Music Recommendations - Thanks...
Thanks for all the ideas. It's a pretty big list, and while there were a few groups I already listen to (it was nice to see "Toto" make the list - I listened to Hydra last week. Given when I went to school, I've certainly heard "The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older. Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death" hundreds of times... (shame on you if you don't know it...)), most of the list was groups I hadn't heard of, which is great.
It's going to take me a little while to go through all the recommendations and preview (prelisten?) them, but I think I'm going to be hitting for a bunch of new CDs...
- Anonymous
October 08, 2004
Seeing that you are a cyclist, you probably enjoy some hard driving alt/punk type sounds. If so, check out Social Distortion, They have a great sound and they are on tour now. I saw them a couple of weeks ago, one of the best shows. - Anonymous
October 08, 2004
If you're an 80's buff, I recommend the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtrack. 7 full albums of nothing but greats. They're 80's, so they have limited or almost no cursing, though the commercials done by the GTA team may not be as work safe (though still hilarious to listen to while doing ANYTHING).
Then again I'm a little too retro I think and because the 80's is when I first learned how wonderful music could be, I'm biased. There's a lot of good bands out now, but the nostalgia is just too much to let go. - Anonymous
October 08, 2004
I second the recommendation for the GTA: Vice City soundtrack. The boxed set is rather nice (the game is pretty amazing as well). - Anonymous
October 08, 2004
You don't have to preview...subscribe to and get unlimited music for $10/month. Assuming you spend the majority of your time in front of the computer as I do, it's unbeatable.
Went to Pearl Jam the other night and discovered Death Cab for Cutie...and Sigur Ros is nice afternoon listening. - Anonymous
October 08, 2004
If you don't need to music while en route (iPod, CD in car, etc) then I would HIGHLY recommend Rhapsody (from Real/ $10 and you can hear as much new music as you want as many times as you want, on demand, and decide if you love it or not. Sign up for a free trial and email me and I'll send you some playlists of good stuff to check out. - Anonymous
October 08, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
November 01, 2004
I occasionally blog my new music finds in its own category. Check out at,
Have fun! - Anonymous
December 18, 2004
Helpful For MBA Fans. - Anonymous
December 27, 2004