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Use the Azure SDK for .NET in ASP.NET Core apps

The Azure SDK for .NET enables ASP.NET Core apps to integrate with many different Azure services. In this article, you'll learn best practices and the steps to adopt the Azure SDK for .NET in your ASP.NET Core apps. You'll learn how to:

  • Register services for dependency injection.
  • Authenticate to Azure without using passwords or secrets.
  • Implement centralized, standardized configuration.
  • Configure common web app concerns such as logging and retries.

Explore common Azure SDK client libraries

ASP.NET Core apps that connect to Azure services generally depend on the following Azure SDK client libraries:

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Azure provides helper methods to register clients with the dependency injection service collection and handles various concerns for you, such as setting up logging, handling DI service lifetimes, and authentication credential management.
  • Azure.Identity enables Microsoft Entra ID authentication support across the Azure SDK. It provides a set of TokenCredential implementations to construct Azure SDK clients that support Microsoft Entra authentication.
  • Azure.<service-namespace> libraries, such as Azure.Storage.Blobs and Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus, provide service clients and other types to help you connect to and consume specific Azure services. For a complete inventory of these libraries, see Libraries using Azure.Core.

In the sections ahead, you'll explore how to implement an ASP.NET Core application that uses these libraries.

Register Azure SDK clients with the DI service collection

The Azure SDK for .NET client libraries provide service clients to connect your app to Azure services such as Azure Blob Storage and Azure Key Vault. Register these services with the dependency container in the Program.cs file of your app to make them available via dependency injection.

Complete the following steps to register the services you need:

  1. Add the Microsoft.Extensions.Azure package:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Azure
  2. Add the relevant Azure.* service client packages:

    dotnet add package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets
    dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs
    dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus
  3. In the Program.cs file of your app, invoke the AddAzureClients extension method from the Microsoft.Extensions.Azure library to register a client to communicate with each Azure service. Some client libraries provide additional subclients for specific subgroups of Azure service functionality. You can register such subclients for dependency injection via the AddClient extension method.

    builder.Services.AddAzureClients(clientBuilder =>
        // Register a client for each Azure service using inline configuration
        clientBuilder.AddSecretClient(new Uri("<key_vault_url>"));
        clientBuilder.AddBlobServiceClient(new Uri("<storage_url>"));
        // Register a subclient for each Azure Service Bus Queue
        var queueNames = new string[] { "queue1", "queue2" };
        foreach (string queue in queueNames)
            clientBuilder.AddClient<ServiceBusSender, ServiceBusClientOptions>(
                (_, _, provider) => provider.GetService<ServiceBusClient>()
        // Register a shared credential for Microsoft Entra ID authentication
        clientBuilder.UseCredential(new DefaultAzureCredential());
  4. Inject the registered clients into your ASP.NET Core app components, services, or API endpoint:

    app.MapGet("/reports", async (
            BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient,
            IAzureClientFactory<ServiceBusSender> senderFactory) =>
        // Create the named client
        ServiceBusSender serviceBusSender = senderFactory.CreateClient("queue1");
        await serviceBusSender.SendMessageAsync(new ServiceBusMessage("Hello world"));
        // Use the blob client
        BlobContainerClient containerClient
            = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("reports");
        List<BlobItem> reports = new();
        await foreach (BlobItem blobItem in containerClient.GetBlobsAsync())
        return reports;

For more information, see Dependency injection with the Azure SDK for .NET.

Authenticate using Microsoft Entra ID

Token-based authentication with Microsoft Entra ID is the recommended approach to authenticate requests to Azure services. To authorize those requests, Azure role-based access control (RBAC) manages access to Azure resources based on a user's Microsoft Entra identity and assigned roles.

Use the Azure Identity library for the aforementioned token-based authentication support. The library provides classes such as DefaultAzureCredential to simplify configuring secure connections. DefaultAzureCredential supports multiple authentication methods and determines which method should be used at runtime. This approach enables your app to use different authentication methods in different environments (local vs. production) without implementing environment-specific code. Visit the Authentication section of the Azure SDK for .NET docs for more details on these topics.


Many Azure services also allow you to authorize requests using keys. However, this approach should be used with caution. Developers must be diligent to never expose the access key in an unsecure location. Anyone who has the access key can authorize requests against the associated Azure resource.

  1. Add the Azure.Identity package:

    dotnet add package Azure.Identity
  2. In the Program.cs file of your app, invoke the UseCredential extension method from the Microsoft.Extensions.Azure library to set a shared DefaultAzureCredential instance for all registered Azure service clients:

    builder.Services.AddAzureClients(clientBuilder =>
        // Register a client for each Azure service using inline configuration
        clientBuilder.AddSecretClient(new Uri("<key_vault_url>"));
        clientBuilder.AddBlobServiceClient(new Uri("<storage_url>"));
        // Register a subclient for each Azure Service Bus Queue
        var queueNames = new string[] { "queue1", "queue2" };
        foreach (string queue in queueNames)
            clientBuilder.AddClient<ServiceBusSender, ServiceBusClientOptions>(
                (_, _, provider) => provider.GetService<ServiceBusClient>()
        // Register a shared credential for Microsoft Entra ID authentication
        clientBuilder.UseCredential(new DefaultAzureCredential());

    DefaultAzureCredential discovers available credentials in the current environment and uses them to authenticate to Azure services. For the order and locations in which DefaultAzureCredential scans for credentials, see DefaultAzureCredential overview. Using a shared DefaultAzureCredential instance ensures the underlying token cache is used, which improves application resilience and performance due to fewer requests for a new token.

