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Log and table reference for the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications

This article describes the logs and tables available as part of the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications and its data connector.

Some logs, noted in this article, aren't sent to Microsoft Sentinel by default, but you can manually add them as needed. For more information, see Define the SAP logs that are sent to Microsoft Sentinel

Content in this article is intended for your SAP BASIS teams.


Noted features are currently in PREVIEW. The Azure Preview Supplemental Terms include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Use functions in your queries instead of underlying logs or tables

We strongly recommend that you use available functions as the subjects of their analysis whenever possible, instead of the underlying logs or tables.

Functions provided with the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications are intended to serve as the principal user interface to the data. They form the basis for all the built-in analytics rules and workbooks available to you out of the box. Using functions allows for changes to be made to the data infrastructure beneath the functions, without breaking user-created content.

For more information, see Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications - functions reference and Functions in Azure Monitor log queries.

Log coverage

The Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications collects logs from the application, OS, and data layers, providing comprehensive protection for your SAP system:

  • Application layer: Microsoft Sentinel monitors activities within the ABAP layer, which is the primary application layer in SAP systems, responsible for executing business logic and processing transactions. For example, Microsoft Sentinel collects logs that include user actions like sign-ins, password changes, and access to reports or files.

    In addition to security monitoring, logs collected at the application layer can also be used for compliance and auditing purposes.

  • OS layer: Microsoft Sentinel gathers logs from the operating system to provide insights into OS-level activities, such as from the ABAP server and the virtual machines on which the SAP applications are running.

    Use the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications together with security content and data connectors for your other services for comprehensive and central monitoring, correlating information across all your systems and enhancing your overall security posture.

  • Database layer: Ingest database logs into Microsoft Sentinel to monitor database activities, such as database administration activities and changes to table data. The Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications is database-agnostic.

All logs collected by the data connector agent are stored first on the data collector agent machine, at /opt/sapcon/<sid>/log folder in the container instance. The logs are then forwarded to your Log Analytics workspace, where you can view, audit, and query them from Microsoft Sentinel.

Audit logs are collected and ingested every minute, while other logs might be ingested less frequently. Microsoft Sentinel also monitors the data connector agent heartbeat to ensure that logs are being collected and sent to the Log Analytics workspace.

Logs collected by the agentless data connector (Preview)

The following built-in Log Analytics tables are collected by the agentless data connector:

Log reference for the data connector agent

The following sections describe the SAP logs available from the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications data connector, including the table names in Microsoft Sentinel, the log purposes, and detailed log schemas.

Schema field descriptions are based on the field descriptions in the relevant SAP documentation.

ABAP Application log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPAppLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Records the progress of an application execution so that you can reconstruct it later as needed.

    Available by using RFC based on standard SAP table and standard services of XBP interface. This log is generated per client.

    This log is ingested only with the data connector agent.

ABAPAppLog_CL log schema

Field Description
AppLogDateTime Application log date time
CallbackProgram Callback program
CallbackRoutine Callback routine
CallbackType Callback type
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
ContextDDIC Context DDIC structure
ExternalID External log ID
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
InternalMessageSerial Application log message serial
LevelofDetail Level of detail
LogHandle Application log handle
LogNumber Log number
MessageClass Message class
MessageNumber Message number
MessageText Message text
MessageType Message type
Object Application log object
OperationMode Operation mode
ProblemClass Problem class
ProgramName Program name
SortCriterion Sort criterion
StandardText Standard text
SubObject Application log sub object
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TransactionCode Transaction code
User User
UserChange User change

ABAP Change Documents log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPChangeDocsLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Records:

    • SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP log changes to business data objects in change documents.

    • Other entities in the SAP system, such as user data, roles, addresses.

    Available by using RFC based on standard SAP tables. This log is generated per client.

ABAPChangeDocsLog_CL log schema

Field Description
ActualChangeNum Actual change number
ChangedTableKey Changed table key
ChangeNumber Change number
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
CreatedfromPlannedChange Created from planned change, in the following syntax: (‘X’ , ‘ ‘)
CurrencyKeyNew Currency key: new value
CurrencyKeyOld Currency key: old value
FieldName Field name
FlagText Flag text
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
Language Language
ObjectClass Object class, such as BELEG, BPAR, PFCG, IDENTITY
ObjectID Object ID
PlannedChangeNum Planned change number
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TableName Table name
TransactionCode Transaction code
TypeofChange_Header Header type of change, including:
U = Change; I = Insert; E = Delete Single Docu; D = Delete; J = Insert Single Docu
TypeofChange_Item Item type of change, including:
U = Change; I = Insert; E = Delete Single Docu; D = Delete; J = Insert Single Docu
UOMNew Unit of measure: new value
UOMOld Unit of measure: old value
User User
ValueNew Field content: new value
ValueOld Field content: old value
Version Version


  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPCRLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Includes the Change & Transport System (CTS) logs, including the directory objects and customizations where changes were made.

