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Bicep CLI commands

This article describes the commands you can use in the Bicep CLI. You can execute these commands by using the Azure CLI or by directly invoking Bicep CLI commands. Each method requires a distinct installation process. For more information about installations, see Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell.

This guidance shows how to run the commands in the Azure CLI. When running commands in the Azure CLI, start them with az. If you're not using the Azure CLI, run the commands without az at the start of each. For example, az bicep build becomes bicep build, and az bicep version becomes bicep --version.


The build command converts a Bicep file to a JSON Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). Typically, you don't need to run this command because it runs automatically when you deploy a Bicep file. Run it manually when you want to see the JSON ARM template that's created from your Bicep file.

Using any of following Bicep features automatically enables language version 2.0 code generation:

The following example converts a Bicep file named main.bicep to an ARM template named main.json. The new file is created in the same directory as the Bicep file:

az bicep build --file main.bicep

The next example saves main.json to a different directory:

az bicep build --file main.bicep --outdir c:\jsontemplates

The next example specifies the name and location of the file to be created:

az bicep build --file main.bicep --outfile c:\jsontemplates\azuredeploy.json

To print the file to stdout, use:

az bicep build --file main.bicep --stdout

If your Bicep file includes a module that references an external registry, the build command automatically calls restore. The restore command gets the file from the registry and stores it in the local cache.


The restore command doesn't refresh the cache. For more information, see restore.

To not call restore automatically, use the --no-restore switch:

az bicep build --no-restore <bicep-file>

The build process with the --no-restore switch fails if one of the external modules isn't already cached:

The module with reference "" hasn't been restored.

When you get this error, either run the build command without the --no-restore switch, or run bicep restore first.

To use the --no-restore switch, you must have Bicep CLI version 0.4.X or later.


The build-params command builds a .bicepparam file into a JSON parameters file:

az bicep build-params --file params.bicepparam

This command converts a params.bicepparam parameters file into a params.json JSON parameters file.


The decompile command converts a JSON ARM template to a Bicep file:

az bicep decompile --file main.json

This command creates a file named main.bicep in the same directory as main.json. If main.bicep exists in the same directory, use the --force switch to overwrite the existing Bicep file.

For more information about using this command, see Decompile JSON ARM template to Bicep.


The decompile-params command decompiles a JSON parameters file to a .bicepparam parameters file.

az bicep decompile-params --file azuredeploy.parameters.json --bicep-file ./dir/main.bicep

This command decompiles an azuredeploy.parameters.json parameters file into an azuredeploy.parameters.bicepparam file. --bicep-file specifies the path to the Bicep file (relative to the .bicepparam file) that's referenced in the using declaration.


The format command formats a Bicep file. It has the same function as the SHIFT+ALT+F shortcut in Visual Studio Code.

az bicep format --file main.bicep


The generate-params command builds a parameters file from the given Bicep file, updates if there's an existing parameters file.

az bicep generate-params --file main.bicep --output-format bicepparam --include-params all

This command creates a Bicep parameters file named main.bicepparam. The parameters file contains all parameters in the Bicep file, whether configured with default values or not.

az bicep generate-params --file main.bicep --outfile main.parameters.json

This command creates a parameters file named main.parameters.json. The parameters file only contains the parameters without default values configured in the Bicep file.


The install command adds the Bicep CLI to your local environment, and it's only available through the Azure CLI. For more information, see Install Bicep tools.

To install the latest version, use:

az bicep install

To install a specific version:

az bicep install --version v0.3.255


The jsonrpc command enables running the Bicep CLI with a JSON-RPC interface, allowing for programmatic interaction with structured output and avoiding cold-start delays when compiling multiple files. This setup also supports building libraries to interact with Bicep files programmatically in non-.NET languages.

The wire format for sending and receiving input/output is header-delimited, using the following structure, where \r and \n represent carriage return and line feed characters:

Content-Length: <length>\r\n\r\n<message>\r\n\r\n
  • <length> is the length of the <message> string, including the trailing \r\n\r\n.
  • <message> is the raw JSON message.

For example:

Content-Length: 72\r\n\r\n{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "bicep/version", "params": {}}\r\n\r\n

The following message shows an example for Bicep version.

  • The input:

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 0,
      "method": "bicep/version",
      "params": {}
  • The output:

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 0,
      "result": {
        "version": "0.24.211"

For the available methods & request/response bodies, see ICliJsonRpcProtocol.cs. For an example establishing a JSONRPC connection and interacting with Bicep files programmatically using Node, see jsonrpc.test.ts.

