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Sign up for a free Dynamics 365 Field Service trial

Dynamics 365 Field Service offers a free 30-day trial. After a quick sign-up, you'll have access to many of the app's key features. The trial allows you to test the app with sample data and even try out your own customer data. Learn more about Field Service features.

To sign up for the trial:

  1. Go to the Field Service product page and select the Try for free button.
  2. Follow the onscreen guidance to enter an email and use an existing account or create an account.

The trial takes a few moments to load, then you can start using the app.

What to try

Your trial environment includes many of the same features as the paid version. For more information on getting started with Field Service, go to Get started with Field Service.

Features included in the trial

The trial comes with guided tours and videos that highlight key product features for you to try. When the trial is ready, you can:

  • Follow the guided tours on the get started page to learn how Field Service can help your business schedule work intelligently and deliver proactive service using smart device alerts.

  • Download the mobile app and follow the guided tour to learn how your frontline workers can use the app to manage their day and increase their first-time fix rate.

  • Watch tutorials on how to: easily set up your frontline workers and customer accounts, create and schedule work orders, and analyze your field service operations. You can see how Field Service works with your own business data.

Configuration considerations to get the most out of the trial

  • To spin up sample data for your environment, consider using the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot. For detailed instructions, see Use Copilot to create sample data for Field Service.

  • The trial includes sample IoT device data to see how Connected Field Service can help you deliver proactive service using smart device alerts. However, to fully experience Connected Field Service for your business, configure Azure IoT Hub.

  • To experience the self-scheduling and technician tracking features that Field Service offers your customers, configure the Field Service customer portal.

See also