June Chat with IE team
Members of the IE team will be online for an Expert Zone chat this coming Thursday June 8th at 10.00AM PST. These chats are a great opportunity to have your questions answered and hear from members of the IE product team. A transcript will be published after the chat and transcripts of other recent chats are available.
These chats are a lot of fun and we hope you will join us for the chat if you can.
- Uche
June 05, 2006
What!? A chat! Why don't we have a teleconference instead!?
Sorry... just kidding. I just wanted to be the first to whine about it this time.
Can't make it to the chat, but I'll enjoy the transcript. Keep up the good work, IETeam!Anonymous
June 05, 2006
its always great to read the transcripts ...i will be looking forward to itAnonymous
June 05, 2006
I'll see if I can make it! :)Anonymous
June 05, 2006
short and to the point:
June 05, 2006
Can you add the following simple feature: ctrl-L should do the same thing as F6. The reason is that ctrl-L works in every other browser, and will make it easier for me to transition from Firefox to IE7.Anonymous
June 05, 2006
Please give some visual indication, like highlighting or glowing the fav-center button, when there is new feeds content.Anonymous
June 05, 2006
I can make it either, but do have a question! How in IE7 can I change the default download location - under a user profile in Vista we now have a Downloads folder, it would be good if IE7 would be capable of a GUI control to allow or remember the last folder used....Anonymous
June 05, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 06, 2006
I have a question you can answer right now ;-)
Or you can save it for the transcript.
Several posts back, you told us that we were to use the "Feedback" link/site, to pass on bug reports, and feature requests to the IE team.
Since then, many of us have signed up (requires passport), and submitted bugs, only to see that there is no activity on them, or there is just a 1 liner "thanks, we'll look into this"
The whole Feedback thing, came out of the fact that IE was SERIOUSLY missing a public bug tracking system. We congradulated you on providing the "Feedback" site, even though it is fairly lack-lustre, and not user (or developer) friendly in the slightest.
We understand that you have commitments to a ship date, etc. but it really bothers us, that you state you are going to do things by the book, follow the specs, and stop diverting from the web standards, and then when we point out all the flaws in the product, it falls on deaf ears.
A simple "confirmation" of a bug, being a bug would be nice.
Better yet, a "confirmation", and a target release/date, or a comment as to why the bug fix will be delayed.
i.e. "We want to fix the bug with <option/> rendering, but it relies on a fix for the <select/> element z-index bug. Bug:# 1234567 (where the number is a hyperlink to the other bug)"
These are such tiny things, that would make a world of difference. As such, I have given up on entering bugs in "Feedback" until this issue is resolved. I will not waste my time entering bug reports, if you have no intention of reading them, and participating in fixing this browser."
(yes, I am ticked)Anonymous
June 06, 2006
That feedback thing is just a joke. As soon as I saw how they close all the bugs saying that this behavior is present in previous versions and can't be fixed for the IE7 release date I understood that they didn't at all about fixing bugs, just wanted to show that they also have kind of bug tracker system.
If they really cared about bugs they would mark all those bugs as "future", "for IE 7.5" or something like that, but not closing them without any distintion from a non-existing bugs, there's no way someone can use that bug tracking system to try to find if the bug that he is suffering is a known one or something that is new.
They just cared about tabs and moving everything around so no one can find it.Anonymous
June 06, 2006
IE needs to be downgraded, IE7 is aweful, not very user friendly, I know thin kthis article could have been written by me:
I do hope this is true:
June 06, 2006
IE7 should be downgraded to IE6, not very user friendly!Anonymous
June 06, 2006
I've only had a few day's experience with IE7 but I'm already getting kicked off websites that think I have an older version of IE. I had to download Netscape this morning so that I could access 2 websites that I've been unable to access (one of them is a fairly popular site http://www.wellsfargo.com/wf/browser/denied_browser).Anonymous
June 06, 2006
Brian: You can spoof annoying sites that block you by using a simple registry key. See http://www.fiddlertool.com/useragent.aspx for a quick fix.
We're working with site owners to get their sites updated to support IE7.Anonymous
June 06, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 06, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 07, 2006
Re: Wells Fargo -- it looks like this is intentional behavior:
"Wells Fargo does not support beta versions of browsers."