    Available by using RFC based on standard tables and standard SAP services. This log is generated with data across all clients.


In addition to application logging, change documents, and table recording, all changes that you make to your production system using the Change & Transport System are documented in the CTS and TMS logs.

ABAPCRLog_CL log schema

Field Description
Category Category (Workbench, Customizing)
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
Description Description
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
ObjectName Object name
ObjectType Object type
Owner Owner
Request Change request
Status Status
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TableKey Table key
TableName Table name
ViewName View name

ABAP DB table data log (PREVIEW)

To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPTableDataLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Provides logging for those tables that are critical or susceptible to audits.

    Available by using RFC with a custom service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPTableDataLog_CL log schema

Field Description
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
Language Language
LogKey Log key
NewValue Field new value
OldValue Field old value
OperationTypeSQL Operation type, Insert, Update, Delete
Program Program name
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TableField Table field
TableName Table name
TransactionCode Transaction code
UserName User
VersionNumber Version number

ABAP Gateway log (PREVIEW)

To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPOS_GW

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Monitors Gateway activities. Available by the SAP Control web service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPOS_GW_CL log schema

Field Description
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
MessageText Message text
Severity Message severity: Debug, Info, Warning, Error
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number


To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPOS_ICM

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Records inbound and outbound requests and compiles statistics of the HTTP requests.

    Available by the SAP Control web service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPOS_ICM_CL log schema

Field Description
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
MessageText Message text
Severity Message severity, including: Debug, Info, Warning, Error
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number

ABAP Job log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPJobLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Combines all background processing job logs (SM37).

    Available by using RFC based on standard SAP table and standard services of XBP interfaces. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPJobLog_CL log schema

Field Description
ABAPProgram ABAP program
BgdEventParameters Background event parameters
BgdProcessingEvent Background processing event
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
DynproNumber Dynpro number
GUIStatus GUI status
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance (HOST_SYSID_SYSNR), in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
JobClassification Job classification
JobCount Job count
JobGroup Job group
JobName Job name
JobPriority Job priority
MessageClass Message class
MessageNumber Message number
MessageText Message text
MessageType Message type
ReleaseUser Job release user
SchedulingDateTime Scheduling date time
StartDateTime Start date time
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TargetServer Target server
User User
UserReleaseInstance ABAP instance - user release
WorkProcessID Work process ID
WorkProcessNumber Work process Number

ABAP Security Audit log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPAuditLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Records the following data:

    • Security-related changes to the SAP system environment, such as changes to main user records
    • Information that provides a higher level of data, such as successful and unsuccessful sign-in attempts
    • Information that enables the reconstruction of a series of events, such as successful or unsuccessful transaction starts

    Available by using RFC XAL/SAL interfaces. SAL is available starting from version Basis 7.50. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPAuditLog_CL log schema

Field Description
ABAPProgramName Program name, SAL only
AlertSeverity Alert severity
AlertSeverityText Alert severity text, SAL only
AlertValue Alert value
AuditClassID Audit class ID, SAL only
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
Computer User machine, SAL only
Email User email
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
MessageClass Message class
MessageContainerID Message container ID, XAL Only
MessageID Message ID, such as ‘AU1’,’AU2’…
MessageText Message text
MonitoringObjectName MTE Monitor object name, XAL only
MonitorShortName MTE Monitor short name, XAL only
SAPProcessType System Log: SAP process type, SAL only
B* - Background Processing
D* - Dialog Processing
U* - Update Tasks
SAPWPName System Log: Work process number, SAL only
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TerminalIPv6 User machine IP, SAL only
TransactionCode Transaction code, SAL only
User User
Variable1 Message variable 1
Variable2 Message variable 2
Variable3 Message variable 3
Variable4 Message variable 4

ABAP Spool log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPSpoolLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Serves as the main log for SAP printing with the history of spool requests. (SP01).