Apply configurations

Azure SDK service clients support configurations to change their default behaviors. There are two ways to configure service clients:

  • JSON configuration files are generally the recommended approach because they simplify managing differences in app deployments between environments.
  • Inline code configurations can be applied when you register the service client. For example, in the Register clients and subclients section, you explicitly passed the URI variables to the client constructors.

IConfiguration precedence rules are respected by the Microsoft.Extensions.Azure extension methods, which are detailed in the Configuration Providers documentation.

Complete the steps in the following sections to update your app to use JSON file configuration for the appropriate environments. Use the appsettings.Development.json file for development settings and the appsettings.Production.json file for production environment settings. You can add configuration settings whose names are public properties on the ClientOptions class to the JSON file.

Configure registered services

  1. Update the appsettings.<environment>.json file in your app with the highlighted service configurations:

      "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
          "Default": "Information",
          "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
          "Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus": "Debug"
      "AzureDefaults": {
        "Diagnostics": {
          "IsTelemetryDisabled": false,
          "IsLoggingContentEnabled": true
        "Retry": {
          "MaxRetries": 3,
          "Mode": "Exponential"
      "KeyVault": {
        "VaultUri": "https://<your-key-vault-name>"
      "ServiceBus": {
        "Namespace": "<your_service-bus_namespace>"
      "Storage": {
        "ServiceUri": "https://<your-storage-account-name>"

    In the preceding JSON sample:

  2. Update the the Program.cs file to retrieve the JSON file configurations using IConfiguration and pass them into your service registrations:

    builder.Services.AddAzureClients(clientBuilder =>
        // Register clients using a config file section
        // Register clients using a specific config key-value pair

Configure Azure defaults and retries

You may want to change default Azure client configurations globally or for a specific service client. For example, you may want different retry settings or to use a different service API version. You can set the retry settings globally or on a per-service basis.

  1. Update your configuration file to set default Azure settings, such as a new default retry policy that all registered Azure clients will use:

      "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
          "Default": "Information",
          "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
          "Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus": "Debug"
      "AzureDefaults": {
        "Diagnostics": {
          "IsTelemetryDisabled": false,
          "IsLoggingContentEnabled": true
        "Retry": {
          "MaxRetries": 3,
          "Mode": "Exponential"
      "KeyVault": {
        "VaultUri": "https://<your-key-vault-name>"
      "ServiceBus": {
        "Namespace": "<your_service-bus_namespace>"
      "Storage": {
        "ServiceUri": "https://<your-storage-account-name>"
  2. In the Program.cs file, call the ConfigureDefaults extension method to retrieve the default settings and apply them to your service clients:

    builder.Services.AddAzureClients(clientBuilder =>
        // Register clients using a config file section
        // Register clients using a specific config key-value pair
        // Register a subclient for each Azure Service Bus Queue
        string[] queueNames = [ "queue1", "queue2" ];
        foreach (string queue in queueNames)
            clientBuilder.AddClient<ServiceBusSender, ServiceBusClientOptions>(
                (_, _, provider) => provider.GetService<ServiceBusClient>()
        clientBuilder.UseCredential(new DefaultAzureCredential());
        // Set up any default settings

Configure logging

The Azure SDK for .NET client libraries can log client library operations to monitor requests and responses to Azure services. Client libraries can also log a variety of other events, including retries, token retrieval, and service-specific events from various clients. When you register an Azure SDK client using the AddAzureClients extension method, the AzureEventSourceLogForwarder is registered with the dependency injection container. The AzureEventSourceLogForwarder forwards log messages from Azure SDK event sources to ILoggerFactory to enables you to use the standard ASP.NET Core logging configuration for logging.

The following table depicts how the Azure SDK for .NET EventLevel maps to the ASP.NET Core LogLevel. For more information on these topics and other scenarios, see Logging with the Azure SDK for .NET and Dependency injection with the Azure SDK for .NET.

Azure SDK EventLevel ASP.NET Core LogLevel
Critical Critical
Error Error
Informational Information
Warning Warning
Verbose Debug
LogAlways Information

You can change default log levels and other settings using the same JSON configurations outlined in the configure authentication section. For example, toggle the ServiceBusClient log level to Debug by setting the Logging:LogLevel:Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus key as follows:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
      "Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus": "Debug"
  "AzureDefaults": {
    "Diagnostics": {
      "IsTelemetryDisabled": false,
      "IsLoggingContentEnabled": true
    "Retry": {
      "MaxRetries": 3,
      "Mode": "Exponential"
  "KeyVault": {
    "VaultUri": "https://<your-key-vault-name>"
  "ServiceBus": {
    "Namespace": "<your_service-bus_namespace>"
  "Storage": {
    "ServiceUri": "https://<your-storage-account-name>"