
Deila með

Retrieve the list of rules

Rules are grouped together using a ruleset. A rule can be in no ruleset, or multiple rulesets. Use a GET request to obtain a list of all rules available, rules in a ruleset, or rulesets by calling the API [Geographical URI]/api/rule. There are a few variations to calling this API, however, the most common usage is to retrieve the list of rules for a specific ruleset.


This API does require an OAuth token.


Name Type Expected value Required?
Accept-Language string The language code (for example, en-US). The default is en-US. no


Name Type Expected value Required?
ruleset string The name or ID of the ruleset or a list of ruleset IDs, or names separated by a comma or semicolon (for example, "Solution Checker"). no
includeMessageFormats bool When set to true, the list of possible message variations are included in the results of the language(s) requests, if available. This list is useful for translations into multiple languages. If not needed, then don't provide this parameter or provide false as the value as this parameter increases the size of the response and can increase processing time. no

Expected responses

HTTP status code Scenario Result
200 One or more results were found See the example later in this article. One or more results may be returned.
204 No results were found No results in the response body.
401 Authentication Failed No results in the response body.

Expected response body

The following table outlines the structure of the response for each request (HTTP 200 response only).

Property Type Expected value Required?
code string The identifier of the rule, sometimes referred to as the Rule ID. Yes
summary string A summary of the rule. Yes
description string More detailed description of the rule. Yes
guidanceUrl URI The URL in which to find published guidance. There may be some cases where there isn't a dedicated supporting guidance article. Yes
include boolean Signals to the service that the rule is to be included in the analysis. This value is true for this API. No
messageTemplates array This property value is included only when includeMessageFormats is true. No
messageTemplates.ruleId string Returns the same ID value as the code property. Yes
messageTemplates.messageTemplateId string An identifier used in the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) report to signal an issue message variation for the rule. Yes
messageTemplates.messageTemplate string The text of the message variation for the issue scenario that the rule reports. This text is a format string that may contain tokens in which arguments provided in the SARIF report can be used to construct a detailed message. Yes

Example: retrieve rules for a ruleset in another language

This example returns data for all of the rules in the Solution Checker ruleset in the French language. If the desired language is English, then just remove the Accept-Language header.


GET [Geographical URI]/api/rule?ruleset=083A2EF5-7E0E-4754-9D88-9455142DC08B&api-version=2.0
x-ms-correlation-id: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: fr


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "description": "Ne pas implémenter d’activités de workflow Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
        "summary": "Ne pas implémenter d’activités de workflow Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""
        "description": "Utiliser InvalidPluginExecutionException dans des plug-ins et activités de workflow",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "il-use-standard-exception",
        "summary": "Utiliser InvalidPluginExecutionException dans des plug-ins et activités de workflow",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""

Example: retrieve all

This example returns data for all of the rules available.


GET [Geographical URI]/api/rule?api-version=2.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "description": "Retrieve specific columns for an entity via query APIs",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "il-specify-column",
        "summary": "Retrieve specific columns for an entity via query APIs",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""
        "description": "Do not duplicate plug-in step registration",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "meta-remove-dup-reg",
        "summary": "Do not duplicate plug-in step registration",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""

Example: retrieve for a ruleset with message formats

This example returns data for all of the rules in the Solution Checker ruleset in the French language. If the desired language is English, then just remove the Accept-Language header.


GET [Geographical URI]/api/rule?ruleset=083A2EF5-7E0E-4754-9D88-9455142DC08B&includeMessageFormats=true&api-version=2.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "description": "Do not implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 workflow activities",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
        "summary": "Do not implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 workflow activities",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""
        "messageTemplates": [
                "ruleId": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
                "messageTemplateId": "message1",
                "messageTemplate": "Update the {0} class to derive from System.Workflow.Activities.CodeActivity, refactor Execute method implementation, and remove Microsoft.Crm.Workflow.CrmWorkflowActivityAttribute from type"
                "ruleId": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
                "messageTemplateId": "message2",
                "messageTemplate": "Change the {0} property's type from {1} to {2} Argument <T> type"
                "ruleId": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
                "messageTemplateId": "message3",
                "messageTemplate": "Replace the Microsoft.Crm.Workflow.Crm{0}Attribute with Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.{0}Attribute"
                "ruleId": "il-avoid-crm4-wf",
                "messageTemplateId": "message4",
                "messageTemplate": "Remove the {0} System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyProperty type field"
        "description": "Use InvalidPluginExecutionException in plug-ins and workflow activities",
        "guidanceUrl": "",
        "include": true,
        "code": "il-use-standard-exception",
        "summary": "Use InvalidPluginExecutionException in plug-ins and workflow activities",
        "howToFix": {
            "summary": ""
        "messageTemplates": [
                "ruleId": "il-use-standard-exception",
                "messageTemplateId": "message1",
                "messageTemplate": "An unguarded throw of type {0} was detected. Refactor this code to either throw an exception of type InvalidPluginExecutionException or guard against thrown exceptions of other types."
                "ruleId": "il-use-standard-exception",
                "messageTemplateId": "message2",
                "messageTemplate": "An unguarded rethrow of type {0} was detected. Refactor this code to either throw an exception of type InvalidPluginExecutionException or guard against thrown exceptions of other types."

See also

Use the Power Apps checker web API
Retrieve the list of rulesets
Upload a file
Invoke analysis
Check for analysis status