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Enterprise Library 5.0 is being cooked! Make your suggestions.

Enterprise Library 5.0 is being planned, if you want to "be part" of the planning team you can do it!

I've already seen the 100$ formula in other projects and I really like it.
To spend your virtual 100$ go to Grigori's blog.

Here are my 100$

20$ Make possible to have a centralized configurations for many applications. (Now you can do it but all the logs are written into the same file, the event log end up in the same source) The desired effect would be to have a central configuration file but each application have a unique event log source, each application have a log file...
30$ Make easier and document how to extend the application block. The GAT/GAX addins are great to create new AB and some providers. But if you want to Add/remove some of the functionality you need to code some not documented methods/classes and debug the code to see how EntLib works under the hood.
30$ Policy Injecton AB. Enhance the non-intrusive injection. Implement an interface or deriving from MarshalByRefObject is very restricitive.Maybe Dynamic types can help here...
20$ Make Data Access AB compatible with Entity Framework.