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Set up booking statuses

Booking statuses allow you to create multiple substatuses mapped to each of your booking statuses in order to more precisely define your company's unique business processes. On the schedule board, booking statuses show in alphabetical order and grouped by their parent status. To change the order, update the name accordingly.

Screenshot of the list of booking statuses.

  1. In the Field Service application, change to the Resources area.

  2. Under Booking Settings, select Booking Statuses.

  3. Select New on the Active Booking Statuses view.

  4. Fill in your information.

    • Choose a custom Status Color value in the Common tab to specify which color the resource schedule time slot will be displayed on the schedule board.

    • Map the new status to a parent status in the Field Service tab by choosing a value in the Field Service Status field.


You can also set a default status for scheduled and canceled bookings. Go to Resources > Administration > Booking Setup Metadata Wizard. Select msdyn_workorder and configure the default settings. For more information: Configure default settings