    Available by using RFC based on standard SAP table. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPSpoolLog_CL log schema

Field Description
ArchiveStatus Archive status
ArchiveType Archive type
ArchivingDevice Archiving device
AutoRereoute Auto reroute
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
CountryKey Country/region key
DeleteSpoolRequestAuto Delete spool request auto
DelFlag Deletion flag
Department Department
DocumentType Document type
ExternalMode External mode
FormatType Format type
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
NumofCopies Number of copies
OutputDevice Output device
PrinterLongName Printer long name
PrintImmediately Print immediately
PrintOSCoverPage Print OSCover page
PrintSAPCoverPage Print SAPCover page
Priority Priority
RecipientofSpoolRequest Recipient of spool request
SpoolErrorStatus Spool error status
SpoolRequestCompleted Spool request completed
SpoolRequestisALogForAnotherRequest Spool request is a log for another request
SpoolRequestName Spool request name
SpoolRequestNumber Spool request number
SpoolRequestSuffix1 Spool request suffix1
SpoolRequestSuffix2 Spool request suffix2
SpoolRequestTitle Spool request title
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TelecommunicationsPartner Telecommunications partner
TelecommunicationsPartnerE Telecommunications partner E
TemSeGeneralcounter Temse counter
TemseNumAddProtectionRule Temse number add protection rule
TemseNumChangeProtectionRule Temse number change protection rule
TemseNumDeleteProtectionRule Temse number delete protection rule
TemSeObjectName Temse object name
TemSeObjectPart TemSe object part
TemseReadProtectionRule Temse read protection rule
User User
ValueAuthCheck Value auth check

APAB Spool Output log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPSpoolOutputLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Serves as the main log for SAP Printing with the history of spool output requests. (SP02).

    Available by using RFC with a custom service based on standard tables. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPSpoolOutputLog_CL log schema

Field Description
AppServer Application server
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
Comment Comment
CopyCount Copy count
CopyCounter Copy counter
Department Department
ErrorSpoolRequestNumber Error request number
FormatType Format type
Host Host
HostName Host name
HostSpoolerID Host spooler ID
Instance ABAP instance
LastPage Last page
NumofCopies Number of copies
OutputDevice Output device
OutputRequestNumber Output request number
OutputRequestStatus Output request status
PhysicalFormatType Physical format type
PrinterLongName Printer long name
PrintRequestSize Print request size
Priority Priority
ReasonforOutputRequest Reason for output request
RecipientofSpoolRequest Recipient of spool request
SpoolNumberofOutputReqProcessed Number of output requests - processed
SpoolNumberofOutputReqWithErrors Number of output requests - with errors
SpoolNumberofOutputReqWithProblems Number of output requests - with problems
SpoolRequestNumber Spool request number
StartPage Start page
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TelecommunicationsPartner Telecommunications partner
TemSeGeneralcounter Temse counter
Title Title
User User

ABAP Syslog

To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPOS_Syslog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Records all SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP NetWeaver AS) ABAP system errors, warnings, user locks because of failed sign-in attempts from known users, and process messages.

    Available by the SAP Control web service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPOS_Syslog_CL log schema

Field Description
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
MessageNumber Message number
MessageText Message text
Severity Message severity, one of the following values: Debug, Info, Warning, Error
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TransacationCode Transaction code
Type SAP process type
User User

ABAP Workflow log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPWorkflowLog

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: The SAP Business Workflow (WebFlow Engine) enables you to define business processes that aren't yet mapped in the SAP system.

    For example, unmapped business processes might be simple release or approval procedures, or more complex business processes such as creating base material and then coordinating the associated departments.

    Available by using RFC based on standard SAP tables. This log is generated per client.

ABAPWorkflowLog_CL log schema

Field Description
ActualAgent Actual agent
Address Address
ApplicationArea Application area
CallbackFunction Callback function
ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT)
CreationDateTime Creation date time
Creator Creator
CreatorAddress Creator address
ErrorType Error type
ExceptionforMethod Exception for method
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance (HOST_SYSID_SYSNR), in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
Language Language
LogCounter Log counter
MessageNumber Message number
MessageType Message type
MethodUser Method user
Priority Priority
SimpleContainer Simple container, packed as a list of key-value entities for the work item
Status Status
SuperWI Super WI
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
TaskID Task ID
TasksClassification Task classifications
TaskText Task text
TopTaskID Top task ID
UserCreated User created
WIText Work item text
WIType Work item type
WorkflowAction Workflow action
WorkItemID Work item ID

ABAP WorkProcess log

To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPOS_WP

  • Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal

  • Log purpose: Combines all work process logs. (default: dev_*).

