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Back from SaaSCon

SaaSCon was a lot of fun!

I love industry conferences; the divergence of opinion is always very interesting. From total Microsoft believer to absolute Microsoft basher, from SaaS skeptic to SaaS super fan. Large enterprise perspective, SMB perspective, vendors, analysts, consultants… how can one be bored in such diversity.

What did I do there?

I co-presented with Fred our latest SaaS architecture work “Understanding SaaS Architecture”, participated to the closing panel and met a lot of great people. More about all of this in future posts.

#1 value for me?

Meet tons of very bright people. Informally just after a session, during lunch or in the exhibition hall, and more “formally” during scheduled meetings. Thanks to all of you, I learned a lot.

Most memorable moment?

Seeing Fred being kicked off stage by organizers for being over time, while the audience was still asking for more J I’m sure he’ll blog about that.

Next steps?

Digest all this information and go through my “should blog about this” OneNote tab and do some blogging.

Stay tune, there should be (I hope) some above average activities on this blog J


If you are organizing a SaaS related conference, in the US or aboard, do not hesitate to contact me, I'll present or do panels for food J