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QMSDNUG August Meeting Notice

Greg Low Sends me the following great news:

Hi Folks,

Our meeting this month will be Tuesday, the 17th August.

Thanks to Joseph Cooney for his assistance with the session in July. This month we have another real treat. Dave Apelt is back in town and will


Rapid N-Tier development in .Net

N-Tier architecture is considered the premier design in creating scalable applications. Despite n-tier's benefits many .Net based software engineering projects fall short full n-tier architecture due to an array of issues.

David Apelt recently had an opportunity to research these issues and a solution developed that allows .Net developers to rapidly create and maintain n-Tier applications.

The presentation will be of most interest to people involved in the development of new .Net applications irrespective of their platform. It will cover a broad range of topics and will be of interest to the beginner as well as experienced developers.


David Apelt provides software engineering solutions to small and medium sized enterprises around Australia. He writes several shareware applications that can be seen on his web site at A precursor to 'Line Speed Meter' was developed for a QMSDNUG presentation three years ago.

I got to see Dave's ideas on the first version of this and I'm certain it will provide an interesting topic for the meeting and will raise a lot of discussion.

As usual, an early RSVP will help with planning pizzas, etc. Please RSVP by email to

Be there: 5:45pm for 6:00pm start Tuesday, 17th August 2004

Finish: around 7:30pm

Location: Microsoft Brisbane Office, Level 9, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane.
