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Install LinkedIn Sales Insights

Import the latest company profile data—such as personas, number of employees, and company URL—from LinkedIn Sales Insights into a matched account in Dynamics 365 automatically. Importing this data reduces the manual effort required to match company profiles between the two products, enter the details in Dynamics 365 Sales and frequently update data as LSI updates them.

How LinkedIn Sales Insights helps

As an administrator, you can install LinkedIn Sales Insights and make it available for your sales teams to use. When installed, all the accounts that are available in your organization will display the LinkedIn Sales Insights tab in Account forms. Those accounts that have a matching LinkedIn Sales Insights company profile will show data from LinkedIn Sales Insights.

LinkedIn Sales Insights tab in an account form.

Review the prerequisites

Before you install LinkedIn Sales Insights, be sure you meet the following requirements:

Install the solution

  1. Go to the LinkedIn Sales Insights for Dynamics 365 page, and then select Get it now.

    Screenshot of the LinkedIn Sales Insights for Dynamics 365 AppSource page.

  2. Read the terms and conditions, and then select Continue.

    Screenshot of the Continue button to proceed with installation.

    A Power Platform admin center page opens where you can select the organization to install LinkedIn Sales Insights for Dynamics 365.

    Screenshot of the organization selection page for installing LinkedIn Sales Insights.

  3. In the Select an environment list, select your organization, select the check boxes for Microsoft and Dynamics 365 legal terms and privacy statements, and then select Install. On the Manage your solutions page, you can see the status of the installation.

To verify that the installation is complete, perform the steps in the following procedure.

Validate the installation

  1. In the sales app, go to Settings > Advanced Settings.

    Screenshot of the Advanced Settings option on the Settings menu.

  2. Go to Customization > Customizations > Solutions.

  3. Verify that the msdyn_linkedinsalesinsights solution is installed in your organization.

Uninstall the solution

  1. In the sales app, go to Settings > Advanced Settings.

    Screenshot of the Advanced Settings option on the Settings menu.

  2. Go to Customization > Customizations > Solutions.

  3. Select the msdyn_linkedinsalesinsights solution, and then select Delete.

  4. In the confirmation message that appears, select OK.

The solution is removed from your organization.

Can't find the feature in your app?

There are a few possibilities:

  • You don't have the necessary license to use this feature. Check out the comparison table and the licensing guide to see which features are available with your license.
  • You don't have the necessary security role to use this feature.
  • Your administrator hasn't turned on the feature.
  • Your organization is using a custom app. Check with your administrator for exact steps. The steps described in this article are specific to the out-of-the-box Sales Hub and Sales Professional apps.

Understand the LinkedIn Sales Insights tab
LinkedIn Sales Insights for Dynamics 365 Sales - Installation Guide