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Add a chart created in a model-driven app to a webpage

You add a chart to a webpage by using a Liquid tag named Chart. You can add the chart Liquid tag in:

  • The Copy field on a webpage.

  • In the Source field on a web template.

    Chart example.

For example, to show leads by source and filtered for only open leads view:

<!—Leads by Source – Open Leads -->
{% chart id:"EE3C733D-5693-DE11-97D4-00155DA3B01E" viewid:"00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001006" %}


You must specify the values for both the chart id and the viewid parameters to render a chart on a webpage.

Get the ID of a chart

  1. Go to the target entity, for example, Sales > Leads.

  2. Expand the Charts area.

  3. Choose the chart you want.

  4. Select More Commands, and then select Export Chart.

    Export a chart.

  5. Open the XML file of the exported chart in a text editor.

  6. Copy the value of the <visualizationid> tag.

    Get the chart ID for a chart.

  7. Paste the visualizationid value into your Liquid chart tag declaration for the chart ID parameter, for example:

    <!—Leads by Source – Open Leads -->
    {% chart id:"EE3C733D-5693-DE11-97D4-00155DA3B01E" viewid:"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" %}

Now that the Liquid chart tag declaration has the chart ID, follow the next steps to get the view ID.

Get the ID of a view

You must open the view editor to get the view ID to be used with the Liquid chart tag.

  1. Go to and select the appropriate environment.

  2. In the left navigation bar, select Data > Entities.

  3. Select the appropriate table and go to 'Views' tab.

  4. You can see the list of views. Go to options (...) and select 'Edit View'.

  5. Copy the id value from the View window's address bar.

    View ID of the form.

  6. Paste this ID into your Liquid chart tag declaration for the viewid parameter, for example:

    <!—Leads by Source – Open Leads -->
    {% chart id:"EE3C733D-5693-DE11-97D4-00155DA3B01E" viewid:"00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001004" %}

Table permission requirement

Read privilege is asserted for the target table being queried in the chart. For anonymous or authenticated users to be able to view the chart, you must ensure that the appropriate Table Permissions are created and assigned to applicable web roles.

If permission isn't granted, the user will see an access denied message.

Supported charts and chart types

The following chart types are supported in Power Pages:

  • Column
  • Bar
  • Area
  • Pie
  • Line
  • Funnel

Supported configuration for Legend Entries (Series):

  • Single Series
  • Multiple Series
  • Aggregates Types - Sum, Counts, Min, Max, Avg in Single or Multiple Series
  • Top X / Bottom X Rules

Supported configuration for Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels:

  • Categories on attributes of a table or linked table (on attribute data types supported by portals).
  • Multiple categories (X-Axis).
  • Group by and Order by on attributes.
  • Date Grouping Types – Day, Month, Year on Primary Table and First Level Linked Table.
    • Date Grouping by Week, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, and Quarter are not supported.
    • Date Grouping on Linked Table attributes is supported only until the first level of Link.

Unsupported charts and chart types

The following chart types are currently not supported in Power Pages:

  • Doughnut
  • Tag

The following table lists the Dynamics 365 charts that are currently not supported in Power Pages.

Chart Name Chart ID Table Type
Accounts by Owner - Tag Chart be178262-6142-4b41-85b7-4ccedc62cfd9 account
Activities by Owner - Tag Chart c83b331e-87c7-488c-b8e7-89a6098ea102 activitypointer
Activities by Priority - Doughnut Chart d3f6c1eb-2e4b-428b-8949-682a311ae057 activitypointer
Contacts by Account 2ff3ebea-6310-4dde-b3a1-e1144ea42b7b contact
Contacts by Country ea89e2ad-2602-4333-8724-aa5775d66b77 contact
Contacts by Preferred Contact Method 751b7456-308e-4568-a3a9-47135aae833a contact
Goal Progress (Count) a93b8f7b-9c68-df11-ae90-00155d2e3002 goal
Goal Progress (Money) aec6d51c-ea67-df11-ae90-00155d2e3002 goal
Today's Target Vs. Actuals (Count) 1b697c8e-9a6f-df11-986c-00155d2e3002 goal
Today's Target Vs. Actuals (Money) 1e697c8e-9a6f-df11-986c-00155d2e3002 goal
Cases By Account 38872e4f-ac99-e511-80da-00155dc1b253 incident
Cases By Priority 0f0fb995-9d6f-453c-b26d-8f443e42e676 incident
Cases By Product 17c3f166-5b22-4476-819b-b05da2e8d24f incident
Articles expiring this month by owner 47d696ad-7c3b-e511-80d1-00155db10d2b knowledgearticle
By Owner 330068fd-833b-e511-80d1-00155db10d2b knowledgearticle
By Subject bcd3f9a5-913b-e511-80d1-00155db10d2b knowledgearticle

Other considerations

  • Long labels on Horizontal (Category) Axis Label can get overlapped when using a high number of data points on the chart.
  • Hovering over currency data types formatting shows values with spaces instead of separators.
  • Numeric fields are currently shown in decimal format.
  • Horizontal Axis values can show only up-to 15 Labels.

See also