I'm actually with WF on this one. They're (potentinally) leaving themselves pretty wide open from a liability POV if they support IE7 Beta N.
Of course, if you spoof the User-Agent header, then you assume the liability, so there's no problem.Anonymous
June 07, 2006
Marcus: we're working on the feedback site. Only recently was it even possible to allow for anonymous feedback and we're considering how and when to enable that feature. Opening the feedback was the first of many steps so please be patient as we ramp up our presence there. In the meantime, we've spent most of our time filtering the feedback (getting rid of duplicates, etc). We put a comment in every issue that we touch.
June 07, 2006
I wanted to know why there is no option to open my home page in a new tab like it is in the windows 2003 IE7 beta. Also why havn't you guys figured out to put an intergrated download manager with resume option. Nothing more painful then downloading a file and losing connection and having to start all over. I don't like having to install 3rd party programs like getright to do this. Please integrate it into IE. I think that would win a lot of users over to stay or move to IE7.Anonymous
June 07, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 07, 2006
OK, here is mine, I really miss the fact that i can't open FTP sites from the browser anymore. It just says that the page can't be displayed. It was pretty usefull feature for me.
User interface is another issue; it may be straighforward for some novice, but for people that worked with windows applications for years - it is pretty anoying not to find any menu area or anything that looks like normal windows interfaceAnonymous
June 07, 2006
Adam: Where are you getting "August" from? I haven't seen an official announcement here on the blog or anywhere else.
Could someone from the team confirm this? (I don't expect you guys to give us a date, but at least confirm to us that August has not been announced...)Anonymous
June 07, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 07, 2006
<<Adam: Where are you getting "August" from>>
June 07, 2006
After IE6.0.x for about 5 years, do we have to be satisfied with a new version that doesn't fix the CSS problems? Doesn't add the download manager? Removes FTP support?
Microsoft is one the biggest software companies in the world, but you can't tell, judging by IE7's development speed.Anonymous
June 07, 2006
The FTP issue is just a bug; it's in the database, quit whining.
Most of the UI niggles are easy to fix and it's silly to complain about them until RC1 at least.
No one from Microsoft has said anything about August... those "news" sites are just quoting each other and they seem surprised about there being a beta-3 despite the fact that beta-3 was announced when beta 2 shipped.Anonymous
June 07, 2006
When I first saw IE7 in Longhorn it had DOWNLOAD MANAGER. And where is it now??Anonymous
June 07, 2006
hi every one !
I'd like to congratulate you for the work accomplished, ie7 beta2 is far from being perfect but perfection isn't on this world ...
so keep going you are on the good Way ....
please a little CSS integration ....
May the force be With you ...Anonymous
June 07, 2006
I use the classic start menu (well, not really, I don't use the start menu for much of anything, besides the RUN command). I've noticed after installing this new beta, my icons for the start menu keep vanishing (the top level ones, doesn't effect listings from the programs sub-menu). Is this an IE7 problem, an Explorer.exe problem, or both?Anonymous
June 08, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 08, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 08, 2006
<<Microsoft is one the biggest software companies in the world, but you can't tell, judging by IE7's development speed.>>
This is exactly my point. This speed of work is similar to two guys struggling in a basement trying to get their software out. This isn't Microsoft. This is pathetic!
<<<No one from Microsoft has said anything about August...>>>
Really? No one from Microsoft is denying it so far!Anonymous
June 08, 2006
Please fix form buttons so that they're not distorted when they contain more than 15-18 characters.
See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/imagebutton.html for exampleAnonymous
June 08, 2006
The download manager was removed from IE7 some time ago for scheduling reasons. It's on our feature list for a future version. There are lots of addons that take advantage of IE's Download Manager API (http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/browser/ext/reference/ifaces/idownloadmanager/idownloadmanager.asp) to provide a download management experience.
@Adam: We don't comment on every rumor that some "news" site dreams up; this would take forever.
@Kaat: This is a known issue that we hope to get to in a future release. It turns out that it's a pretty tricky bug to fix.Anonymous
June 08, 2006
@Adam: We don't comment on every rumor that some "news" site dreams up; this would take forever.
Well you really haven't commented on much at all. Except, "it's not ready, it's not ready."
