun as usual and we had a blast. People seemed very excited with IE7 Beta 2 and were curious about what to expect in Beta 3. You can find out when the next chat will be at
June 16, 2009
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