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Map Style Sheet Entries


Bing Maps for Enterprise service retirement

Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

The entries listed below can be used in a map style sheet to customize the appearance of a map in various Microsoft map controls. They can also be used to define how overlaid geometry on a map should be represented.


Map style sheets can be created interactively using the Map Style Sheet Editor application.

Settings and Elements

The entries shown below are a hierarchy where a property on a parent entry will override child entry properties. This table uses ">" to represent levels in the entry hierarchy. The properties available to each entry can be found in the entry's property group.

Name Property Group Web Style Description
version Version version 1.0 The style sheet version that you want to use.
settings Settings g 1.0 The settings that apply to the whole style sheet.
baseMapStyle BaseMapStyle 1.4 Map style from which this map style is derived.
mapElement MapElement me 1.0 The parent entry to all map entries.
> baseMapElement MapElement bme 1.0 The parent entry to all non-user entries.
>> area MapElement ar 1.0 Areas describing land use. These should not to be confused with the physical buildings which are under the structure entry.
>>> airport MapElement ap 1.0 Areas that encompass airports.
>>> areaOfInterest MapElement ai 1.1 Areas in which there are a high concentration of businesses or interesting points.
>>> cemetery MapElement cm 1.0 Areas that encompass cemeteries.
>>> continent MapElement ct 1.0 Continent area labels.
>>> education MapElement ed 1.0 Areas that encompass schools and other educational facilities.
>>> indigenousPeoplesReserve MapElement ipr 1.0 Areas that encompass indigenous peoples reserves.
>>> industrial MapElement ind 1.1 Areas that are used for industrial purposes.
>>> island MapElement is 1.0 Island area labels.
>>> medical MapElement md 1.0 Areas that are used for medical purposes (For example: a hospital campus).
>>> military MapElement ima 1.0 Areas that encompass military bases or have military uses.
>>> nautical MapElement nt 1.0 Areas that are used for nautical related purposes.
>>> neighborhood MapElement nh 1.0 Neighborhood area labels.
>>> runway MapElement rw 1.0 Areas that is used as an airplane runway.
>>> sand MapElement sn 1.0 Sandy areas like beaches.
>>> shoppingCenter MapElement sct 1.0 Areas of ground allocated for malls or other shopping centers.
>>> stadium MapElement sta 1.0 Areas that encompass stadiums.
>>> underground MapElement ug 1.1 Underground areas (For example: a metro station footprint).
>>> vegetation MapElement vg 1.0 Forests, grassy areas, etc.
>>>> forest MapElement fr 1.0 Areas of forest land.
>>>> golfCourse MapElement gc 1.0 Areas that encompass golf courses.
>>>> park MapElement pr 1.0 Areas that encompass parks.
>>>> playingField MapElement pf 1.0 Extracted pitches such as a baseball field or tennis court.
>>>> reserve MapElement rsv 1.0 Areas that encompass nature reserves.
>> frozenWater PointStyle fw 1.4 Frozen water, like glacier.
>> point PointStyle pt 1.0 All point features that are drawn with an icon of some sort.
>>> address PointStyle adr 1.2 Address numbers labels.
>>> naturalPoint PointStyle np 1.0 Icons that represent natural features.
>>>> peak PointStyle pk 1.0 Icons that represent mountain peaks.
>>>>> volcanicPeak PointStyle vp 1.0 Icons that represent volcano peaks.
>>>> waterPoint PointStyle wp 1.0 Icons that represent water feature locations such as a waterfall.
>>> pointOfInterest PointStyle poi 1.0 Icons that represent any interesting location.
>>>> business PointStyle bs 1.0 Icons that represent any business location.
>>>>> attractionPoint PointStyle atp 1.1 Icons that represent tourist attractions such as museums, zoos, etc.
>>>>>> amusementPlacePoint PointStyle app 1.4 Amusement place icon.
>>>>>> aquariumPoint PointStyle aqp 1.4 Aquarium icon.
>>>>>> artGalleryPoint PointStyle agp 1.4 Art gallery icon.
