Problem with print

Salvo Mirex 0 Punti reputazione
Good morning,

I have a problem when I go to install a printer from the printserver on a Windows 10 client. After installing it, when I launch a print, for example, the test page tells me it cannot find the specified environment option. How do I solve the problem? A thousand thanks!
Windows 10
Windows 10
Un sistema operativo Microsoft in esecuzione su computer personali e tablet.
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  1. Yordan Ivanov 610 Punti reputazione

    Good day, Salvo,

    This is the Italian forum. If you prefer to continue in English, please use the following link: 

    In case you'd prefer to continue with the information in Italian language, please let me know.

    Best regards,


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  2. Salvo Mirex 0 Punti reputazione


    Ho un problema quando vado ad installare una stampante dal printserver su client Windows 10.Dopo averla installata quando lancio una stampa per esempio la pagina di prova mi dice impossibile trovare l'opzione di ambiente specificata. Come risolvo il problema? Grazie mille!

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  3. Karlie Weng 19,146 Punti reputazione Personale esterno Microsoft


    Here are a few things to consider:

    Start by uninstalling the printer from the client computer and then reinstall it. Make sure to download the latest and most compatible driver for your printer model directly from the manufacturer's website. Sometimes, using the generic driver provided by Windows can cause issues.

    Ping the print server's IP address from the client to test network connectivity. If there's an issue, resolve the network problem first.

    As a simple step, sometimes just restarting both the client computer and the print server can resolve temporary glitches.

    Also try to find any direct printing error message to narrow down the issue more precisely.

    Use the Windows Event Viewer to track printing events | PaperCut

    Note: Since the websites are not hosted by Microsoft, the links may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

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