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Use your Azure credits

Appropriate roles: Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program partner admin

This article describes how to view, assign, redeem, and activate Azure credits (monthly or yearly credits) that are available to Partners in Partner Center. To look at specific Azure credits you receive, refer to the respective membership pages. For more information, see Manage membership.

View your Azure credits in Partner Center

To view your Azure credits, sign in to the Partner Center Azure credits page. You see a list of the Azure credits that are either already redeemed or yet to be redeemed.

Following are two types of Azure credits you receive, depending on your active membership type.

  • Azure monthly credit: These Azure credits are available to be consumed per month. For example, $100/month means you get $100 Azure credits every month until the end date of your membership. If you don't consume these credits fully by the end of the month, these unconsumed credits lapse and don't carry forward to the next month.
  • Azure bulk (yearly) credit: These Azure credits are available to be consumed for one year from the start date to the end date. For example, $6,000/year means you get 6,000 Azure credits once. You can consume these 6,000 credits anytime between the start date and the end date of these credits.


The Azure credits amounts discussed in this section are for example purposes only, and aren't intended to represent any actual amount or prices.

Redeem your Azure credits

To activate the Azure credits, you must assign them to an individual user in your organization. This user receives an email that contains the link and the steps to redeem the Azure credits. Ask this user in your organization to follow the instructions in that email and complete the redemption process.


You can only use the Azure credits provided with a new Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program (MAICPP) purchase, such as a Microsoft Action Pack Subscription (MAPS) or legacy silver/gold, on a new Azure subscription. You can't use the credits on an existing Azure subscription. After you redeem any new Azure sponsorship, you must move all your resources under this new subscription to be able to use the sponsorship credits.

Here are the steps to assign a user to Azure credits in Partner Center:

  1. Find an Azure credit that isn't yet redeemed and select it. There are quick filters available on the top of the screen to easily locate the Azure Credits that aren't yet redeemed.
  2. In the right-side panel, look for the instructions in the Activation Walkthrough step and proceed with assigning a user in the Activate Benefits step.
  3. Search for a user and select Assign user OR if you can't find a user, you can select Add a new user and then assign Azure credits to this newly added user. For more information, see how to create a user.
  4. After the user assignment succeeds, here are links for your assigned user to follow to complete the redemption process. Yearly Azure Credits link or Monthly Azure credits link.

View and remove assigned users

You can change a user assignment, after the initial redemption or assignment, with some conditions.

  • For each Azure monthly credit, you can add or remove users at any time but capped at five reassignments only. Exceptions aren't granted beyond five reassignments.
  • For the Azure bulk (yearly) credit, reassignment isn't supported. You can only change the user in the next year after you renew your membership and you're awarded a new set of benefits.

View the new Azure credits benefits

Here are new Azure credits benefits:

  • Copilot for Security Benefit (by way of Azure credits)
  • GitHub CoPilot Enterprise (by way of Azure credits)
  • GitHub Enterprise Metered Benefit (by way of Azure credits)

The process for redeeming the new Azure credits is the same as that for yearly and bulk Azure credits.

Azure credits FAQs

Use these frequently asked questions to learn more about the Azure credits.

  • You can assign a user in your organization to both an active Azure monthly credit and an Azure bulk credit. But you can't assign a user to more than one Azure bulk credit.
  • You can remove an existing user assignment and assign a new user for an Azure monthly credit. But user reassignments on each credit are capped at a maximum of five.
  • You can't assign Azure credits to users that have a free-hosted domain (such as,,, and others). Users with company domains are supported.
  • Azure monthly credits are valid only for 13 months from the date of benefit activation. At the end of 13 months, free monthly Azure credits are no longer available. You need to convert your subscription to Pay-as-you-go model if you wish to continue running your Azure resources. You can convert your Azure monthly subscription to Pay-as-you-go model by removing spend restrictions on your Azure subscription. For more information, see Remove the spending limit in Azure portal.
  • Azure credits awarded under the Microsoft membership program should adhere to Monthly Azure credits or Yearly Azure credits terms and conditions.
  • The process to redeem Azure credits for the following new benefits is the same as that for yearly and bulk Azure credits.
    • Copilot for Security Benefit (via Azure credits)
    • GitHub CoPilot Enterprise (via Azure credits)
    • GitHub Enterprise Metered Benefit(via Azure credits)