Coping with Burnout...
In a comment, Todd wrote:
I have a few thoughts.
First, it takes a while to get burnt out, so you can't expect to get un-burnt-out in a week.
For me, there have been a few things that have worked well:
- Change the situation that led to your burn out. In my case, it was mostly job-created. If you can't address the root cause, it's hard to get better.
- Make a list of the things that you haven't been getting done that you'd like to get done.
- Work at the list, slowly.
So what other advice can you give?
December 12, 2004
I usually try to focus on #1.
If you love what you are doing then you can't burn out doing it; it is only when aspects that you do not like sap your energy so much that even the things you do like suffer, tht you have trouble.
Obviously you cannot always do it 100%, but I always try to get as close to it as I can....Anonymous
December 12, 2004
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 13, 2004
I usually get out with my family to a place where I know I won't have distractions. Usually it's a state park cottage with no internet connection, no real need for phones. However, I don't indulge in the 500 activities around me. A book, some CDs and good company will do just fine.
On another good day you can try boating and fishing ..... in short anything that puts the mind in neutral gear and lets it idle.Anonymous
December 13, 2004
To me, the key is the diversity. Yes, I can say that I love coding, but that’s too broad of a statement. If you liked candies but had access to only MandM’s, well, that’d divert you from your passion pretty quick, wouldn’t it? The same with coding. Projects (or parts of the projects) that I am working on for too long are eventually becoming the old story, I’m just loosing interest.
Again, all projects are different - there are interesting projects, boring projects, and I don't have a formula to calculate what time span would be considered "too long" or "okay". Something tells me there's got to be one though...Anonymous
December 13, 2004
Do something you enjoy daily. Even if its just for a few minutes. For me, I play enemy territory online with friends and also play the guitar. The latter is easier because my daughter likes to help me play my guitars. I almost never fail in doing one or even both of these for a short period of time each day, especially playing ET online, because then i can't focus on anything else but the game, and I got lost in it, and things are ok for a short while.Anonymous
December 13, 2004
Coping with BurnoutAnonymous
December 13, 2004
Along these same lines I asked people what are the expectations within our field... and how do we avoid Developer Burnout.
December 18, 2004
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 23, 2004
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 02, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 07, 2005
友情链接: [ 前列腺炎][ 前列腺炎][ 前列腺炎]Anonymous
January 08, 2005
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February 20, 2005
メモ: 燃え尽き症候群対策Anonymous
April 20, 2006
雑感: 燃え尽き症候群から戻るには…。Anonymous
December 31, 2007
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