Web-based community sites...
I'm looking for a place to host a site with some information for our homeowner's association. I'm considering MSN groups, but would like to know what else is out there.
My requirements:
- Document storage
- Discussion forums, with email delivery
- Authentication
- Simple, and not too cluttered with ads
- Anonymous
March 04, 2005
Have you looked at Community Server? I know we at ASP.NET are in the process of negociating with a few large hosters to have very interesting offers around CS. - Anonymous
March 04, 2005
Just so you know...MSN Groups is running in maintenance mode now without any further software updates planned. - Anonymous
March 04, 2005
Get a cheap hosting package and use software for it? It would only cost you 2 euro's at month and you have got way more control. - Anonymous
March 05, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 05, 2005
This may be obvious but I own 5 groups at Yahoo! groups and it's been pretty satiesfactory so far. - Anonymous
March 05, 2005
Other than #4 (too many ads), Yahoo seems to fit. - Anonymous
March 06, 2005
I have been looking at this for a small while, I started to write my own system but have decided to go with Community Server.
CS has all you can need at the moment and from what I here there is more to come...
At the moment my site is nothing much but if you want to have a look you are more then welcome, Starting to work on a Game Devleopment Community for Managed Coders...
The above URL is temp, as I have registered a Domain and just waiting for the system to replicate it. - Anonymous
March 07, 2005
I use Yahoo groups for my HOA. It's easy, simple, and does everything we need. And the database feature lets you define table to store any custom type of info: like contact info for you neighbors or the HOA officers (of course you can lock down visibility to only group members).
Yahoo Groups also have RSS.