IE Add-ons Updated
We’ve refreshed the look of the IE Add-ons site and integrated the site with Windows Marketplace. You can go there directly at or from within IE7 (choose Tools->Manage Add-ons->Find More Add-ons.) While you’re there, take a look at my favorite IE7 add-on, the NewsGator Desktop Synchronizer, which keeps the IE7 RSS feed list in sync with the NewsGator Online list. This lets me keep the same RSS feeds on my work and home computers as well as giving me a web UI to read feeds.
There’s other great stuff on Windows Marketplace including downloadable versions of Windows Vista and Office 2007 – the first time Microsoft has sold Windows or Office via download.
Check it out!
Tony Chor
Group Program Manager
February 07, 2007
Lol! I love how they call them "bookmark managers". A Freudian slip of the tongue? :-)Anonymous
February 07, 2007
It is very irritating that you have announced Vista is available for download when for the majority of your readers it is not... after 15 minutes wasted this appears: "The digital locker is currently only available for United States (US) currency. This means you must use a US credit card with a US billing address to complete any digital locker transactions, including Windows Vista. We appreciate your patience as we work towards the international expansion of the digital locker."Anonymous
February 07, 2007
If you think it's necessary to use IE7's RSS feed reader, NewsGator Online & NewsGator Desktop Sync then you need to take a look at Google reader. Seriously, it's excellent!Anonymous
February 07, 2007
This reminds me - I love the Internet Explorer feed reader. It's one of the examples where Microsoft can actually pull service integration off, unlike integrating MSN Spaces in MSN Messenger, for example. However, I find myself using Thunderbird for the few feeds that have a doctype, as IE does not appear to support those. (Though I have to admit, Kubuntu's news feed isn't even supported by Thunderbird.) But why was the decision made not to accept feeds that have a doctype? I'd love to know.Anonymous
February 07, 2007
In my own personal protest of today's major story , this entry was created on my Windows Mobile phoneAnonymous
February 07, 2007
Ad filter, mouse gestures, and more: Highly recommended!Anonymous
February 07, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 08, 2007
I'm a huge fan of IE7 - as a web developer I'm excited at how similar my web pages (finally) look between Firefox, Safari, and IE now :) I know this has been beaten into the ground; WHEN will there be an adequate javascript debugger for IE? I don't own MS Office, so I don't have the "Microsoft Script Debugger" that comes with it. Netscape had this back in the days of version 4.7 - is it that hard to build something in?Anonymous
February 08, 2007
@David Naylor Bookmark Managers are for organizing your bookmarks. It is just unfortunate, that when IE started in the "Browser Wars" days with Netscape, that IE decided not to use the appropriate name, and decided instead to go with "Favorites". I can Bookmark my favorite sites, I can Bookmark site I need, but don't like (e.g. MSDN) I can Bookmark things I hate, like anything "Goat Sea Related" Now that IE is over a decade old, they don't want to change back because so many users are used to it. My "Favorite" organizer would be my PDA/Blackberry, but if I want something to organize my bookmarks, I look for a "Bookmark Manager". Put it this way. You've been to a million sites that say: "Bookmark this page"! with a link to do so. Have you ever seen a site that says: "Favorite this page" It just doesn't have the same ring to it. ==-|-==|==-|-==|==-|-==|==-|-== Game: Shooting yourself in the foot.* Score Change: Microsoft: +1 (for not calling them bookmarks)Anonymous
February 08, 2007
@TMaster The RSS team's publisher's guide has a section that describes why IE7 doesn't support DTD (Doctype declarations).
February 08, 2007
@Travis: I know. That's what I meant :)Anonymous
February 08, 2007
Are there any plans on improving/simplifying the add-on model for IE? I am currently working on an editCSS feature for IE ( ), but the only way to get a handle to the opened window from an HTML-file in a sidebar seems to be by means of some kind of Shell/COM-programming which is not my kind of thing. That together with the lack of an easy distribution and deployment method and the fact that IE add-ons require registry additions make it quite a hassle to develop and distribute add-ons. Maybe MS could set up some small framework that would make it easier to develop and distribute HTML/script-based extensions?Anonymous
February 09, 2007
Just heard a scary comment from a sales/marketing group. Apparently WebEx doesn't work in IE7?! Seems to me like that should have been fixed way back in mid-late 2006. If it is still broken, where is the issue? with WebEx's software, or is this another IE7 bug? HowardAnonymous
February 09, 2007
"If it is still broken, where is the issue? with WebEx's software, or is this another IE7 bug?" I'd hope that it would be WebEx who has to fix their software.Anonymous
February 09, 2007
When i close the window using explorer 7. the window does not close and stucks ...It is happeneing from the day , I v downloaded explorer 7. plz helpAnonymous
February 09, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 09, 2007
I think I need an add-on just to navigate the Windows Marketplace site. Could you cram some more tabs and links on there?Anonymous
February 09, 2007
Man, first thing I think of when I see Gator is spyware. I guess while you average Joe isn't going to notice it, I would imagine a big enough proportion of people will be quiet wary.Anonymous
February 11, 2007
can someone please create a powerful delicious plugin, like it's available for firefox i know a lot of people who use firefox, cause no equivalent is available on IE7. the current delicous addon is very basic.Anonymous
February 12, 2007
Isn't a bit over the hill by now ? I think the IE7pro v0.9.10 addon is the most interesting plugin for IE at the moment. Combining some basic adblocking with mouse gestures and IE configuration features it makes a nice total set of features within a single simple plugin. Definitly material that the IE developers should also look at.Anonymous
February 12, 2007
I think it is not legitimate to name a 3rd-party product after a widely recognized Mircosoft product name or to host similar products or services on sites like or After all "Internet Explorer" is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Additionally, I would not trust an add-on that conceals its true origin.Anonymous
February 12, 2007
pages that horizontally scroll for me are almost never visited by me again. please don't assume everyone has a large browser size. looks nice, but i won't be back.Anonymous
February 12, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 12, 2007
@ justsean Thanks a lot for the link, now I at least know the other side of the story! Too bad it doesn't appear to make a full argument, however. By following two links, I found this: "It is possible for a malicious XML document that contains a DTD to cause the parser to use all memory and CPU time, causing a denial of service (DoS) attack." Isn't it the job of the browser (okay, parser) to make sure this doesn't happen? To validate the input? Or, for all I care, abort parsing the DTD after five seconds? I hate to bring this into topic, but does Firefox allow feeds with DTDs? I use Thunderbird to read the feed, and it does so without problems, even though it does contain a DTD. I don't know how to validate that statement, anyway - but it is a shame (only slightly, though... I think I only have one feed with a DTD).Anonymous
February 12, 2007
@TMaster: That's called "the halting problem" and it's one of the unsolved (unsolvable) problems in Computer Science. Sure, they could code up a timeout, but wouldn't it be more useful to simply remove the DTDs, which are never useful for RSS anyway?Anonymous
February 13, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 13, 2007
Hi I apologize for a likely begginer question here. But in IE 7 when i go to Tool my manage add ons is grey (meaning it is not active). I have been unable to add any addons and the IE 7 constantly bugs me with a flag telling me I have them off. The solution suggested by IE is to shut down the current IE window and reopen. I have done that a 100 times to no avail. what should i do to restore addons (or restore the normal state of things)?? thanksAnonymous
February 17, 2007
mmm.. nice design, I must say..Anonymous
February 19, 2007
L'information interessante que vous avez! I'am allant revenir bientot.