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Import certificates from Azure Key Vault to Azure Container Apps

You can set up Azure Key Vault to centrally manage your container app's TLS/SSL certificates and handle updates, renewals, and monitoring.


An Azure Key Vault resource is required to store your certificate. See Import a certificate in Azure Key Vault or Configure certificate auto-rotation in Key Vault to create a Key Vault and add a certificate.


While the majority of certificate types are supported, there are a few exceptions to keep in mind.

  • ECDSA p384 and p521 certificates are not supported.
  • Due to how App Services certificates are saved in Key Vault, they cannot be imported using the Azure Portal and require the Azure CLI.

Enable managed identity for Container Apps environment

Azure Container Apps uses an environment level managed identity to access your Key Vault and import your certificate. To enable system-assigned managed identity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Azure portal and find your Azure Container Apps environment where you want to import a certificate.

  2. From Settings, select Identity.

  3. On the System assigned tab, find the Status switch and select On.

  4. Select Save, and when the Enable system assigned managed identity window appears, select Yes.

  5. Under the Permissions label, select Azure role assignments to open the role assignments window.

  6. Select Add role assignment and enter the following values:

    Property Value
    Scope Select Key Vault.
    Subscription Select your Azure subscription.
    Resource Select your vault.
    Role Select Key Vault Secrets User.
  7. Select Save.

For more detail on RBAC vs. legacy access policies, see Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) vs. access policies.

Import certificate from Key Vault

  1. Open the Azure portal and go to your Azure Container Apps environment.

  2. From Settings, select Certificates.

  3. Select the Bring your own certificates (.pfx) tab.

  4. Select Add certificate.

  5. In the Add certificate panel, in Source, select Import from Key Vault.

  6. Select Select key vault certificate and select the following values:

    Property Value
    Subscription Select your Azure subscription.
    Key vault Select your vault.
    Certificate Select your certificate.


    If you see an error, "The operation "List" is not enabled in this key vault's access policy.", you need to configure an access policy in your Key Vault to allow your user account to list certificates. For more information, see Assign a Key Vault access policy.

  7. Select Select.

  8. In the Add certificate panel, in Managed identity, select System assigned. If you're using a user-assigned managed identity, select your user-assigned managed identity.

  9. Select Add.


If you receive an error message, verify that the managed identity is assigned the Key Vault Secrets User role on the Key Vault.

Configure a custom domain

After configuring your certificate, you can use it to secure your custom domain. Follow the steps in Add a custom domain and select the certificate you imported from Key Vault.

Rotate certificates

When you rotate your certificate in Key Vault, Azure Container Apps automatically updates the certificate in your environment. It takes up to 12 hours for the new certificate to be applied.