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Share or delegate a calendar in Outlook

In Outlook, a calendar owner can share the calendar with another user. The owner can specify which information in non-private events is viewable, and can give write access to the calendar to users in the same organization.

The owner can also delegate another user to manage meetings in the owner's primary calendar. Delegates are share recipients who can view all information in and have write access to non-private events. They also receive meeting requests and responses, and respond to meeting requests on behalf of the owner. Additionally, the owner can give explicit permissions to delegates to view the owner's private events on the calendar.

Before calendar sharing or delegation can take effect, the owner sends a share recipient or delegate an invitation, and the share recipient or delegate accepts the invitation, or, explicitly adds the shared or delegated calendar for access. The invitation and adding a shared or delegated calendar occur in an Outlook client.

After sharing or delegation is set up in Outlook, apps can then use the Microsoft Graph API to manage the sharing and delegation.

The rest of this article is based on the following example scenario:

  • Alex Wilber has delegated Megan Bowen to his primary calendar, and also permitted Megan to view private events in that calendar.
  • Alex shared a "Kids parties" calendar with Adele Vance and Megan Bowen, and gave both Adele and Megan read permissions to all the details of non-private events on the "Kids parties" calendar, and free/busy status for private events.

This article describes programmatically carrying out the following tasks with a shared or delegated calendar:

Apps can also do the following using API that is generally available:


The properties and API for calendar sharing and delegating as described in this topic are currently available in the v1.0 endpoint, with the exception of the calendar properties isShared and isSharedWithMe. These two properties are exposed in only the beta endpoint.

Get calendar information about share recipients and delegates, and update individual permissions

In this section:

Each calendar is associated with a collection of calendarPermission objects, each of which describes a share recipient or delegate and the associated permission that the calendar owner has set up. The calendarRoleType enumeration defines the range of permissions that Microsoft Graph supports:

  • none This value applies to only My Organization which doesn't have any permissions to the calendar. It doesn't apply to individual users, as only users with permissions are associated with a calendarPermission object for the calendar.
  • freeBusyRead The share recipient can view the owner's free/busy status, but not other details on the calendar.
  • limitedRead The share recipient can view the owner's free/busy status, and the titles and locations of non-private events on the calendar.
  • read The share recipient can view the owner's free/busy status in private events, and all the details of non-private events on the calendar.
  • write The share recipient can view the owner's free/busy status in private events, and can view all the details and edit (create, update, or delete) non-private events on the calendar.
  • delegateWithoutPrivateEventAccess The delegate can view the owner's free/busy status in private events, and has write access to non-private events on the calendar.
  • delegateWithPrivateEventAccess The delegate can view details of the owner's private and non-private events, and has write access to all the events on the calendar.

The primary calendar of a user is always shared with "My Organization", which represents the users in the same organization as the owner. By default, they can read the owner's free/busy status on that calendar and have the freeBusyRead permission.

Calendar owner: Get sharing or delegation information and permissions

This example shows with the consent of Alex or administrator, how to get the calendarPermission objects associated with Alex' primary calendar. The request returns two such permission objects:

  • The first calendarPermission object is assigned to the delegate, Megan, and has the following property values:

    • isRemovable is set to true, providing Alex the option to cancel the delegation.
    • isInsideOrganization is true as only users in the same organization can be delegates.
    • role for Megan is delegateWithPrivateEventAccess, as set up by Alex.
    • allowedRoles includes the role types delegateWithoutPrivateEventAccess and delegateWithPrivateEventAccess that support delegation.
    • emailAddress specifies Megan.
  • The second calendarPermission object is a default object assigned to "My Organization", and has the following property values:

    • isRemovable is set to false, since the primary calendar is always shared with the owner's organization.
    • isInsideOrganization is true.
    • role is freeBusyRead, the default setting for "My Organization".
    • emailAddress specifies the name sub-property as "My Organization"; address for "My Organization" is by default null.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, Calendars.Read, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information, see calendar permissions.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('64339082-ed84-4b0b-b4ab-004ae54f3747')/calendar/calendarPermissions",
    "value": [
            "id": "L289RXhjaGFuZ2VMYWJTWVnYW5C",
            "isRemovable": true,
            "isInsideOrganization": true,
            "role": "delegateWithPrivateEventAccess",
            "allowedRoles": [
            "emailAddress": {
                "name": "Megan Bowen",
                "address": ""
            "id": "RGVmYXVsdA==",
            "isRemovable": false,
            "isInsideOrganization": true,
            "role": "freeBusyRead",
            "allowedRoles": [
            "emailAddress": {
                "name": "My Organization"

Calendar owner: Update permissions for an existing share recipient or delegate on a calendar

With the consent of Alex or administrator, you can update the permissions assigned to an existing share recipient or delegate (specified by the role property), as long as the new permissions are supported by those allowedRoles set up initially for the share recipient or delegate for that calendar.

Aside from the role property, you can't update other properties of an existing share recipient or delegate. Changing the emailAddress property value requires deleting the share recipient or delegate and setting up a new instance of calendarPermission again.

The example in this section updates the role property, changing the permission of an existing share recipient, Adele, from read to write for the custom calendar "Kids parties".

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, Calendars.ReadWrite, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information, see calendar permissions.

Content-type: application/json

  "role": "write"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('64339082-ed84-4b0b-b4ab-004ae54f3747')/calendars('AAMkADAwAABf02bAAAA%3D')/calendarPermissions/$entity",
    "id": "L289RXhjaGFuZ2VMYWJQWRlbGVW",
    "isRemovable": true,
    "isInsideOrganization": true,
    "role": "write",
    "allowedRoles": [
    "emailAddress": {
        "name": "Adele Vance",
        "address": ""

Get properties of a shared or delegated calendar

In this section:

Recalling in this example, Alex has delegated his primary calendar and given the delegate, Megan Bowen, the permission to view calendar items that are marked private. This section shows the properties of the delegated calendar, first from the perspective of and with the consent of the owner, Alex, and then from the perspective of and with the consent of the delegate, Megan. Consent from the administrator also works for each case.

Calendar owner: Get properties of a shared or delegated calendar

The example in this section gets the properties of the primary calendar from the perspective of the owner, Alex.

Note the following properties on Alex' behalf:

  • canShare is true as Alex is the owner.
  • canViewPrivateItems is true since Alex is the owner.
  • isShared is set to true, as Alex has set up a delegate for this calendar.
  • isSharedWithMe is always false for the calendar owner.
  • owner shows Alex as the owner.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, Calendars.Read, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information, see calendar permissions.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('64339082-ed84-4b0b-b4ab-004ae54f3747')/calendar/$entity",
    "id": "AQMkADAw7QAAAJfygAAAA==",
    "name": "Calendar",
    "color": "auto",
    "hexColor": "",
    "changeKey": "NEXywgsVrkeNsFsyVyRrtAAAAAACOg==",
    "canShare": true,
    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
    "isShared": true,
    "isSharedWithMe": false,
    "canEdit": true,
    "allowedOnlineMeetingProviders": [
    "defaultOnlineMeetingProvider": "teamsForBusiness",
    "isTallyingResponses": true,
    "isRemovable": false,
    "owner": {
        "name": "Alex Wilber",
        "address": ""

Share recipient or delegate: Get properties of shared or delegated calendar

The example in this section gets the properties of the same calendar from the perspective of the delegate, Megan.

Note the following properties:

  • name of the calendar is by default the owner's display name. In this case, it's "Alex Wilber", since this is Alex' calendar delegated to Megan.
  • canShare is false, since Megan is not the owner of this calendar.
  • canViewPrivateItems is true for the delegate Megan, as set up by Alex. For a sharee that is not a delegate, this property is always false.
  • isShared is false. This property indicates only to a calendar owner whether the calendar has been shared or delegated.
  • isSharedWithMe property is true, since Megan is a delegate.
  • canEdit is true, since delegates, including Megan, have write access.
  • owner is set to Alex.