We will see come August I guess for Beta 3. The fact that you need a 3rd beta anyways(excuse me 4th beta there was a pre-beta release also) proves Microsoft has no idea what it's doing.Anonymous
June 08, 2006
"proves Microsoft has no idea what it's doing"
Pointless Microsoft-bashing on the IEBlog is a waste of bandwidth.
Most of us like the betas and seeing how much better IE gets with each one.Anonymous
June 08, 2006
@Eric: I remember you (or maybe someone else) said that IE can resume downloads. But the server should support it, the file should still be in cache, and it should be at the same path. Then IE will resume it.
I have seen it with may own eyes few times.
But only few. I think somethin can still be done to make it work more often. I think that it's some problem with cache (I don't mean post/pre checks).
Can you comment it?
P.S. Where should I report FTM bugs?Anonymous
June 08, 2006
Yes, IE resumes downloads, if the file is cacheable, the server responded with an Accept-Ranges: bytes header, and there are proper headers on the response (e.g. an ETAG) that permit a conditional HTTP range request.
The primary problem with resumption is that IE7 will not resume the download an infinite number of times; if it doesn't successfully get at least some bytes each time it tries to resume, it starts over from scratch. This is one of the issues that a future download manager will likely resolve.Anonymous
June 09, 2006
I am not to unpleased with IE 7. I don't like all of the security features and I am learning to shut off what I don't like. Overall though it is good.Anonymous
June 10, 2006
The Nokia N80's web browser renders the Acid2 test better than IE7. Yes folks, a CELLULAR PHONE can comply with standards better than the best efforts of Microsoft.
Surely the IE development team should consider that to be a bit embarassing?Anonymous
June 10, 2006
Excellent site you have! Awesome content. http://ringtone.greatnow.com/ Thank you.Anonymous
June 10, 2006
Pretty design and bleep content. http://cialis-news.blogspot.com/
Very Impressive.Anonymous
June 11, 2006
Hi All,
I've just loaded vista beta2 it took ages and several attempts!!! but now it's running and I must say well done to microsoft it seems stable although (not as stable as mac or as fast!) when working with folders with large amounts of photos it seemed very slow?
I will keep with it and report any problems
June 11, 2006
It's hard to say as every time I open IE7 in Vista Beta2 every page scrolls to the bottom and refuses to go back up. Doh!Anonymous
June 11, 2006
Hugo -- "better" on Acid2 isn't as simple as it seems. Yes, the phone browser image more closely resembles the real thing, but they are both quite a ways off. And the phone's rendering looking better than IE might mean that it has one or two additional fixes that IE doesn't have; it says nothing about the fixes that IE has that the phone doesn't.
Nor does it say anything about how it translates into real-world web sites. I'd say IE7 renders most web sites better than a cell phone.Anonymous
June 11, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 11, 2006
If a "standard" works in 10% of the deployed population of browsers, and not in the browsers that 90% of users are using, isn't it sorta disingenuous to call it the "standard"?
Does this mean that I can invent a new language, write a few papers, get a few people to start speaking it, and then say English is "wrong" because it doesn't meet my "standard"?
I don't see the Esperanto folks getting away with this type of sophistry.Anonymous
June 11, 2006
Pretty design and bleep content.
Very Impressive.Anonymous
June 11, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 11, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 12, 2006
Turning off the Phishing filter helps some. However, IE still seems to run my CPU up, particularly right after the page has loaded.
Thanks for the help.Anonymous
June 14, 2006
I love the look. It's sort of like unix for give me. I liked the way you took the best from there and windows. I'd like my "My Documents" icon back on my desktop. The little problems I've had seting up were minor. The Creative Sound Blaster Live sound card I tried to use created blue screen errors, So I used the realtek on the motherboard. No more problem. Great OS. Thanks.Anonymous
June 15, 2006
A Good Download Manager or Even Pre-Starting the download as the user chooses where the file will be saved. (Like in Firefox and Opera) Would be a great time saving feature.Anonymous
June 17, 2006
Thanks for nice and actual info' Be the Best!
Excellent site you have! Awesome content. Thank youAnonymous
June 15, 2009
PingBack from http://einternetmarketingtools.info/story.php?id=4672Anonymous
June 16, 2009
PingBack from http://topalternativedating.info/story.php?id=2580