>>>>>> campPoint PointStyle cpp 1.4 Camp icon.
>>>>>> fishingPoint PointStyle fsp 1.4 Fishing icon.
>>>>>> gardenPoint PointStyle gdp 1.4 Garden icon.
>>>>>> hikingPoint PointStyle hkp 1.4 Hiking icon.
>>>>>> libraryPoint PointStyle lbp 1.4 Library icon.
>>>>>> museumPoint PointStyle mp 1.4 Museum icon.
>>>>>> naturalPlacePoint PointStyle npp 1.4 Natural place icon.
>>>>>> parkPoint PointStyle pkp 1.4 Park icon.
>>>>>> restAreaPoint PointStyle rap 1.4 Rest area icon.
>>>>>> touristAttractionPoint PointStyle tap 1.4 Tourist attraction icon.
>>>>>> zooPoint PointStyle zp 1.4 Zoo icon.
>>>>> communityPoint PointStyle cop 1.1 Icons that represent locations of general use to the community.
>>>>>> conventionCenterPoint PointStyle ccp 1.4 Convention center icon.
>>>>>> financialPoint PointStyle fnp 1.4 Financial icon.
>>>>>> governmentPoint PointStyle gvp 1.4 Government icon.
>>>>>> informationTechnologyPoint PointStyle iftp 1.4 Information technology icon.
>>>>>> palacePoint PointStyle plp 1.4 Palace icon.
>>>>>> pollingStationPoint PointStyle rsp 1.4 Polling station icon.
>>>>>> researchPoint PointStyle rp 1.4 Research icon.
>>>>> educationPoint PointStyle edp 1.1 Icons that represent schools and other education related locations.
>>>>> entertainmentPoint PointStyle etp 1.1 Icons that represent entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas, etc.
>>>>>> artsPoint PointStyle artp 1.4 Arts icon.
>>>>>> bowlingPoint PointStyle bwp 1.4 Bowling icon.
>>>>>> casinoPoint PointStyle csp 1.4 Casino icon.
>>>>>> golfCoursePoint PointStyle gfcp 1.4 Golf course icon.
>>>>>> gymPoint PointStyle gp 1.4 Gym icon.
>>>>>> marinaPoint PointStyle mrp 1.4 Marina icon.
>>>>>> movieTheaterPoint PointStyle mtp 1.4 Movie theater icon.
>>>>>> nightClubPoint PointStyle ncp 1.4 Night club icon.
>>>>>> recreationPoint PointStyle rcp 1.4 Recreation icon.
>>>>>> skatingPoint PointStyle sktp 1.4 Skating icon.
>>>>>> skiAreaPoint PointStyle skap 1.4 Ski area icon.
>>>>>> stadiumPoint PointStyle stmp 1.4 Stadium icon.
>>>>>> swimmingPoolPoint PointStyle swpp 1.4 Swimming pool icon.
>>>>>> theaterPoint PointStyle tp 1.4 Theater icon.
>>>>>> wineryPoint PointStyle wnp 1.4 Winery icon.
>>>>> essentialServicePoint PointStyle esp 1.1 Icons that represent essential services such as parking, banks, gas, etc.
>>>>>> atmPoint PointStyle atmp 1.4 ATM icon.
>>>>>> automobileRentalPoint PointStyle atmrt 1.4 Automobile rental icon.
>>>>>> automobileRepairPoint PointStyle atmrp 1.4 Automobile repair icon.
>>>>>> bankPoint PointStyle bkp 1.4 Bank icon.
>>>>>> clinicPoint PointStyle clcp 1.4 Clinic icon.
>>>>>> electricChargingStationPoint PointStyle ecsp 1.4 Electric charging station icon.
>>>>>> fireStationPoint PointStyle essp 1.4 FireStation icon.
>>>>>> gasStationPoint PointStyle gsp 1.4 GasStation icon.
>>>>>> groceryPoint PointStyle grcp 1.4 Grocery icon.
>>>>>> hospitalPoint PointStyle hp 1.4 Hospital icon.
>>>>>> laundryPoint PointStyle lp 1.4 Laundry icon.
>>>>>> liquorAndWineStorePoint PointStyle lwsp 1.4 Liquor and wine store icon.
>>>>>> mailPoint PointStyle mlp 1.4 Mail icon.
>>>>>> marketPoint PointStyle mktp 1.4 Market icon.
>>>>>> parkingPoint PointStyle prkp 1.4 Parking icon.
>>>>>> PetServicePoint PointStyle ptp 1.4 Pet service icon.
>>>>>> pharmacyPoint PointStyle phmp 1.4 Pharmacy icon.
>>>>>> policePoint PointStyle plcp 1.4 Police icon.
>>>>>> postalServicePoint PointStyle psts 1.4 Postal service icon.
>>>>>> professionalPoint PointStyle pfp 1.4 Professional service icon.
>>>>>> toiletPoint PointStyle tltp 1.4 Toilet icon.
>>>>>> veterinarianPoint PointStyle vtp 1.4 Veterinarian icon.
>>>>> foodPoint PointStyle fp 1.0 Icons that represent restaurants, cafés, etc.
>>>>>> barAndGrillPoint PointStyle bgp 1.4 Bar and grill icon.
>>>>>> barPoint PointStyle brp 1.4 Bar icon.
>>>>>> breweryPoint PointStyle brwp 1.4 Brewery icon.
>>>>>> cafePoint PointStyle cfp 1.4 Cafe icon.
>>>>>> iceCreamShopPoint PointStyle icsp 1.4 Ice cream shop icon.