A sharee or delegate can customize only the name property of a shared/delegated calendar. The update is visible only to themselves; the calendar owner does not see such calendar name changes.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated permission, Calendars.Read.Shared, or application permission, Calendars.Read, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information, see calendar permissions.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('')/calendars/$entity",
    "id": "AAMkADlAABhbftjAAA=",
    "name": "Alex Wilber",
    "color": "auto",
    "hexColor": "",
    "changeKey": "E6LznKWmX0KTsAD9qRJjeAAAYWo3EQ==",
    "canShare": false,
    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
    "isShared": false,
    "isSharedWithMe": true,
    "canEdit": true,
    "allowedOnlineMeetingProviders": [
    "defaultOnlineMeetingProvider": "teamsForBusiness",
    "isTallyingResponses": true,
    "isRemovable": true,
    "owner": {
        "name": "Alex Wilber",
        "address": ""

Get or set mailbox setting to receive meeting requests and responses

In this section:

Depending on the level of delegation a calendar owner prefers, the owner can specify who should receive meeting requests and responses to manage meetings on the calendar.

Programmatically, you can get or set the delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions property of the calendar owner's mailboxSettings to specify to whom Outlook should direct eventMessageRequest and eventMessageResponse instances:

  • sendToDelegateOnly

    Outlook to direct eventMessageRequest and eventMessageResponse instances to only delegates. This is the default setting. The owner can see responses to a meeting or respond to an invitation through the corresponding event in the delegated calendar.

  • sendToDelegateAndInformationToPrincipal

    Outlook to direct eventMessageRequest and eventMessageResponse instances to delegates and the calendar owner. Only the delegates see the option to accept or decline a meeting request, and the notification sent to the owner appears like a normal email message. The owner can still respond to the meeting by opening the event in the delegated calendar and responding.

  • sendToDelegateAndPrincipal

    Outlook to direct eventMessageRequest and eventMessageResponse instances to delegates and the calendar owner, either of whom can respond to the meeting request.

This is a mailbox-wide setting, so the same setting applies to all delegates of the mailbox owner.

Get delegation delivery setting for a user's mailbox

The example in this section gets the mailboxSettings of a calendar owner who lets Outlook direct meeting requests and responses to only calendar delegates; that is, delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions is set to sendToDelegateOnly.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, MailboxSettings.Read, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information about mailbox permissions, see mail permissions.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('64339082-ed84-4b0b-b4ab-004ae54f3747')/mailboxSettings",
    "archiveFolder": "AQMkADAwAGVQAAAKfowAAAA==",
    "timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time",
    "delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions": "sendToDelegateOnly",
    "dateFormat": "M/d/yyyy",
    "timeFormat": "h:mm tt",
    "automaticRepliesSetting": {
        "status": "disabled",
        "externalAudience": "all",
        "internalReplyMessage": "",
        "externalReplyMessage": "",
        "scheduledStartDateTime": {
            "dateTime": "2019-12-24T05:00:00.0000000",
            "timeZone": "UTC"
        "scheduledEndDateTime": {
            "dateTime": "2019-12-25T05:00:00.0000000",
            "timeZone": "UTC"
    "language": {
        "locale": "en-US",
        "displayName": "English (United States)"
    "workingHours": {
        "daysOfWeek": [
        "startTime": "08:00:00.0000000",
        "endTime": "17:00:00.0000000",
        "timeZone": {
            "name": "Pacific Standard Time"

Set delegation delivery setting for a user's mailbox

The example in this section updates the delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions property to sendToDelegateAndPrincipal, to have Outlook direct meeting requests and responses of the delegated calendar to all delegates and the owner.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, MailboxSettings.ReadWrite, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information about mailbox permissions, see mail permissions.

Content-type: application/json

  "delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions": "sendToDelegateAndPrincipal"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('64339082-ed84-4b0b-b4ab-004ae54f3747')/mailboxSettings",
    "delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions": "sendToDelegateAndPrincipal"

Delete a sharee or delegate of a calendar

In the example below, Alex deletes Megan as a sharee of the "Kids parties" calendar.

Microsoft Graph permissions

Use the least privileged delegated or application permission, Calendars.ReadWrite, as appropriate, for this operation. For more information, see calendar permissions.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content