Usage for named pipe

Use the following syntax to connect to an existing named pipe as a JSONRPC client:

bicep jsonrpc --pipe <named_pipe>`

<named_pipe> is an existing named pipe to connect the JSONRPC client to.

To connect to a named pipe on OSX/Linux :

bicep jsonrpc --pipe /tmp/bicep-81375a8084b474fa2eaedda1702a7aa40e2eaa24b3.sock

To connect to a named pipe on Windows :

bicep jsonrpc --pipe \\.\pipe\\bicep-81375a8084b474fa2eaedda1702a7aa40e2eaa24b3.sock`

For more examples, see C# and node.js.

Usage for TCP socket

Use the following syntax to connect to an existing TCP socket as a JSONRPC client:

bicep jsonrpc --socket <tcp_socket>

<tcp_socket> is the socket number to which the JSONRPC client connects.

To connect to a TCP socket:

bicep jsonrpc --socket 12345

Usage for stdin and stdout

Use the following syntax and stdin and stdout for messages to run the JSONRPC interface:

bicep jsonrpc --stdio


The lint command returns the errors and linter rule violations of a Bicep file.

az bicep lint --file main.bicep

If your Bicep file includes a module that references an external registry, the lint command automatically calls restore. The restore command gets the file from the registry and stores it in the local cache.


The restore command doesn't refresh the cache. For more information, see restore.

To not call restore automatically, use the --no-restore switch:

az bicep lint --no-restore <bicep-file>

The lint process with the --no-restore switch fails if one of the external modules isn't already cached:

The module with reference "" has not been restored.

When you get this error, either run the lint command without the --no-restore switch or run bicep restore first.


The list-versions command returns all available versions of the Bicep CLI. Use this command to see if you want to upgrade or install a new version. This command is only available through the Azure CLI.

az bicep list-versions

The command returns an array of available versions:



The publish command adds a module to a registry. The Azure container registry must exist and the account publishing to the registry must have the correct permissions. For more information about setting up a module registry, see Use private registry for Bicep modules. To publish a module, the account must have the correct profile and permissions to access the registry. You can configure the profile and credential precedence for authenticating to the registry in the Bicep config file.

After publishing the file to the registry, you can reference it in a module.

You must have Bicep CLI version 0.14.X or later to use the publish command and the --documentationUri/-d parameter.

To publish a module to a registry, use:

az bicep publish --file <bicep-file> --target br:<registry-name><module-path>:<tag> --documentationUri <documentation-uri>

For example:

az bicep publish --file storage.bicep --target --documentationUri

The publish command doesn't recognize aliases specified in a bicepconfig.json file. Provide the full module path.


Publishing to the same target overwrites the old module. We recommend that you increment the version when updating.


When your Bicep file uses modules that are published to a registry, the restore command gets copies of all the required modules from the registry. It stores those copies in a local cache. A Bicep file can only be built when the external files are available in the local cache. Normally, running restore isn't necessary as it's automatically triggered by the build process.

To restore external modules to the local cache, the account must have the correct profile and permissions to access the registry. You can configure the profile and credential precedence for authenticating to the registry in the Bicep config file.

To use the restore command, you must have Bicep CLI version 0.14.X or later. At this time, this command is only available when calling the Bicep CLI directly. It isn't currently available through the Azure CLI.

To manually restore the external modules for a file, use:

az bicep restore --file <bicep-file> [--force]

The Bicep file you provide is the file you wish to deploy. It must contain a module that links to a registry. For example, you can restore the following file:

module stgModule '' = {
  name: 'storageDeploy'
  params: {
    storagePrefix: 'examplestg1'

The local cache is found in:

  • On Windows

  • On Linux

  • On Mac


The restore command doesn't refresh the cache if a module is already cached. To refresh the cache, you can either delete the module path from the cache or use the --force switch with the restore command.


The upgrade command updates your installed version with the latest version. This command is only available through the Azure CLI.

az bicep upgrade


The version command returns your installed version:

az bicep version

The command shows the version number:

Bicep CLI version 0.22.6 (d62b94db31)

To call this command directly through the Bicep CLI, use:

bicep --version

If the Bicep CLI hasn't been installed, you'll see an error message stating that the Bicep CLI wasn't found.

Next steps

To learn more about deploying a Bicep file, see: