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Generate a meeting summary

When Copilot for Sales is added to a Teams meeting, it generates a meeting summary automatically if the meeting is recorded with transcription on.

  1. Join the meeting with your customer. You can use the link in the Outlook calendar event or join from Teams.

  2. Start the recording and transcription.

When you start recording the meeting, live transcription also starts if your Teams admin has allowed transcription. If the recording starts but transcription doesn't, ask your admin to turn on recording transcription.

Transcription helps to make your meeting productive and inclusive for participants. By default, the transcript is available in English. You can change the transcript language to be the same as the language being spoken in the meeting. For details, see the Change the transcript language section in View live transcription in a Teams meeting.


The spoken language is not detected automatically. If the transcript language is not same as the language spoken in the meeting, the generated transcript will be unusable.

When you end the meeting, Copilot for Sales uses the recorded call and transcript to generate and summarize rich meeting insights. The meeting summary provides an overview of how the conversation went. It includes action items and relevant keywords, a breakdown of customer sentiments during the call, and more. For information about how to view the meeting summary, see View sales related insights in Microsoft Teams meeting recap.


  • You must transcribe the meeting to generate meeting insights.
  • Version of the Copilot for Sales app in Microsoft Teams must be 1.0.9 or higher to generate meeting insights. For more information, click here.

Use the meeting summary to review past conversations with customers, understand historical needs and sentiments, and highlight your commitments.

Only you and any other sellers you invited to the meeting can view the meeting summary. It isn't visible to the customers who participated in the call.

View and understand the meeting summary
View sales related insights in Microsoft Teams meeting recap