My DotNet Rocks! show posted
Joel and I had a great time on this show… a few highlights to get you to listen to the whole thing ;-) Lots more jewel’s in the show…
A lot of talk about GC, only for you “Core Geeks…”
History around the dispose pattern (on
BHarry’s post on deterministic finalization
One cool think that came out:
My very first design meeting on the CLR refcounting vs GC, the 2nd one was on edit and continue which didn’t ship until 2.0 ;-)
Some good info on NGen
Lutz’s Reflector
Always fun to laugh about screw-ups we made (and fixed) during the design of CLR 2.0…
Have a listen and let me hear your feedback!
- Anonymous
August 24, 2005
Great show. it was one of the show that I had to listen to get the all points.
I very much enjoyed it
Ian - Anonymous
August 24, 2005
Enjoyed it very much especially that bit about DateTime.Parse("Brad's wedding date"). :-) - Anonymous
August 24, 2005
Any more clues on what Lutz is working on at Microsoft? - Anonymous
August 24, 2005
Jan -- are you comming to the PDC? If so you can see the "expression" Lutz has been making ;-) - Anonymous
August 24, 2005
I was just listening to the latest .NET Rocks! Show featuring Brad Abrams and Joel Pobar. I have been... - Anonymous
August 30, 2005
Best .NET Rocks! episode. Ever. - Anonymous
November 26, 2006
Patrick , one of the founding members of the CLR team, starts a blog by posting a brief bit about this