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Create flows from your phone

There are many repetitive tasks that we all wish we could run with just a tap of a button. For example, you may need to quickly email your team to remind them to join the daily team sync. Or, you might want to start a new Visual Studio Codespaces build of your code base after you've been notified that there are no more checkins planned for the day. Flows allow you to accomplish these and many other tasks simply by tapping a button on your mobile device.

The main difference between flows and instant flows is that you need to trigger instant flows manually. To learn about the different types of flows, go to Cloud flows.


To complete the example in this article, you'll need the following:

  • Access to Power Automate.
  • The generally available version of Power Automate mobile app for iOS or Android.
  • An account with permissions to use the connectors to create your flow. For example, you'll need a Dropbox account in order to create a flow that accesses Dropbox.

Create a flow

Create flows so that you can easily run repetitive tasks from any place, at any time from your mobile device. Running flows saves you time and, since the tasks they perform are automated, there will be fewer errors than if you manually did them.

  1. Select the + (plus sign icon).

  2. Select the Post MSN Weather updates to Yammer group everyday template.

  3. Customize your flow by filling in these fields:

    • Recurrence

      • Interval: Enter a number. Frequency: Select the time occurrence.
    • Get forecast for today

      • Location: Select a valid input. Units: Select a measurement system.
    • Post message

      • Group ID: Aelect the group to post a message to.

    <alt text>

  4. (Optional) Enter a name for your flow.

    If you don't enter a name, the flow will be saved using the same name as the template you chose.

  5. Select Save.

Congratulations, you've created a flow! You can now run this flow anytime, any place, from the Power Automate mobile app. Simply press the flow and it will run!

Power Automate mobile app overview