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Tips for using the Azure CLI successfully

Azure CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to configure and manage Azure resources from many shell environments. After you choose your preferred shell environment and install the Azure CLI, use this article to discover useful tips on how to avoid common pitfalls and use the Azure CLI successfully.

To learn more about specific Azure CLI commands, see the Azure CLI Reference list.

Choose a scripting language

The Azure CLI is an open source tool that you can run in many scripting languages.

  • It's the scripting language that determines the quoting, escape character, and line continuation rules for Azure CLI commands.
  • It can be challenging to copy Azure CLI command syntax containing single or double quotes, escape characters, or line continuation characters between languages.
  • Most Microsoft documentation for the Azure CLI is written and tested in Bash.
  • If PowerShell is your scripting language of choice, consider using the tool, Azure PowerShell, which has native PowerShell scripting language functionality.

For more information on scripting language options for Azure CLI, see Choose the right command-line tool.


Here are some links to help you answer the most frequently asked Azure CLI questions:

Subject area with article link Tip
Work behind a proxy Information on how to work over a proxy server.
Web Account Manager (WAM) Information on WAM and how to disable it.
Configuration settings List of available Azure CLI configuration settings, how to turn on/off Azure CLI features, and set default values.
Output formats Instructions on how to store Azure resource IDs in variables, and protect secrets returned by Azure CLI commands.
Passing JSON values in a string Quoting examples for JSON parameter values.
Support lifecycle Information about supported operating systems, scripting languages and the end of service for Azure CLI versions and dependencies.
REST API Alternative az rest command to use when a specific Azure CLI command isn't available for an Azure resource.
Azure CLI reference groups A to Z list of Azure CLI reference groups with drill-down to subgroups and all Azure CLI commands.
Azure CLI articles A to Z list of Quickstarts, How-to guides, and Tutorials that use Azure CLI reference commands. The list is grouped by reference group and subgroup for easy search.
Azure CLI samples A to Z list of Samples, including those samples in the Azure-samples/azure-cli-samples GitHub repository.
Troubleshooting Error cause and remediation tips.
What's new Short summary of new Azure CLI features.

Pass values to another command

If the value is used more than once, assign it to a variable. Variables allow you to use values more than once or to create more general scripts. This example assigns an ID found by the az vm list command to a variable.

# assign the list of running VMs to a variable
running_vm_ids=$(az vm list --resource-group MyResourceGroup --show-details \
    --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].id" --output tsv)

# verify the value of the variable
echo $running_vm_ids

If the value is used only once, consider piping. (Piping passes the output of one command as input to a second command.)

az vm list --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].name" --output tsv | grep my_vm

For multi-value lists, consider the following options:

  1. If you need more controls on the result, use a "for" loop:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for vmList in $(az vm list --resource-group MyResourceGroup --show-details --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].id"   -output tsv); do
    echo stopping $vmList
    az vm stop --ids $vmList
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Failed to stop $vmList"
        exit 1
    echo $vmList stopped
  1. Alternatively, use xargs and consider using the -P flag to run the operations in parallel for improved performance:
az vm list --resource-group MyResourceGroup --show-details \
    --query "[?powerState=='VM stopped'].id" \
    --output tsv | xargs -I {} -P 10 az vm start --ids "{}"
  1. Finally, Azure CLI has built-in support to process commands with multiple --ids in parallel to achieve the same effect of xargs. @- is used to get values from the pipe:
az vm list --resource-group MyResourceGroup --show-details \
    --query "[?powerState=='VM stopped'].id" \
    --output tsv | az vm start --ids @-

For more information on using Bash constructs with the Azure CLI including loops, case statements, if..then..else, and error handling, see Learn to use Bash with the Azure CLI.

Common update parameters

Azure CLI command groups often feature an update command. For instance, Azure Virtual Machines includes the az vm update command. Most update commands offer the three common parameters: --add, --set, and --remove.

The --set and --add parameters take a list of space-separated key-value pairs: key1=value1 key2=value2. To see what properties you can update, use a show command, such as az vm show.

az vm show --resource-group VMResources --name virtual-machine-01

To simplify the command, consider using a JSON string. For example, to attach a new data disk to a virtual machine, use the following value:

az vm update --resource-group VMResources --name virtual-machine-01 \
--add storageProfile.dataDisks "{\"createOption\": \"Attach\", \"managedDisk\":
   \"lun\": 1}"

Generic resource commands

A service you want to work with might not have Azure CLI support. You can use the az resource or az rest commands to work with these resources.

Concurrent execution

If you run Azure CLI commands concurrently on the same machine, write conflicts can happen if multiple Azure CLI commands write to the same Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) token cache.

To avoid potential failures, isolate the Azure CLI configuration folder for each script by setting environment variable AZURE_CONFIG_DIR for each script to a separate directory. Azure CLI commands in that script save the configuration and token cache to the configured location instead of the default ~/.azure folder.

export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/my/config/dir

Asynchronous operations

Operations in Azure can take a noticeable amount of time. For instance, configuring a virtual machine at a data center isn't instantaneous. Azure CLI waits until the command finishes to accept other commands. Many commands therefore offer a --no-wait parameter as shown here:

az group delete --name MyResourceGroup --no-wait

When you delete a resource group, all the resources that belong to it are also removed. Removing these resources can take a long time. When you run the command with the --no-wait parameter, the console accepts new commands without interrupting the removal.

Many commands offer a wait option, pausing the console until some condition is met. The following example uses the az vm wait command to support creating independent resources in parallel:

az vm create --resource-group VMResources --name virtual-machine-01 --image centos --no-wait
az vm create --resource-group VMResources --name virtual-machine-02 --image centos --no-wait

subscription=$(az account show --query "id" -o tsv)
az vm wait --created --ids $vm1_id $vm2_id

After both IDs are created, you can use the console again.

Script examples

Here are examples for using variables and looping through a list when working with Azure Virtual Machines. For in-depth examples on using Bash constructs with the Azure CLI including loops, case statements, if..then..else, and error handling, see Learn to use Bash with the Azure CLI.

Use these scripts to save IDs to variables:

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (
   `az vm list --resource-group VMResources --show-details --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].id" --output tsv`
) DO (
    SET "vm_ids=%%F %vm_ids%"  :: construct the id list
az vm stop --ids %vm_ids% :: CLI stops all VMs in parallel

Use these scripts to loop through a list:

FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (
    `az vm list --resource-group VMResources --show-details --query "[?powerState=='VM running'].id" --output tsv`
) DO (
    ECHO Stopping %%F
    az vm stop --ids %%F

See also