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Promo codes and accounts...

(The email doesn't have to be the one associated with your live id) 

Our promo code alias is having some problems. If you get a bounce on the email, you can go ahead and send an email through the contact page of this blog.

You will also need to create a liveid to use to login. You can do that at https://www.passport.com

Because the HealthVault beta is currently limited to the US, the liveID you use needs to have the region set to the US. You can do that by going to:


and looked at your Country/Region. If it isn't set to US, click on "Registered Information", and set your country/region to "United States".


  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2007
    Our promo code alias is having some problems. If you get a bounce on the email, you can go ahead and

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2007
    Why is the developer access restricted to US only? Even a US-Only consumer launch can be interesting for non-US devlopers/companies. I'm wondering if this restriction due to administrative, legal or marketing reasons? Ben

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2007
    Ben, Unfortunately the people who can give the definitive answer on that are on their way back from the launch right now, but I think we do support non-us developers, at least in certain scenarios. I'll try to post something in the next few days with more information - feel free to ping me if I don't, and I'll track the answer down.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2007
    Thanks HVUser (Eric?), I'm sure you're all quite busy with the launch, so the quick reply is appreciated! Just wanted to check out some of the samples so I needed an testaccount. Well, lying gets you everywhere I guess. Btw, the SleepJournal Sample in the sdk doesn't work (doesn't compile and util.cs is missing), will there be (is there?) a connect.microsoft.com site or something similar? Ben

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2007
    RE: "...the SleepJournal Sample in the sdk doesn't work..." It compiled for me after an OS reboot. But no START page was designated. I had to set it myself to something random like "ViewEntries.aspx". The only problem is still that I don't have a promo code yet to test the rest.

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2007
    I got the promotion code e-mail yesterday for my e-mail id. However, I am getting the error: "There was a problem creating your Microsoft HealthVault account. Please review the following issues: Check the promo code and e-mail address. This code does not match the e-mail address we have in our records." even though I am giving the correct e-mail id. Note: My liveid and emailid are different. Please let me know what went wrong and how to get it fixed? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2007
    If your promo code has a space in it, try replacing that space with a + sign. If you still have problems, use the "contact" link to send us an email... Eric

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2007
    How can i get promotion code for my emailid. I had registered for health vault couple of days back, i didn't get any promotion code yet. And there is no contact link in 'Tell us more about yourself' page, only '© 2007 Microsoft | Privacy | Legal Help | Feedback' links are avilable.

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2007
    IF the page doesn't work, goto "email" on the left side of the page, and send a message.