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Cara Membuat Bilah Alat

Untuk membuat toolbar, gunakan fungsiCreateWindowEx, menentukan kelas jendela TOOLBARCLASSNAME. Bilah alat yang dihasilkan awalnya tidak berisi tombol. Tambahkan tombol ke toolbar dengan menggunakan pesan TB_ADDBUTTONS atau TB_INSERTBUTTON. Anda harus mengirim pesan TB_AUTOSIZE setelah semua item dan string dimasukkan ke dalam kontrol, untuk menyebabkan bilah alat menghitung ulang ukurannya berdasarkan isinya.

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  • C/C++
  • Pemrograman Antarmuka Pengguna Windows


Membuat Bilah Alat

Contoh kode berikut membuat toolbar yang diperlihatkan dalam ilustrasi, menggunakan ikon sistem standar. Tombol Simpan awalnya dinonaktifkan.

cuplikan layar memperlihatkan kotak dialog dengan tiga item toolbar disusun secara horizontal, yang masing-masing memiliki ikon dan label teks


HWND CreateSimpleToolbar(HWND hWndParent)
    // Declare and initialize local constants.
    const int ImageListID    = 0;
    const int numButtons     = 3;
    const int bitmapSize     = 16;
    const DWORD buttonStyles = BTNS_AUTOSIZE;

    // Create the toolbar.
    HWND hWndToolbar = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, 
                                      WS_CHILD | TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                                      hWndParent, NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
    if (hWndToolbar == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // Create the image list.
    g_hImageList = ImageList_Create(bitmapSize, bitmapSize,   // Dimensions of individual bitmaps.
                                    ILC_COLOR16 | ILC_MASK,   // Ensures transparent background.
                                    numButtons, 0);

    // Set the image list.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_SETIMAGELIST, 

    // Load the button images.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_LOADIMAGES, 

    // Initialize button info.
    // IDM_NEW, IDM_OPEN, and IDM_SAVE are application-defined command constants.
    TBBUTTON tbButtons[numButtons] = 
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILENEW,  ImageListID), IDM_NEW,  TBSTATE_ENABLED, buttonStyles, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)L"New" },
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILEOPEN, ImageListID), IDM_OPEN, TBSTATE_ENABLED, buttonStyles, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)L"Open"},
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILESAVE, ImageListID), IDM_SAVE, 0,               buttonStyles, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)L"Save"}

    // Add buttons.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM)sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0);
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_ADDBUTTONS,       (WPARAM)numButtons,       (LPARAM)&tbButtons);

    // Resize the toolbar, and then show it.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0); 
    ShowWindow(hWndToolbar,  TRUE);
    return hWndToolbar;

Contoh berikut membuat toolbar yang sama dengan cara yang sama, tetapi dalam hal ini, string dibaca dari sumber daya.


HWND CreateToolbarFromResource(HWND hWndParent)
    // Declare and initialize local constants.
    const int ImageListID    = 0;
    const int numButtons     = 3;
    const int bitmapSize     = 16;
    const DWORD buttonStyles = BTNS_AUTOSIZE;

    // Create the toolbar.
    HWND hWndToolbar = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, 
                                      WS_CHILD | TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                      hWndParent, NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
    if (hWndToolbar == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // Create the image list.
    g_hImageList = ImageList_Create(bitmapSize, bitmapSize, // Dimensions of individual bitmaps.
                                    ILC_COLOR16 | ILC_MASK, // Ensures transparent background.
                                    numButtons, 0);

    // Set the image list.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_SETIMAGELIST, 

    // Load the button images.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_LOADIMAGES, 

    // Load the text from a resource.
    // In the string table, the text for all buttons is a single entry that 
    // appears as "~New~Open~Save~~". The separator character is arbitrary, 
    // but it must appear as the first character of the string. The message 
    // returns the index of the first item, and the items are numbered 
    // consecutively.
    int iNew = SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_ADDSTRING, 
                           (WPARAM)g_hInst, (LPARAM)IDS_NEW); 
    // Initialize button info.
    // IDM_NEW, IDM_OPEN, and IDM_SAVE are application-defined command constants.
    TBBUTTON tbButtons[numButtons] = 
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILENEW,  ImageListID), IDM_NEW,  TBSTATE_ENABLED, buttonStyles, {0}, 0, iNew },
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILEOPEN, ImageListID), IDM_OPEN, TBSTATE_ENABLED, buttonStyles, {0}, 0, iNew + 1},
        { MAKELONG(STD_FILESAVE, ImageListID), IDM_SAVE, 0,               buttonStyles, {0}, 0, iNew + 2}

    // Add buttons.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM)sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0);
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_ADDBUTTONS,       (WPARAM)numButtons,       (LPARAM)&tbButtons);

    // Resize the toolbar, and then show it.
    SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0); 
    ShowWindow(hWndToolbar,  TRUE);
    return hWndToolbar;

Menggunakan Kontrol Bilah Alat

demo kontrol umum Windows (CppWindowsCommonControls)