IE8 at Add-On Con in Mountain View
A few of the startups building browser Add-Ons have organized the first ever Add-On Con, to take place in Mountain View on Dec 11, 2008. We thought it was such a cool idea that we decided to co-sponsor the event (Mozilla is the other sponsor). We will be giving some sessions about extending Internet Explorer, and Mozilla and Google will be presenting about their respective web browsers. Many companies with successful Add-Ons will be sharing their stories and experiences, so it’s a great education and networking event.
Matt Crowley, Program Manager for Extensibility, will cover all of the extensibility options available in IE8. I will be discussing the lessons learned porting Firefox extensions to IE.
Come say hi to us if you’re attending!
If you can’t make it to Mountain View, or even if you can, be sure to check out Christian’s blog post, the IE developer center, and the IE forums for other great info about building add-ons.
Joshua Allen
Technical Evangelist
December 02, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 02, 2008
I wonder what options Google will be providing for Chrome? Right now providing Firefox extensions is priority #1, but Chrome would be #2 (if/when they support it). The chat on porting from Firefox to IE might be good too because if it is fairly easy to make an IE extension we could offer that to users that can't upgrade.Anonymous
December 02, 2008
I wonder if someone will make a firefox plugin wrapper for IE, like how IE5 supported Netscape plugins. That would steal the thunder of firefox, if it works right.Anonymous
December 02, 2008
A great idea, but unfortunately we can't make it to Mountain View. Please check out a unique and new extension for IE called <a href=""> ZoomPerfect</a>. ZoomPerfect turns IE's Text Size menu into a true Text Zoom and much, much, more. ZoomPerfect gives designers and developers a new level of control over IE's Text Size and Zoom capabilities that was never before possible. Finally, IE can resize fonts set in pixels! Turn IE's Text Size and Zoom menus into CSS Style-Switchers! Works for IE6, IE7, and IE8. ZoomPerfect will be released shortly. But demos and documentation are being posted now so please stop by. Hope the Mountain View Conference goes great. Thanks!Anonymous
December 02, 2008
Pare che Microsoft parteciperà alla Add-on-Con. Un segnale importante, visto che ci saranno anche Mozilla e Google. Speriamo che vengano pubblicati i video su youtube: sono davvero curioso di capire come si fa a migrare una estensione da FirefoAnonymous
December 02, 2008
I feel upset that I cannot attend this event, as this is an awesome opportunity to learn more about the whole browser market. I really appreciate that you are eager to learn with your competitors. Keep at it! And Jushua: enjoy your speach! Will there be any conclusions or presentations published after the event?Anonymous
December 02, 2008
Oh, poor me, I'm probably doing something wrong as I'm quite happy with my IE with none of these blitz-web-2.0-hype add-ons.Anonymous
December 03, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 03, 2008
@Fluge: I'll post my slides and supporting material after the event and leave a comment here with pointer to the location. @victor: I'm guessing that Google is there mainly to get feedback for Chrome planning, although FWIW daily builds of Chrome support greasemonkey.Anonymous
December 03, 2008
As a side note, I don't know who's specifically resposible for the site, but the basic spelling errors therein (and the absurdly large font size, let alone the ugly html-table layout) make the entire thing look second-rate and unprofessional. It was quite painful to read through the grammar even after shrinking to 80% via browser zoom. I realize it's for browser developers, not website developers, but it's hard to take this seriously the way it's currently presented.Anonymous
December 03, 2008
Hi everyone, I'm part of the small group of add-on developers who have organized the event. I want to extend a HUGE thank you to IE for stepping up to the plate to support such an awesome event for the community. Joshua, your support has been wonderful and I'm looking forward to meeting you in SF. @geekahedron - guilty on all charges! I can't claim that we can fix the layout but we certainly should fix spelling issues. Can you pass along the ones that were exceptionally ugly? @victor Chrome will be participating with the final keynote along with IE and FF to discuss the future of the browser. I suspect that add-on questions will be on the agenda :)Anonymous
December 03, 2008
great conference, but unfortunately Mountain View is not a hop away from Vienna. However, the conference is indeed a hop away from Google and Mozilla ;-)Anonymous
December 04, 2008
A great add on would be full access to the UI, being able to move the address bar and combine it with the other tool bars. What the hay Microsoft wont do it would love to see some one else come up with it.Anonymous
December 04, 2008
@Eghost Quero comes close to that by replacing the address bar with a more flexible one, that can share its space with the Menu bar and other 3rd-party toolbars.Anonymous
December 04, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 05, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 06, 2008
Hmm, i still have a few days, maybe i can make it. This would be an awesome experience.Anonymous
December 09, 2008
thnaks for organizing this event, with such interesting topics! all the bestAnonymous
December 09, 2008
Please make it easier to uninstall IE Addons. Currently it can be difficult to locate an uninstaller from the Programs Control Panel. It would be great if the existing Addons Manager could be enhanced to include links to the Uninstaller from the registry uninstall entries. But this is not possible in all circumstances as Addon vendors may use proprietory installers that can't be identified in the registry's uninstall list. A method that I have been experimenting with is to include additional registry values under the Addons' registry key for the uninstall file. For example here is a setup script for an IE Command Button ; Toolbar button Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: none; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: UninstallFile; ValueData: {uninstallexe}; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: Publisher; ValueData: Eye Can Publishing; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: ButtonText; ValueData: Lasoo Side Search Bar; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: HotIcon; ValueData: {app}Explorer BarsLasooLasooSearch.ico; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: Icon; ValueData: {app}Explorer BarsLasooLasooSearch.ico; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: CLSID; ValueData: {{E0DD6CAB-2D10-11d2-8F1A-0000F87ABD16}; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerExtensions{{76A6DA8B-DC55-4118-B51E-F8A25C15DC38}; ValueType: string; ValueName: BandCLSID; ValueData: {{1116BCFD-27D4-4F22-983F-FD2723FBB5BF}; Flags: uninsdeletevalue There is no need to list a Commmand Button Addons in the Windows Uninstaller and the button can be easily uninstalled by executing the uninstaller stored with the button details in the Registry. IE needs some standards for installing and uninstalling Addons, so that Addons can be maintained separately from the plethorer of installed Windows programs.Anonymous
December 09, 2008
Have a talk to the other major vendors about Toolbar layout hijacking in IE... Live, Yahoo and Google have all released updates to address the problem, but there seems to be a trend by other vendors (AOL) to follow a trend and publish IE Toolbar Addons that over-write user preferences for Toolbar layout. This seems to have been a problem that has emerged with the release of IE7 and changes to the ITBarLayout vector in the registry.Anonymous
December 12, 2008
ie8 always perfect , moziilla good but slow ie is the best of browser thanks microsoftAnonymous
December 13, 2008
Please make Upload File (and Pictures) Add-ons obsolete! I hate that fact that every single file storage and photo web site in the world needs to inflict it's own upload add-on into my browser. Why can't all the browser makers get together and define a Standard multiple file upload protocol and with it a built-in multiple file upload UI. And if that wish is too agresssive, how about if Microsoft publishes it's own "Universal File Upload Add-on" instead of giving me a separate one for Hotmail, Skydrive, Mesh, etc.(and API docs to go with it so other web sites can adopt it.) Thanks for listening.
- Larry
- Anonymous
December 14, 2008
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