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Privileges required to use Copilot for Sales

Copilot for Sales applies your organization's existing CRM access controls and user permissions. Administrators must have correct permissions to customize their CRM systems, and users must have the correct permissions to view, update, and create records in their CRM systems from Copilot for Sales.


  • If you've made changes in a user's permissions or security roles in your CRM, ask that user to sign out of Copilot for Sales in Outlook and then sign in again for these changes to be reflected appropriately.
  • Changes in user permissions or security roles in CRM can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in Copilot for Sales app for Teams.

Permissions required for Salesforce administrators

Salesforce administrators who need to customize Copilot for Sales must have the following permissions.

Requirement type You must have
Permission User profile needs to have Modify All Data or Manage Data Integrations permission.
Note: Permissions need to be on the user's profile and not in permission sets assigned to the user.
Privilege Read and Write privileges on Organization table.

Privileges required for Dynamics 365 customers

Dynamics 365 administrators

If you're using out-of-the-box System Administrator or System Customizer security roles, Copilot for Sales administration privileges are added automatically.

If you're using custom security roles, you must assign the Sales Copilot Administrator security role and following privileges to Dynamics 365 administrators who need to customize Copilot for Sales.

Table Logical name Privileges Access level
msdyn_vivausersetting msdyn_vivausersetting Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to, Assign, Share Organization
msdyn_vivaorgextensioncred msdyn_vivaorgextensioncred Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to Organization
msdyn_vivaorgsetting msdyn_vivaorgsetting Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to Organization
msdyn_vivaentitysetting msdyn_vivaentitysetting Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to Organization
User systemuser Read Organization
Recently Used recentlyused Create, Read, Write, Delete User
Organization organization Read, Write, Append to Global

Dynamics 365 sellers

If you're using the out-of-the-box Salesperson or Sales Manager security roles, Copilot for Sales privileges are added automatically and no further action is required.

If you're using custom security roles, you must assign the Sales Copilot User security role and following privileges to Dynamics 365 sellers who need to use Copilot for Sales.

Table Logical name Privileges Access level
Tagged Record msdyn_taggedrecord Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to User
External Record msdyn_externalrecord Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to Organization access level for Read privilege.
User access level for Create, Write, Delete, Append, and Append to privileges.
External CRM msdyn_externalcrm Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to Organization access level for Read and Append to privileges.
User access level for Create, Write, Delete, and Append privileges.
CRM Connection msdyn_crmconnection Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to User
msdyn_vivausersetting msdyn_vivausersetting Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to, Assign, Share User
msdyn_vivaorgsetting msdyn_vivaorgsetting Read Organization
msdyn_vivaentitysetting msdyn_vivaentitysetting Read Organization
Note annotation Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, Append to, Assign, Share User
User systemuser Read Organization
Recently Used recentlyused Create, Read, Write, Delete User

The Sales Copilot User security role only compliments the custom security roles and does not replace them. If a custom security role assigned to sellers is missing any of the privileges included in Salesperson or Sales Manager security role, you might encounter errors specific to Dynamics 365 permission.

For information on how to assign security roles, see Assign a security role to a user.

To edit custom security roles to match with out-of-the-box Salesperson or Sales Manager role, see Create or edit a security role to manage access.

For information on security roles and privileges, see Security roles and privileges.

Deploy Copilot for Sales

Looking for step-by-step instructions on how to deploy Copilot for Sales? Here are the Copilot for Sales deployment guides:

Install Copilot for Sales