<remarks> (Visual Basic)
Specifies a remarks section for the member.
A description of the member.
Use the <remarks>
tag to add information about a type, supplementing the information specified with <summary>.
This information appears in the Object Browser. For information about the Object Browser, see Viewing the Structure of Code.
Compile with -doc to process documentation comments to a file.
This example uses the <remarks>
tag to explain what the UpdateRecord
method does.
''' <param name="id">The ID of the record to update.</param>
''' <remarks>Updates the record <paramref name="id"/>.
''' <para>Use <see cref="DoesRecordExist"/> to verify that
''' the record exists before calling this method.</para>
''' </remarks>
Public Sub UpdateRecord(ByVal id As Integer)
' Code goes here.
End Sub
''' <param name="id">The ID of the record to check.</param>
''' <returns><c>True</c> if <paramref name="id"/> exists,
''' <c>False</c> otherwise.</returns>
''' <remarks><seealso cref="UpdateRecord"/></remarks>
Public Function DoesRecordExist(ByVal id As Integer) As Boolean
' Code goes here.
End Function
See also
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