>>>>>> restaurantPoint PointStyle rstp 1.4 Restaurant icon.
>>>>>> teaShopPoint PointStyle tsp 1.4 TeaShop icon.
>>>>> lodgingPoint PointStyle lop 1.1 Icons that represent hotels and other lodging businesses.
>>>>>> hotelPoint PointStyle htp 1.4 Hotel icon.
>>>>> realEstatePoint PointStyle rep 1.1 Icons that represent real estate businesses.
>>>>> shoppingPoint PointStyle shp 1.1 Icons that represent hotels and other lodging businesses.
>>>>>> automobileDealerPoint PointStyle atmdp 1.4 Automobile dealer icon.
>>>>>> beautyAndSpaPoint PointStyle bsp 1.4 Beauty and spa icon.
>>>>>> bookstorePoint PointStyle bksp 1.4 Bookstore icon.
>>>>>> departmentStorePoint PointStyle dsp 1.4 Department store icon.
>>>>>> electronicsShopPoint PointStyle elsp 1.4 Electronics shop icon.
>>>>>> golfShopPoint PointStyle glfsp 1.4 Golf shop icon.
>>>>>> homeApplianceShopPoint PointStyle hasp 1.4 Home appliance shop icon.
>>>>>> mallPoint PointStyle mllp 1.4 Mall icon.
>>>>>> phoneShopPoint PointStyle psp 1.4 Phone shop icon.
>>>> venuePoint PointStyle vpt 1.4 Encapsulates points that are used primarily in venues.
>>>>> babyChangingPoint PointStyle bcp 1.4 Baby changing station icon.
>>>>> elevatorPoint PointStyle ep 1.4 Elevator icon.
>>>>> entrancePoint PointStyle enp 1.4 Entrance icon.
>>>>> escalatorPoint PointStyle escp 1.4 Escalator icon.
>>>>> femaleRestroomPoint PointStyle frp 1.4 Female restroom icon.
>>>>> mailServicePoint PointStyle msp 1.4 Mail service icon.
>>>>> maleRestroomPoint PointStyle mrrp 1.4 Male restroom icon.
>>>>> meetingPoint PointStyle mep 1.4 Meeting area icon.
>>>>> printerPoint PointStyle prp 1.4 Printer icon.
>>>>> restroomPoint PointStyle rrp 1.4 Restroom icon.
>>>>> stairsPoint PointStyle sp 1.4 Stairs icon.
>>>>> teamPoint PointStyle tep 1.4 Team area icon.
>>>>> telephonePoint PointStyle tlp 1.4 Telephone icon.
>>> populatedPlace PointStyle pp 1.0 Icons that represent the size of populated place (For example: a city or town).
>>>> capital PointStyle cp 1.0 Icons that represent the capital of a populated place.
>>>>> adminDistrictCapital PointStyle adc 1.0 Icons that represent the capital of a state or province.
>>>>>> majorAdminDistrictCapital PointStyle 1.4 Icons that represent the major capital of a state or province.
>>>>>> minorAdminDistrictCapital PointStyle 1.4 Icons that represent the minor capital of a state or province.
>>>>> countryRegionCapital PointStyle crc 1.0 Icons that represent the capital of a country or region.
>>>> majorPopulatedPlace PointStyle 1.4 Icons that represent the size of major populated place.
>>>> minorPopulatedPlace PointStyle 1.4 Icons that represent the size of minor populated place.
>>> roadShield PointStyle rs 1.0 Signs that represent the compact name for a road. (For example: I-5). Use only palette values if you set the ImageFamily property of the settings entry to a value of Palette
>>> roadExit PointStyle re 1.0 Icons that represent exits, typically from a controlled access highway.
>>> transit PointStyle trn 1.0 Icons that represent bus stops, train stops, airports, etc.
>> political BorderedMapElement pl 1.0 Political regions such as countries, regions and states.
>>> adminDistrict BorderedMapElement ad 1.0 Admin1, states, provinces, etc., borders and labels.
>>> countryRegion BorderedMapElement cr 1.0 Country region borders and labels.
>>> district BorderedMapElement ds 1.0 Admin2, counties, etc., borders and labels.
>> structure MapElement str 1.0 Buildings and other building-like structures.
>>> building MapElement bld 1.0 Buildings.
>>>> educationBuilding MapElement eb 1.0 Buildings used for education.
>>>> medicalBuilding MapElement mb 1.0 Buildings used for medical purposes such as hospitals.
>>>> transitBuilding MapElement tb 1.0 Buildings used for transit such as airports.
>>> object MapElement ob 1.4 Object such as a desk or statue.
>>> venueFootprint BorderedMapElement vf 1.4 Encapsulates fundamental structural parts of a venue.
>>>> floor BorderedMapElement fl 1.4 Area of an individual floor in a venue.
