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David Kline

Enabling Attach to Process support in NetCF v2

By default, support for attaching the debugger to a .NET Compact Framework application is disabled...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/24/2005

Exception.StackTrace and the .NET Compact Framework

One of the great new additions to version 2 of the .NET Compact Framework is the...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/21/2005

MEDC 2005 - Wrapup

I would like to thank everyone who attended MEDC in Las Vegas this year. It was a pleasure to meet...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/13/2005

Live from MEDC 2005 IV - Day 2 Summary

I can hardly believe I'm still awake :)Day 2 was another very busy day. I had one last speaker prep...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/12/2005

Live from MEDC 2005 III - Day 1 Summary

Good morning! Yesterday's sessions were fantastic... Allow me to repeat Scott's sentiments on the...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/11/2005

Live from MEDC 2005 II - Windows Mobile 5.0

Hello, again! The keynote was great with some very cool demos. You can watch the video here. During...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/10/2005

Live from MEDC 2005 I

Hello from Las Vegas! I'm typing this from one of the communications kiosks here at MEDC 2005. So...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/10/2005

MEDC 2005 - Debugging .NET Compact Framework Applications III

We're in the final lap of our MEDC 2005 preparations. My slides are finished, the demos are ready to...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 05/05/2005

Exploring The NetCF WebCrawler Sample III - Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2

In the first part of this series, I discussed how the WebCrawler uses an HTTP HEAD request to...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 04/27/2005

Determining the NetCF version while debugging

Have you ever wondered, while debugging, what the exact version of the .NET Compact Framework was...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 04/24/2005

Running NetCF v1 Applications on v2 - Part II

Several months ago, I posted on using an application configuration file to instruct your NetCF v1...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 04/19/2005

.NET Compact Framework v2 Beta 2 is Now Available!

Just a note that the .NET Compact Framework v2 Beta2 release is now available! You can either get it...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 04/19/2005

Using Run to Cursor to set one time breakpoints

A week or so ago, I posted on using Visual Studio's Watch window to modify an application's user...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 04/12/2005

MEDC 2005 - Debugging .NET Compact Framework Applications II

I hope many of you are planning on attending MEDC, this May, in Las Vegas. I've been quiet online...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 03/30/2005

Exploring the NetCF Web Crawler sample (Visual Studio .NET 2003) - Part II: Updating the UI

A couple of weeks ago, I discussed link tracking in the NetCF Web Crawler sample from Visual Studio...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 03/21/2005

MEDC 2005 - Debugging .NET Compact Framework Applications

I'm now officially registered for MEDC 2005 and will hopefully be seeing many of you in Las Vegas...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 03/16/2005

What was that cool thing you just did? - Addendum: Clearing the command history

I was at a retirement party recently when, as often happens, talk turned to the "old days". I was...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 03/10/2005

Saving time when navigating directories at the Command Prompt using pushd and popd

It's been a little while since I posted one of my favorite command line 'tricks'... Windows XP...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 02/24/2005

Exciting news... New CLR book by Steven Pratschner (NetCF Program Manager)

I just heard about (and got my hot little hands on a copy of) Steven Pratschner's new book on the...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 02/18/2005

Is my device running on battery or AC power?

At times, it's helpful to know if the device running your application is plugged in or on battery...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 02/10/2005

How To Get The Display's Color Depth using NetCF Version 1

I've seen this asked about recently on the NetCF...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 02/02/2005

Checking for Screen Rotation Support Using NetCF

Yesterday, the Windows Mobile team posted a handy tip titled "How to check if screen can be...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 02/01/2005

Accessing a WebService's WebRequest and WebResponse in NetCF

One common question regarding the .NET Compact Framework involves the availability of the WebRequest...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 01/31/2005

Determining the IP address of your device

Device's do not typically register a name with the network. This means you cannot just use a name to...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 01/18/2005

Got feedback for the .NET Compact Framework?

We're looking for feedback on the .NET Compact Framework from the developer community. Please send...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 01/04/2005

Scott Holden on GC.Collect

I just discovered that Scott Holden (NetCF Development Manager) is up and posting! Be sure to check...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/28/2004

The old days...

Ben "Virtual PC Guy" Armstrong's recent post sent me back to my early days at Microsoft. Back then...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/21/2004

Can I debug a NetCF application without being an administrator?

Everyone knows that it is safer to run as a limited user rather than as the administrator. Because...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/16/2004

Please welcome Mike Zintel and read about NetCF memory management

Today, our team's (NetCF) group manager, Mike Zintel, has joined the community!...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/08/2004

Determining the type of data pointed to by a Url - VB.NET version

Earlier today, I posted an example of some Visual C# code that checks the type of the data pointed...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/07/2004

Determining the type of data pointed to by a Url

Have you ever wanted to know what type of file was being pointed to by a given url before clicking...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 12/07/2004

Debugging NetCF apps with cordbg - Part XI: VB.Net

For the most part, my posts are written in C#. Of the NetCF supported languages, C# is where I am...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 11/21/2004

What does code using a ConditionalAttribute look like under the debugger?

Last week, Nathan posted about the ConditionalAttribute. This got me thinking... What does his...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 11/19/2004

Debugging NetCF apps using CorDbg - Part X: Threads

Earlier in this series, I mentioned I would talk a bit about threads......

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 11/15/2004

What was that cool thing you just did?

Back when I started at Microsoft, the big product was MS-DOS 5. Of all the features in MS-DOS 5, my...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 11/10/2004

Simpifying socket exception handling

Remembering numeric error codes is hard. Unless the error handling code is well documented, code...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 11/04/2004

Simple object remoting using the XmlSerializer

Today, I'm going to talk about how you can use the XmlSerializer, TcpClient and TcpListener classes...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 10/27/2004

Debugging NetCF applications with cordbg - Part IX: Disassembly

Earlier in this series, I mentioned I would talk about cordbg, NetCF and IL......

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 10/21/2004

Back from vacation

Just a note that I am back from vacation (have been for a few days now) and have finally dug out...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 09/30/2004

September Vacation 2004

It's mid-September again, which means that I'm on vacation (my wedding anniversary -- 12 years!).I'm...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 09/15/2004

No more paper maps for me...

Last week, I got my hands on a copy of Streets & Trips 2005 with GPS Locator. This weekend, I...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 09/05/2004

Building a simple NetCF application from the command line - VB.NET version

A couple of weeks ago, I promised to post the VB.NET equivalent to my C# command line example....

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 09/01/2004

Debugging NetCF applications with CorDbg - Part VIII - Playing catch

Many times, debugging isn't so much about finding a bug as it is identifying performance related...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 08/25/2004

Rhubarb and the strawberry debate

Sorry if this seems a bit random... but, hey, tomorrow's Friday :) Funny things are known to pop up...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 08/19/2004

Building a simple NetCF application from the command line - C# version

Now that NetCF is part of the .NET Framework v2 SDK, I get asked how to build applications using the...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 08/17/2004

Debugging NetCF apps with CorDbg - Part VII - Walking the Stack

This installment of the debugging NetCF apps with cordbg series is going to talk about the stack -...

Author: DavidKlineMS Date: 08/13/2004

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