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Configure HTTP in a copy activity

This article outlines how to use the copy activity in data pipeline to copy data from and to HTTP.

Supported format

HTTP supports the following file formats. Refer to each article for format-based settings.

Supported configuration

For the configuration of each tab under copy activity, go to the following sections respectively.


Destination isn't supported in the HTTP connector.


Refer to the General settings guidance to configure the General settings tab.


The following properties are supported for HTTP under the Source tab of a copy activity.

Screenshot showing source tab and the list of properties.

The following three properties are required:

  • Data store type: Select External.
  • Connection: Select an HTTP connection from the connection list. If no connection exists, then create a new HTTP connection by selecting New.
  • Connection type: Select HTTP.
  • Relative URL: A relative URL to the resource that contains the data. When this property isn't specified, only the URL that's specified in the connection definition is used. The HTTP connector copies data from the combined URL: /[relative URL specified].
  • File settings: Select File settings to configure the file format. For settings of different file formats, refer to articles in Supported format for detailed information.

Under Advanced, you can specify the following fields:

  • Request method: The HTTP method. Allowed values are Get (default) and Post.

  • Additional headers: Additional HTTP request headers.

  • Request body: The request body for the HTTP request.

  • Request timeout: The timeout (the timespan value) for the HTTP request to get a response. This value is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. The default value is 00:01:40.

  • Max concurrent connections: The upper limit of concurrent connections established to the data store during the activity run. Specify a value only when you want to limit concurrent connections.

  • Skip line count: The number of non-empty rows to skip when reading data from input files.

  • Additional columns: Add additional data columns to store source files' relative path or static value. Expression is supported for the latter.

    Screenshot showing additional columns.


For Mapping tab configuration, see Configure your mappings under mapping tab. If you choose Binary as your file format, mapping will not be supported.


For Settings tab configuration, go to Configure your other settings under settings tab.

Table summary

The following table contains more information about the copy activity in HTTP.


Name Description Value Required JSON script property
Data store type Your data store type. External Yes /
Connection Your connection to the source data store. <your connection> Yes connection
Connection type The connection of your source data. <connection of your source> Yes /
Relative URL A relative URL to the resource that contains the data. When this property isn't specified, only the URL that's specified in the connection definition is used. The HTTP connector copies data from the combined URL: /[relative URL specified]. <your relative url> No relativeUrl
Request method The HTTP method. Allowed values are Get (default) and Post. GET
No requestMethod
Additional headers Additional HTTP request headers. <your additional headers> No additionalHeaders
Request body The request body for the HTTP request. <body for POST HTTP request> No requestBody
Request timeout The timeout (the timespan value) for the HTTP request to get a response. This value is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. The default value is 00:01:40. timespan No requestTimeout
Max concurrent connections The upper limit of concurrent connections established to the data store during the activity run. Specify a value only when you want to limit concurrent connections. <max concurrent connections> No maxConcurrentConnections
Skip line count The number of non-empty rows to skip when reading data from input files. <your skip line count> No skipLineCount
Additional columns Add additional data columns to store source files' relative path or static value. Expression is supported for the latter. • Name
• Value
No additionalColumns:
• name
• value