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Evan's TechEd 2007 Wrapup

I realized this week that all of the sessions (and video recordings of each session -- I didn't even realize they were recording ALL of the sessions!) are available online. This means even if you ended up double-booked for two interesting sessions and had to choose just ONE in person, you can still review the deck and the video for the session you missed. Of course, that means you probably don't need to see my sessions, since you SURELY chose to see those in person and missed the OTHER, conflicting session. Right? :)

Anyway, here are the links to sessions I participated in this year. I think you may have to be signed in to the TechEd site to get through to these (and note that if you're signed in, you can get to these directly by selecting "Content Downloads & Recordings" in the left of the screen).

  • UNC200 - Exchange 2007 Overview (Video). I did a short Exchange+PowerShell demo toward the end of Terry's overview talk.
  • UNC212R - Managing Exchange 2007  (PPT and Video). I covered the Friday morning repeat of the GUI+PowerShell talk.
  • UNC309 - Exchange 2007 Automation (PPT and Video). This is the Exchange+PowerShell session. There was also a 75min Q&A "Interactive Theatre" afterward, which was not recorded.

Also, I think the PowerShell session is going to be on the ITSShowtime site at some point in the near future as well. I'll post the link when it is up.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    After some major technical event, a few of the presenters offer their session PowerPoints or videos to

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Rui - Hmm... well, on closer inspection it does look like the "ticket" in these URL might be some sort of session identifier (which is undoubtedly expired at this point). I can't find any effective way to get these files to deep-link without the GUID. Unfortunately, I suspect that means you might have to go through the site directly to get valid link to the PPT. Sorry!

  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2007
    Hi Evan, I'm getting ACCESS DENIED when I try to download the PPT files :(