>>>> footprint BorderedMapElement ft 1.4 Shadow that all above-ground floors cast on the ground.
>>> wall MapElement wl 1.4 A wall.
>>>> activityWall MapElement awa 1.4 Wall around activity rooms.
>>>> foodWall MapElement fwa 1.4 Wall around food rooms.
>>>> secureWall MapElement swa 1.4 Boundary between secure and regular areas.
>>>> shopWall MapElement shwa 1.4 Wall around shop rooms.
>>>> utilityWall MapElement uwa 1.4 Wall around utility rooms.
>>> zone MapElement zn 1.4 Areas and rooms.
>>>> activityZone MapElement az 1.4 Zone for activities.
>>>>> activityRoom MapElement azr 1.4 Room for activities.
>>>> foodZone MapElement fz 1.4 Zone for food services.
>>>>> foodRoom MapElement fzr 1.4 Room for food services.
>>>>> foodShelves MapElement fzs 1.4 Shelves containing food.
>>>> medicalZone MapElement mz 1.4 Zone for medical purposes.
>>>>> medicalShelves MapElement mzs 1.4 Shelves containing medical items.
>>>> room MapElement r 1.4 Unclassified room.
>>>> secureZone MapElement scz 1.4 Zone reached through a security checkpoint.
>>>>> secureRoom MapElement sczr 1.4 Area reached through a security checkpoint.
>>>> serviceZone MapElement sz 1.4 Zone for providing services.
>>>>> counter MapElement szc 1.4 Counter used for information, checkout, etc.
>>>>> serviceRoom MapElement szr 1.4 Room for providing services.
>>>> shelves MapElement sh 1.4 Unclassified shelves.
>>>> shopZone MapElement shz 1.4 Zone for shopping.
>>>>> shopRoom MapElement shzr 1.4 Room for shopping.
>>>>> shopShelves MapElement shzs 1.4 Shelves for shopping.
>>>> utilityZone MapElement uz 1.4 Zone of utilitarian value.
>>>>> utilityRoom MapElement uzr 1.4 Room of utilitarian value like stair wells and elevators.
>> transportation MapElement trs 1.0 Lines that are part of the transportation network (For example: roads, trains, and ferries).
>>> road MapElement rd 1.0 Lines that represent all roads.
>>>> controlledAccessHighway MapElement cah 1.0 Lines that represent large, controlled access highways.
>>>>> highSpeedRamp MapElement hsrp 1.0 Lines that represent high speed ramps that typically connect to controlled access highways.
>>>> highway MapElement hg 1.0 Lines that represent highways.
>>>> majorRoad MapElement mr 1.0 Lines that represent major roads.
>>>> arterialRoad MapElement ard 1.0 Lines that represent arterial roads.
>>>> street MapElement st 1.0 Lines that represent streets.
>>>>> ramp MapElement rm 1.0 Lines that represent ramps that typically connect to highways.
>>>>> unpavedStreet MapElement us 1.0 Lines that represent unpaved streets.
>>>> tollRoad MapElement tr 1.0 Lines that represent roads that cost money to use.
>>> railway MapElement rl 1.0 Railway lines.
>>> trail MapElement trl 1.0 Walking trails through parks or hiking trails.
>>> walkway MapElement wlk 1.1 Elevated walkway.
>>> waterRoute MapElement wr 1.0 Ferry route lines.
>> water MapElement wt 1.0 Anything that looks like water. This includes oceans and streams.
>>> river MapElement rv 1.0 Rivers, streams, or other water passages. Note that this may be a line or polygon and might connect to non-river water bodies.
> routeMapElement MapElement 1.0 All routing related entries.
>> routeLine MapElement 1.0 Route line related entries.
>>> drivingRoute MapElement 1.0 Lines that represent driving routes.
>>> scenicRoute MapElement 1.1 Lines that represent scenic driving routes.
>>> walkingRoute MapElement 1.0 Lines that represent walking routes.
> userMapElement MapElement 1.0 All user entries.
>> userArea MapElement 1.0 The default styling for user polygons such as MapPolygon instances.
>> userBillboard PointStyle 1.1 The default styling for user billboards such as MapBillboard instances.
>> userLine MapElement 1.0 The default styling for user lines such as MapPolyline instances.
>> userModel3D MapElement3D 1.1 The default styling for user 3D models such as MapModel3D instances (primarily for setting renderAsSurface).
>> userPoint PointStyle 1.0 The default styling for user points such as MapIcon instances.