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Eric Gunnerson's Compendium

Yellow Sticky Exercise

Yellow Sticky Exercise Take one pack yellow stickies (aka "Post It" brand sticky paper notes). Place...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/21/2006

Bugs, blogs, and surrogates

Back in 1996, I was a QA lead for the C++ compiler, and our group wanted to incent people to fix and...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/21/2006

Dell woes...

When I started in the Video Memories group about 24 months ago, I got two new "dev boxes" from Dell....

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/20/2006

Windows shell team website

The windows shell team has started a blog at There's a blog, and some forums....

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/20/2006

Fun with a ISU Inclinometer

For a while now, you've been able to buy digital levels. Amazingly, they will display angles within...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/17/2006

Avalon (I mean WPF) book recommendations?

I'm looking for a recommendation for a good Avalon book. Which one do you like, and why?

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/15/2006

AV components and cable prices

Somebody on an internal alias asked, "why is a HDMI cable $60 when the DVD player is also only $60",...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/13/2006

DVD Maker, Wizards, and SuperSite for Windows

Last week, Paul Thurrott wrote a post entitled, "The Dark Side of Windows Vista RC1", in which he...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/11/2006


A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. I really like this Venn diagram...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 09/05/2006

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my wife's birthday. There were two presents of note. The first was a serotonin...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/24/2006

Visual Studio should be part of Windows

My good friend Dan writes a post about why Visual Studio shouldn't be part of Windows, in response...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/24/2006

Feel the pain...

Dare wrote a post talking about the advisability of making developers do operations. Which is really...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/21/2006

Chicken salad d' Italia

Here's an easy-to-make dinner salad, though it does involve a fair amount of chopping... Frozen...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/14/2006

The Morale Marauder

The Morale Marauder (carpe factum) (via The Mindset (via Chris' Comments)

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/08/2006

The implementation of anonymous methods in C# and its consequences

Raymond wrote a really nice series of posts on this: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 He also points out that...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/08/2006

Carmichael Training Systems "Classic" Review

Carmichael Training Systems "Classic" Review (sorry for the duplicate post. I started this a few...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/04/2006

Seven deadly sins of programming - Sin #1

So, the time has come for the worst sin. Just to recap - and so there is one post that lists them...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/03/2006

The Seattle Monorail collision...

Raymond brings up an update on the monorail collision in Seattle. I started adding a comment to his...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 08/01/2006

Going to Seward for a week

We're taking a family vacation to Seward in a week or so. We're planning on doing some fishing and...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/24/2006

Seven deadly sins of programming - Sin #2

One of the guys on my wing during my freshman year of college was a trust-fund kid. His...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/24/2006

Windows DVD Maker - Hello, Projects...

During our initial implementation of DVD Maker, one of our mantras was "We are not an authoring...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/18/2006

Seven Deadly Sins of Programming - #3

I'm sure this is going to be a contentious one. I don't have a good story about this one, so I'm...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/18/2006

Bad Computers in Movies

I read Photoshop Phriday every week, but "Computers in Movies" is especially nice. Who can forget...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/06/2006

The Microsoft Interview

Here's a nice post on how to answer questions at the Microsoft Interview...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/05/2006

Carmichael Training Systems Review

Carmichael Training Systems "Classic" Review This spring, I decided to pony up...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 07/05/2006

Improving the user experience...

Most bugs that I fix in the DVDMaker UI are fairly benign, but yesterday I fixed one that could have...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/29/2006

Seven Deadly Sins of Programming - #4

Our next sin is the one that I've certainly been prone to. Long ago my wife and I owned a house east...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/26/2006

MSDN Wiki now open for comments...

I'm happy to be able to announce something that has been in the works for a fair bit of time. MSDN...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/20/2006

Microsoft Robotics Studio

Microsoft Robotics Studio. Looks interesting. Uses a CLR 2.0 base, though it's not clear to me yet...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/20/2006

A single programming language?

I've been reading Good Math, Bad Math for a while now, and it has a fair number of interesting posts...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/08/2006

Bavarian Sounwerks - Speakers for BMWs

I've been unimpressed with the sound on my 328i since I got it. I have the Harmon-Kardon system, and...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/05/2006

A close escape, and more on inappropriate cleverness

Monday I went on the 7 hills ride. Wednesday night, I wrote a long and detailed post about it, and...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 06/02/2006

Seven Deadly Sins of Programming - #6

Seven Deadly Sins of Programming - #6 Way back in my early career, I worked on a graphics program...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/31/2006

Seven Deadly Sin of Programing - #7 - Excessive coupling

(these will be in reverse order...) #7 - Excessive Coupling We start out with a simple one. Coupling...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/23/2006

Anybody working on an interesting hobby project?

Anybody working on an interesting hobby project? I finally got around to firing up my Atmel STK500...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/22/2006

Make your own motivational poster

If you're a fan of Despair, Inc., now you can make your own. Motivator

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/19/2006

Random sometimes, not random other times

From a email: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ Customer c = new Customer();...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/19/2006

My favorite driver's ed moment

One of the comments on my last post reminds me of a story. Back when I took driver's education -...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/18/2006


Sacrifices are part of parenting. And as a long-time parent, I've made a fair number of them....

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/18/2006

The Seven Deadly Sins of Programmers

A while back, I made an offhand comment about something being one of the seven deadly sins of...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/16/2006

Using GC Efficiently

Spending lots of time on C++ means I haven't been paying as much attention to managed code as I did...

Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/11/2006

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