    Available by the SAP Control web service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

ABAPOS_WP_CL log schema

Field Description
Host Host
Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
MessageText Message text
Severity Message severity: Debug, Info, Warning, Error
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
WPNumber Work process number

HANA DB Audit Trail

Collecting the HANA DB Audit Trail log is an example of how Microsoft Sentinel collects database layer activities. To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must deploy Azure Monitor Agent to gather Syslog data from the machine running HANA DB.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPSyslog

  • Related SAP documentation: General | Audit Trail

  • Log purpose: Records user actions, or attempted actions in the SAP HANA database. For example, enables you to log and monitor read access to sensitive data.

    Available by the Microsoft Sentinel Linux Agent for Syslog. This log is generated with data across all clients.

Syslog log schema

Field Description
Computer Host name
HostIP Host IP
HostName Host name
ProcessID Process ID
ProcessName Process name: HDB*
SeverityLevel Alert
SourceSystem Source system OS, Linux
SyslogMessage Message, an unparsed audit trail message

JAVA files

To have this log sent to Microsoft Sentinel, you must add it manually to the systemconfig.json file. This log isn't supported when using the recommended procedure to install the data connector agent from the portal.

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPJAVAFilesLogs

  • Related SAP documentation: General | Java Security Audit Log

  • Log purpose: Combines all Java files-based logs, including the Security Audit Log, and System (cluster and server process), Performance, and Gateway logs. Also includes Developer Traces and Default Trace logs.

    Available by the SAP Control web service. This log is generated with data across all clients.

JavaFilesLogsCL log schema

Field Description
Application Java application
ClientID Client ID
CSNComponent CSN component, such as BC-XI-IBD
DCComponent DC component, such as
DSRCounter DSR counter
DSRRootContentID DSR context GUID
DSRTransaction DSR transaction GUID
Host Host
Instance Java instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR>
Location Java class
LogName Java logName, such as: Available, defaulttrace, dev*, security, and so on
MessageText Message text
MNo Message number
Pid Process ID
Program Program name
Session Session
Severity Message severity, including: Debug,Info,Warning,Error
Solution Solution
SystemID System ID
SystemNumber System number
ThreadName Thread name
Thrown Exception thrown
TimeZone Timezone
User User

SAP Heartbeat Log

  • Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPConnectorHealth

  • Log purpose: Provides heartbeat and other health information on the connectivity between the agents and the different SAP systems.

    Automatically created for any agents of the Microsoft Sentinel for SAP data connector.

SAP_HeartBeat_CL log schema

Field Description
TimeGenerated Time of log posting event
agent_id_s Agent ID in agent's configuration (automatically generated)
agent_ver_s Agent version
host_s The agent's host name
system_id_s Netweaver ABAP System ID /
Netweaver SAPControl Host (preview) /
Java SAPControl host (preview)
push_timestamp_d Timestamp of the extraction, according to the agent's time zone
agent_timezone_s Agent's time zone

Reference of tables retrieved directly from SAP systems

This section lists the data tables that are retrieved directly from the SAP system and ingested into Microsoft Sentinel exactly as they are.

The data retrieved from these tables provides a clear view of the authorization structure, group membership, and user profiles. It also allows you to track the process of authorization grants and revokes, and identify and govern the risks associated with those processes.

The tables listed below are required to enable functions that identify privileged users, map users to roles, groups, and authorizations.

For best results, refer to these tables using the name in the Microsoft Sentinel function name column in the following table:

Table name Table description Microsoft Sentinel function name
USR01 User master record (runtime data) SAP_USR01
USR02 Sign-in data (kernel-side use) SAP_USR02
UST04 User masters
Maps users to profiles
AGR_USERS Assignment of roles to users SAP_AGR_USERS
AGR_1251 Authorization data for the activity group SAP_AGR_1251
USGRP_USER Assignment of users to user groups SAP_USGRP_USER
USR21 User name / Address key assignment SAP_USR21
ADR6 Email addresses (business address services) SAP_ADR6
USRSTAMP Time stamp for all changes to the user SAP_USRSTAMP
ADCP Person / Address assignment (business address services) SAP_ADCP
USR05 User master parameter ID SAP_USR05
AGR_PROF Profile name for role SAP_AGR_PROF
DEVACCESS Table for development user SAP_DEVACCESS
AGR_AGRS Roles in composite roles SAP_AGR_AGRS
PAHI History of the system, database, and SAP parameters SAP_PAHI

For more information, see: